My Infinite Wings

Chapter 280

The girl blinked: "Ah...Aren't you surprised—about my sudden appearance?"

I stared at her with affectionate eyes: "Empty can girl, I probably still know..."

The time has come to show off your skills, and you must strike with all your might to knock them down quickly!

The eyes should be tender and affectionate - it made her heart smash!

The hands on the girl's waist must run the power of eternity but cannot touch it - making her think that if I touch it lightly, her whole body will heat up, and she will ask "Do I have feelings for him?"

Such a thought!

The tone should be friendly and vaguely reflect the good feelings at the first meeting - she is arrogant, not naturally dumb, and she still has the ability to judge the beginning of love! ---This is the dividing line---PS: Damn virus! The icons are all "invisible"! I don't want to format the hard drive! Hate-

Chapter 166 Melon & El

Under my perfect performance, the girl's pure heart was instantly captured by me, her eyes were slightly blurred and she smiled: "That's great, you seem to be a good host!"

"You won't be disappointed—"

I responded with a smile, "Speaking of which you don't have a name yet?"

"Ah, yes, the name of the empty can is up to the master."

"Then call me Melon!"

I did not hesitate to plagiarize the "creative" of the original "because you are an empty can of cantaloupe soda!"

By the way, melon should actually mean "melon, cantaloupe"... Forget it, if she wasn't called Melon, I wouldn't feel comfortable!

"Melon...? Thanks."

The girl's face turned slightly red and she smiled shyly.

When the time is right, the fascination aura is activated!

"Hey Melon—"

I adjusted my speech rate to temptation mode, my hands tapped at a force of one newton per square centimeter, and slid down the downhill arc wrapped by the girl's skirt at a speed of one millimeter per second, "As far as I know, you guys Empty can girls should be regularly replenished with the same type of drinks, right?"

"Ah... um, yes—"

Melon's delicate body twisted slightly uncomfortably, "Hey, strange, your body is so hot?"

"There's no need for refills any time soon-"

My smile was as pure as moonlight, and calmly brought the girl's body closer to me, "Hey, let's get to know each other better!"

"Um... eh?"

Seriously, I think no matter which girl with empty can, the initial favorability of the owner is definitely more than 70 (out of 100) - otherwise, Miss Mixed Juice Future (Note 1) will not be obsessed with chasing the lucky (? cat) , If the male protagonist of the original novel didn't play **** hugs and acted like a hungry ghost, then Shuangsu Shuangfei would be a piece of cake!

Gossip stopped, but said - wow ha ha ha ha! Compared with black tea, what kind of wonderful experience will it be to infuse a cloudy liquid into a soda?

Evil things are so exciting!

Melon's chest is not that big compared to the "mountain gods" in "Wagtail", but it is actually a standard "slightly more than can be grasped with one hand" - well, more importantly, as I thought: her body is really There is a faint scent of cantaloupe everywhere! ——The dividing line of the dialogue——“Ah, if the master is gold, this should be ok, but I always feel like…”

"I will cherish you, Melon, with me, I will never let you be lonely again..."

"Uh uh uh..."

"Uh, how did you take off this dress? Well, do you untie the bow at the back first..."

"Ah... Master, Kim, don't stare at me like that!"

"So that the master will love you Melon!"

"Huh? But, in this place?"

"Come lean against the wall and lift your legs up..."

"Huh? Ahhh..."

"Oh, the juice that comes out of Melon's is also cantaloupe!"…

"Well, there is a very hot liquid in my body! Nope, I can't have other liquids in my body - ah? It's so comfortable? What exactly is this feeling..."——The general dividing line—— Of course, my dark essence doesn't conflict with the principle of "empty cans must contain the same drink" - because if you think about it, it's not a "drink" at all. Seriously speaking, it should be just an energy.

In short, the effect of magic is as follows...

1. It is no longer necessary to refill the cantaloupe soda regularly, and it can be changed to the top or bottom - of course, the latter can also be used, just enter my (silencer) liquid.

2. The intimacy breaks through the critical point and becomes as obedient as El in the original book - Well Aojiao is like this, once she is completely conquered from the inside out, she will obey her words.

3. The strength is increased, but not much. It seems that the empty tank girl is a type with a low force value in many animes. Forget it, I didn’t have much hope, and I won’t rely on them to fight in the future. Anyway, I came to "Empty Can Girl" mainly to taste the taste of "juice type (silencer) liquid", hehe...

Since the good Melon wasn't suitable for my next move, I left her in the hotel - of course, I used mind manipulation, so it was free.

Melon is done - next target: Al!

The study meeting of the Tentenji family, come quickly!

There is only one high school near here, and when I fell under the eyes of a wizard, I was able to follow Naanya, so I found out where he lived.

In the same way, wait for the opportunity. When she bought the aluminum sports drink can and held it in her hand, I stepped forward from the shadow of the roadside, grabbed the drink can, and ran away.

"Hey... ah?"

Naran, who was naturally dumb, was full of question marks in his head, not sure why.

Hershey Don't I'll be open for a drink!

Sports drink pulsing?

"Puff puff..."

Refreshing taste, sweet kiss.

El is a tall, slender, 1.7 meter tall girl with poor **** (visually Acup), with clear dark-grey-blue eyes and silver-grey-blue short ear-length hair—but a long, braided, unkempt hair hangs down behind her. buttocks.

"You...are you my master?"

The heroic girl knelt down on one knee and looked up at me innocently.

The same line, I replied with the same answer, and looked at her with "integrity" eyes.

Speaking of Al's outfit - it's really sexy: the tank top is very short, the skirt is low in the waist, and the over-the-knee boots to the skirt are absolutely amazing...

Hum hum hum, this empty can girl has only two words for the master's orders - obedience, so she is much easier to push than Melon, I can even save sweet words...