My Infinite Wings

Chapter 227

"Um, Shogo, come inside me!"


Nulu Nulu…

"Uh uh uh..."


"Does it hurt? Tomoyo..."

"No problem...don't worry about my business."


"Actually... I've been looking forward to it, looking forward to being your woman."


creak creak...

hum hum...

"The inside of Tomoyo is very comfortable and it's tight and slippery - ah, this, is this... the devil's gravity?" - the pure dividing line - the sad hug, which will not be repeated here because of my intervention .

The chilling summer night will not reappear in this world because of my arrival.

The youth flying in the morning light is the silhouette of the lost years.

The dream of galloping in the morning glow is the vision of illusory years.

The turbulent evening, engrave sweet memories.

The trembling night turns into eternal happiness.

Nosad, it's alsoevenamorewonderfullife.--There is a saying: dance three thousand happy silks, and you will never experience the troubles of another life.

Heaven and earth are forever dependent on each other, and the seas and rocks are rotten and inseparable. ——The dividing line of time——“Tomyoro Tomoyo——you have such a strong suction inside you, if I hadn’t possessed the magic power, I would definitely be unable to bear it…”

"Zhang Wu will feel comfortable inside me and not very happy - when I come out, I am outside when I come out..."

"That's not perfect!"

"How come you can't go out in there... uh uh-"

Guangyu appears, I accept it!

I said affectionately: "My Tomoyo... Now, I can tell you something."

I picked what I could say, and said nothing of what I couldn't say.

Make persistent efforts and the sun will never set!

Ha, a dazzlingly beautiful carcass, with a milky white suspicious fluid oozing from the messy, mournful red petals—what an inspiring and graceful picture!

As night fell, the girl who had “went” to count how many times she had “went out” lay on her side as if in prostration and hugged me: “That’s it, so as long as you don’t have the will, even if you go out every time… You're going to be pregnant!"

"That's it—well, you're tired too, take a good rest..."

I caressed her long hair and jade back, and said warmly.

Feeling weak and weak all over, especially from the waist down, Tomoyo frowned slightly: "Speaking of which, I actually worked for a whole day! It's a miracle that I didn't get spoiled by you! And I'm not even hungry at all. It's all yours in my stomach ( Silencer) fluid…”

"It takes half a day to correct a little mistake, because there are only 12 hours!"---this is the dividing line---Note 1: After watching the "Cang X Battle Flag" of a certain Aojiao 6, I only knew that this happened. —Ah, it’s so pure nya!

Note 2: Saying that the Japanese "one library" and "one plus five" are really ingenious. This is something that is rarely expressed in Chinese - obviously the original meaning should be "departure" or "go away"...

Chapter 123 Troubleshooting

In order to eat up the reminder ticket - well, try your best... the first update. ——This is the dividing line——I combed Tomoyo's hair: "Hey, how are you happy today?"

"Well, I'm very happy - oh my waist is sore..."

The girl tried to get up, but immediately fell back on the bed, "Strange, why is my 'power' useless this time?"

Because "there is a difference between inside and outside" - not to mention my "eternal force" is the best among thousands of "H force"!

"Who told you to keep twisting your waist afterwards..."

I smiled and smoothed the hair between her forehead: "Now, rest well."

Tomoyo hesitated: "But if you don't go back, your family will be worried."

I thought about it: "Just make a call and go back, and I'll ask Isayama to explain it for me—that way it doesn't matter if you're 'living in a female classmate's house'."

"Hey? Is it alright? To be honest, I don't know Isayama very well... eh? So, is she back?"

Having said this, the girl suddenly became anxious: "Ah-no, you won't let her hear it, right?"

I recalled - in fact, due to the relationship between the Demon God's contract, the contracted person was close to me, and I would naturally sense it, but if I deliberately concealed my breath, the contracted person would not be able to sense me.

"Hmm... I seem to hear the door open up ahead - but you were screaming at the time, so I didn't hear it."

I answer so.

Tomoyo ORZ: "…"

"Don't worry, I opened the soundproof barrier."

I smiled.

However, this low-level magic is useless to "masters" such as Huang Quan and Hu Meng...

So she calmed down and asked me to go to Isayama for help on the phone, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep safely.

"Um, you are really cruel-"

Leaning against the wall, Huang Quan grinned evilly and passed on his thoughts, "Actually, once she is demonized by you, her physical strength should recover quickly... How come she is still lying down and unable to move?"

I smiled casually: "Well, it varies from person to person... But she "sucked" a lot, and she was as good as you at the beginning - ah, love and hate are both great powers!"

"...don't mention that, okay-"

Huang Quan's smile dimmed for a moment, and then he put his hands on my shoulders gently, and a smooth thigh was rubbing against my lower body: "And then my dear was sucked? So? How much? Are you still able to shoot?"

"Wait, wait a minute, call her first..."

"Hold me over meow!"