My Infinite Wings

Chapter 300

"His Royal Highness, it's me, Celeberia."

"come in."

Seluberia pushed the door and entered the room... uh, military uniform?


Looking at Celeberia in a military uniform, I was a little speechless, "Don't you have any casual clothes?"

But to tell the truth, such a splendid blue witch is the one I want to overthrow the most...

"Ah, this..."

Seruberia looked at me, who was deliberately wearing a milky white pajamas, looking a little crampedly, "His Royal Highness, uh, I think it is more convenient to move this way, and after all, this is in the army."

"Forget it, a beauty is a beauty no matter what she wears..."

I used my eyes with a mysterious smile to capture her overwhelmed and even overwhelmed eyes because of my completely different language and behavior, "Come here, come to Yu's side, Seruberia."


Hearing the words like an "order", Seruberia, who had developed a "good habit", immediately walked over to me without saying a word.

I stood up and slowly reached out and stroked her smooth, soft face.

Celeberia didn't dodge, but I felt her trembling slightly in my palm.

"Are you nervous...or afraid?"

I said softly, "Are you afraid of Yu?"

"I'm so sorry, Your Highness—"

Seluberia lowered her head slightly, "It's nervousness, not fear, but I will work hard to overcome it."

"Oh, what an honest good boy..."

My hand on her face moved to the top of her head, and I gently stroked her soft hair back, and said softly, "I'm sorry, Yu has always been focusing on dominance and ignoring your intentions - ah of course , if Yu Hui is wrong, you must firmly reject me! Yu doesn't like you agreeing to Yu because of repayment!"

Saying that, I slowly lowered my head and approached her pink lips.

"His Royal Highness, please don't say 'I'm sorry', I am already satisfied to be able to accompany Your Highness, to be like this, even more..."

Seruberia showed deep joy, closed her eyes silently, raised her chin slightly, greeted my kiss, and whispered, "I, like you, Your Highness!"

A teardrop of happiness overflowed from the corner of Cerbelia's eyes, who was finally able to summon the courage to express her feelings under my initiative.


Together with her arms, I embraced her from loose to tight, and the kiss went from shallow to deep.

In other words, the advantage of plump **** is that the man can feel the blood-boiling breast movement when hugging!

呒 Although the military uniform is separated, the rich and soft feeling is still so obvious!


The valiant Seruberia let out a cute and charming whimper, which suddenly ignited the flames in my heart.


I let out a sigh and looked at Seluberia, who was panting with her mouth open like a fish coming ashore, hugged her waist tightly, and said warmly, "I like you too, Seluberia!"

"Your Highness—"

Seluberia's scarlet eyes glanced to the side, "I, I have no experience at all, I may not be able to satisfy Your Highness in a while, so please forgive me..."

"If you have experience, Yu Ke will be embarrassed!"

I groped for the buttons of her military uniform with a smirk: "Let Yu give you the perfect first time!"

"His Royal Highness! I-I'll do it myself—"

Seluberia blushed but quickly turned herself into a state of only underwear, bit her lip and whispered, "His Royal Highness, if you stare at me like this, I..."

Hmm... This upper circle is indeed an illusory illusion when it is bound by the military uniform! In fact, it seems to be bigger than Hu Meng? But it shouldn't come to a conclusion.

After releasing her last restraint, I carried her to the bed.

A beautiful carcass, even compared with my high-level harems, the overall evaluation is definitely at the forefront.

"It's so beautiful, Celeberia."

In this situation, any rhetoric is just pale, so I choose simple praise.

"Your Highness, please accept my body, my soul, everything!"

She had a firm tone as always, but her white cheeks had already seen a bright red cloud of fire. ————The dividing line of the conversation————“There is an order before the official start!”

"Yes, Your Highness, please instruct me."

"That's right, you will be my woman from now on. You don't have to call Yu 'His Royal Highness' when there are no outsiders. You can just call Yu by the name of 'Latonbos' - of course, if you want to call Yu' Kim's words are better."

"Yes, I understand, Your Highness."

"...Forget it, let's change it slowly—hey, we're going in!"

"Hmm..."————The gorgeous dividing line————The strange appearance of the witch of the blue was only glimpsed by me, and the unnecessary veil was taken off calmly at this time.

Valkyrie's frost just melted for me, and the glamorous and seductive flowers bloomed beautifully at this moment.

Ride, my Valkyrie, in this small and fierce battle!

Be happy, my battle Otome, the end of Sanhua is infinite joy! ——There is a saying: Yueyin Chongxiao avoids Yan Tan, blurred and starlight.

Rewrite the road signs into virtual love, and ignorant destiny is also fulfilled. ————General dividing line————It surprises me, Selberia also has the Holy Artifact——The Temple of the Valor (well, please don’t fall for it...

"His Royal Highness, Lattonbos, I'm so comfortable. Your Highness's (silence) fluid, Your Highness's (silence) fills my (silence) palace - ah ah ah..."

In the scream, Seluberia was shot by me on the top of the cloud.

"The former Yu was really stupid, ignoring the treasures around me for the sake of illusory things..."

I held Celuberia's soft body in front of me and let her long hair fall on my shoulders and chest, "Yu won't make that kind of low-level mistakes again."

A happy smile appeared on Seluberia's glamorous face, and she said faintly: "His Royal Highness... I can be favored by His Highness, and I will die without regrets."

I reached out and squeezed the huge softness that was flattened on my chest, which caused her to snort weakly, and said solemnly, "What nonsense are you talking about! As long as there is more, you will never be allowed to die! Also, don't you feel the change in your power now?"