My Infinite Wings

Chapter 224

I smiled meaningfully and said, "But tomorrow is a day off, will you come with me?"

The girl's pretty face suddenly became fiery - well, it was already very red because of the heat: "Ah... um!"

She quietly agreed.

"And don't tire yourself out, I'll feel bad."

Fushun Tomoyo's hair, I said softly.

"Well...then, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

With her long hair fluttering, the girl turned sassily and ran away.

Calling this avatar can be liberated... However, I can't find a chance to merge with me around Yujining or Kotomi - well, I haven't seen Mei Sae for some days, so I will follow the induction of the Demon God's contract. Find her!

I didn't find Misae, but I found the starfish who happily ran over.

Well, let's play with her for a while. If you want to find Misae, you can go to the dormitory at night - after all, if you really go to school with her, there will inevitably be strange rumors that affect her! ————The dividing line of Shi Ni———— During the process of accompanying You Ji Ning, her group of "little brothers" appeared. Although they were very unhappy with me, they saw that the girl was full of happiness. And the happy smile that comes from the heart, they can only "give it up with hatred"... Of course, it is inevitable to cast a vicious look at me from time to time and put down words such as "If you dare to make You Ji Ning cry, you will regret being born in this world. "Severe words like that—well, the barking of the losers at all doesn't count.

As for me who is with the girls of Kotomi...

First of all, Yang Ping succeeded in approaching him as he wished - of course, whether this idiot can "finally win" is still unknown...

Secondly, I'm about to be ripped into several pieces - the girl's shopping energy is already very strong, not to mention that there are five in front of me...then they drag me here for a while, and drag me to the other side. there.

Well...for the sake of Crystal Palace, I put up with it.

Well, I have paid attention to letting Hu Meng use illusion to cover me - otherwise, it would be a hassle to be seen by so-called "acquaintances" and how I would appear in different places and be so close to the five women.

When everyone finally thought of taking a break, the school celebration was almost over.

Licking ice cream, we strolled into the sunset.

"Nah Jin-"

Apricot's voice came from my heart, "Tomorrow, it's the day off after the school celebration, can you date me? It's just... a date for the two of us."

Very calm tone, and her face did not turn to me, still joking with Huang Quan.

Dating Xing ah... well, I've already played all kinds of tricks (except SM, I'm not good at this) but I haven't dated her alone, and when I think about it, I think it's a bit too much.

"Okay - I'm so sorry, I obviously like you so much, but I forgot such an important thing."

"Well... Then, see you at the station at ten tomorrow morning."

It seems that there will be another long-distance clone-because Tomoyo is coming to my house...————The dividing line of time and space————Monday, May 12.


Naturally, I arrived a while early - making the woman wait for a non-gentleman.

Xing appeared, carrying a large bag in his hand.

huh? Isn't this set of red shirt and black dress "Tohsaka Rin style" that she only wears when everyone in AS goes to meet Tomoya and Nagisa together?

But...such apricots are very charming!

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

The girl put her left hand on her waist and dangled her right hand in front of me.

"Ah... no, um, you're so pretty, Apricot."

She smiled smugly: "Huh? Um... huh, of course!"

"So, where do you want to go?"

"You asked me to choose - oh, the school is decided!"

ha? You are not Qin Mei...

The school at this time can be described as silent, as if yesterday's excitement was just a dream.

Xing and I walked into it holding hands.

"follow me."

The girl suddenly pulled me without looking back, but did not go to the teaching building or the old school building.

This direction is... uh, sports warehouse?

Well, although I also like "revisiting old dreams" - but why is she doing this?

In front of the warehouse, I smirked and said, "The door is locked—by the way, don't you want to..."

"Long-winded - is it hard to open a lock with your magic?"

Hey, legal professions don't know how to unlock locks. Can't I use the "brute force cracking method" like the protagonist of an online game novel that has been serialized for more than five years?

But well...

"There's really no way - the shadow clone, open the door, and then guard the door. If someone approaches, you will warn me."

With a soft "huh" sound, the "Shadow Clone of the Demon King" stood up from the shadow under my feet, and jumped Apricot down...

"Damn it-"

The girl jumped up behind me, and grabbed the hem of my clothes tightly with both hands.

"It's magic—"

I reluctantly explained, "It's a part of my shadow that materialized with magic power."

"Ah... oh."

Apricot embarrassedly returned to my side, curiously watching how the shadow clone unlocked.

I saw the shadow clone "shadowing" a finger into the keyhole and groping.

After two seconds - "click!"

The lock was opened, and we entered the warehouse smoothly.

The shadow clone abides by my instructions, closes the door and padlocks, and lurks in the shadows by the warehouse, monitoring everything around.

"Hey...I want to change clothes."