My Infinite Wings

Chapter 3

5 The demon contract is not affected by the law of crossing.

6. You can carry the covenant who signed the contract with the devil to travel together. The person you carry cannot use the reincarnation to come, and the part whose combat power exceeds the second strongest individual of the plane will be automatically sealed.

7 The incomprehensible abilities of the natives of this plane are automatically sealed.

8 Reincarnation can restore or even surpass the original strength through cultivation and other means, without restrictions.

9 It is not possible to repeatedly travel through planes of the same name and different types, that is, you cannot pass through animation and comics.

10 Possession substitution is invalid for script-type plane male protagonists.

11 Equipment has no restriction on strength increase.

12 When you leave the crossing plane, you can choose to pass the time naturally or pause, waiting for the next crossing, that is, you cannot choose a time point when you return to this plane next time.

Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds

Chapter 001 Preparation & Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds

"Master, your current strength is too weak. You should at least practice to the extent that you can use the 'Devil God Contract' to cross the great cause-unless you plan to take the pure love route, it doesn't matter much."

The ball of light spit... spit?

I'm embarrassed: "You...are actually self-aware?"

"Nonsense, otherwise how can I find a new owner by myself?"

The light ball's voice was no longer flat, and he floated and said: "I thought you should have found out when you heard the 'friendship reminder', so dull!"

"You're not an arrogant and beautiful girl, please don't have a poisonous tongue attribute!"

I rolled my eyes: "Speaking of which, the way of pure love is also done occasionally—it seems to be the so-called 'in order to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools', I really should practice, at least take that ten thousand It takes only one part of the source power to digest and learn the infinite benefits of the 'Demon Contract'... Uh, but, Asmodeus's curse..."

"It doesn't matter, I will first move to the gap in time and space. First, I can avoid all kinds of troubles. Second, since it is a 'gap', there will be no 'everyday' troubles!"

The ball of light talked eloquently.

"Okay, let's do it then!"

Speaking, I suddenly thought of a key question: "Hey, I said, why did you choose me as your master?" "To be honest, I don't know - maybe this is fate!" "I'm used to vomiting and vomiting. now..."

Helpless, I gave up this question.

The painful and boring cultivation process will not be repeated here, and I believe that everyone will not be too interested in this.

In short, I finally built the first pair of black wings, and learned practical skills such as storage space, demon contract, and illusion. Heinous function (let's call it that) - it has a collection of countless artifacts and magic tools (when I happily picked up a sword, I immediately became dizzy and fainted due to lack of strength), a collection of cheat books and many rare Weird or uninteresting clutter…

By the way, after being tempered by the dark origin, I am now reborn, and my appearance and body are all closer to Lucifer - 18 meters tall, with a bunch of black hair, a flash of silver in the purple eyes, and a handsome face with evil spirits. With a charming smile, dressed in a Western samurai suit and boots with a black bottom and a gold edge, it can be said that he is extremely handsome, enough to fascinate thousands of ignorant girls.

"Okay! I have mastered a good amount of power, let's go!"

I said with great pride: "Xiaoguang (the name I gave to the ball of light) set off for "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's" - the difficulty factor should not be high!"

"The name 'Xiaoguang' is actually given to the consciousness of the "Dark Bible"... Master, are you NC..."

Xiaoguang thought about it.

"Because you don't think it's like a dog's name when you're called Xiao Hei?"

I was very straightforward: "As for Xiao An, I also hope to capture the "Golden Darkness" in "ToLove", so naturally I can't call you Xiao An!"


Xiaoguang swayed in midair and shouted loudly, "Master, this name is really too EG, how about changing it to Dak? Xiunaida?"

"No, that's one of my idols when I first got involved in YY novels - just accept your fate, Xiaoguang, stop talking nonsense, and go to "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's"!"

I was extremely excited: "Just to verify my assumption and practice the power control situation!"

"Wait a minute, there's something important,"

Xiaoguang said righteously, "Please keep the original 'real name' as a human being forever, and give yourself a 'magic name' as the 'real name'."

"That's it, anyway, when I was delusional, I had a lot of names..."

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Okay, then my demonic name is 'Rattonbosch Ziegler King Yotner'!"

"Ah, at this point, I suddenly remembered a very important question—"

I looked ugly, "I can't speak Japanese!"

"This is not a problem. The automatic language translation system is a must for transmigrators. There is absolutely no obstacle to communication. Don't worry!"

"Well, that's fine, let's continue."

"Master, the coordinates are established, please choose the method of descent."

"Coming directly!"

I'm very proud - hum, I spent a lot of energy and magic to make a lot of bug-like DIY cards - of course, not too much to be "seal" by the law of crossing.

"Please choose the arrival time."

"The normalized Qiu is just an ordinary girl, it doesn't make any sense at all, I still like Qiu in the witch state! So, let's pick a scene in which 16 Nights Qiu has already appeared, but I haven't met Fudo Yuxing yet, and I'm alone. !"

"...requests - I'll try my best..."

Xiaoguang shone with dazzling brilliance, expanding from the sphere to form a splendid door of light, "The plane channel is open, please enter."

"By the way, how do I get back?"

I suddenly remembered this crucial question.

"Have you finally remembered to ask, Master?" Xiaoguang smiled, "Because I myself bear the curse of Asmodeus, the way to return to this space-time crack is—after 'in-depth communication' with the aborigines Just call me—by the way, I am directly attached to your soul, Master."

"OK, Let's go!"

So, I walked in the door with my head held high in high spirits. ——The dividing line of the scene transition——The light dissipated, and what appeared in front of my eyes was——“Boom-”

In the scene of flying sand and stone, people staggered. 100 meters away, the famous Black Rose Dragon screamed in the sky, and the next slender figure with dark red hair (the characteristic hairstyle is indescribable) stood awe-inspiringly pretty—it was the scene of the 16th Night of the Autumn that ravaged the satellite area.

I started a "Eagle Eye Technique" and muttered to myself: "Don't disappoint my expectations, don't be like the face full of Yu-Gi-Oh! in the animation!" - Attractive black stockings with mid-tube suspenders ( Is this thing a "sling"? Anyway, I saw a sling), a **** low-cut dress, a good figure, a face... er, forgot she was wearing a mask... No way, I caught a glimpse of Yu Xing and others from a distance I was rushing this way, so I walked straight towards Sixteen Nights Autumn.

When she found out that someone dared to walk towards her, the girl was stunned for a moment, but then a whirlwind was set off and disappeared without a trace.

Hmph, this little trick can't trouble me - the end line begins!

Turn into a lonely, quiet alley - a cul-de-sac.