My Infinite Wings

Chapter 346

Flamei sneered, the double whips used force, and the ultra-high temperature flames rushed out, and when they pulled it again, the lance was melted!

Nilu's face remained unchanged, she raised her hand and waved, and another lance made of condensed spirits was transformed into her hand and raised high again.

"Is it your strongest move just now?"

Framei said coldly: "Then, it's my turn!"

After all, the kind of giant lava wings I have seen appeared from behind Framei, and they spread their wings violently, but they did not fly or rise up, but...

"Scorching Stars!"

As we all know, the high-level fire-based strategic magic "Meteor Fire Shower" is a flaming meteor shower that is summoned from the sky through long-time singing, and this move by Flamei is actually an instant burst of splendid reverse stars from the pair of giant lava wings. !

Although the total number of "meteors" in Scorching Stars is less than the Meteor Shower, and the size and range of each "star" are also smaller, this technique has higher temperature, faster frequency, and greater average lethality in the effective area. , and can also shoot in all directions with itself as the axis!


Nilu was shocked, her face was slightly stern, and the skull mask on the top of her head flashed a faint green glow, turning into a Goethe-style full-cover helmet, covering her face.

Then, Nilu's figure disappeared. ————This is the dividing line————PS: There is no way to modify it later. The company is poor. There is only one computer in an office%>_

Chapter 228 Flemish Knaijing

I can no longer see Nilu with the naked eye, only the divine sense can lock on her and keep up with its super fast speed - a speed comparable to that of Shun Shen Ye!

"you lose."

I don't know when Nilu, who was behind Flemish, pressed the lance to the opponent's back, and the voice under the helmet was muffled.

"Kah! Stop joking!"

The giant lava wings behind Flamei suddenly merged and slammed towards Nilu.

If she was caught by this, I am afraid that Nilu would at least suffer severe burns.

However, Nilu's figure disappeared again, and instead appeared in front of Flamei, the sharp point of the spear pressed against the wound on her chest that had just healed: "I said, you lost."

"Don't think you're going to win!"

Flamee roared, lava and flames rose from her body, and the terrifying heat wave forced Nilu's body to sway and dodge to a hundred meters away.

It was then that I noticed that not only did Nilu's mask remnants turn into a helmet, but she also "converted" her body into armor like Gothic armor—of course, it was snow-white.

"Take my strongest move-"

Flamee said loudly, "Burning Rock Seals the Prison!"

The giant lava wings stretched out as best they could, as if a new wave of scorching stars was brewing—but, the two whips were also raised.

"It seems that you must be taught a little lesson!"

Nilu raised her weapon and said coldly, "Cuizhi... Shining!"

When the lance in Nilu's hand flashed a dazzling green brilliance, Flamei's move was completed first - countless lava meteors will fly out just like just now, the difference is that the long tail flames they drag are connected to the wings , did not break, and did not attack the target, but intertwined into a seamless cage, surrounding the opponent in the middle.

Framei shook her hands slightly, and the twin whips melted in the fire cage drove the lava energy, forming thousands of flaming magic swords that densely pierced towards Nilu from the inside.

Papapabangga——There were bursts of roaring noises in the lava cage, and in the pulsating brilliance of red and dazzling, a striking dark green electric light radiated out!

Flemy didn't respond at all, and was pierced by Nilu's "Shining of Emerald"!

Lvmang continued to castrate, until it smashed a cliff in the distance.


Flamei spat out a mouthful of blood and fell from the air to the ground. The energy transmission and control of "Burning Rock Prison" was interrupted immediately, and the lava cage was immediately scattered without a trace.

Nilu was out of breath. Although she tried her best to avoid the key point at the critical moment, she was seriously injured. There were burn wounds pierced by the sword of fire all over her body. Use your remaining power.

Dodging in front of Flemish, Nilu tried her best to gather her spirits, focused her lance, pointed at the top of her opponent's head, but looked back at me: "Lord Aizen, I should have won this time, right?"

"Well, the winner of this duel is Nelly Elle du Odysseyvank—"

I smiled lightly, "As for Flamee, you are temporarily ranked No. 4 in the Ten Blades of Darkness... um, can you stand up?"

"I... Damn! As long as there is lava, I can..."

Framei groaned while lying on the ground.

"Oh I see--"

I used Dimensional Leap to come to Framei, who had released the return blade, I hugged her, and threw a dark healing technique on Nilu, "You can go back to the Void Night Palace first, and I will take her to treat her. ,Be right back."

"Yes, Aizen-sama."————The dividing line of space————I performed Dimensional Leap and took Flamee back to her "hometown" - the volcano in the extreme south of the virtual circle Area.

After putting Flaming in a large lava pool, I said, "If I guess right, you should have the ability to regenerate from ashes and use heat energy like flaming magma to heal yourself? Well, tell me about you. How long will it take, I'll pick you up when the time comes."

Framei floated on the pond like a backstroke, and said lazily: "Hmph... Although it is a serious injury, as long as there is enough lava, I can fully recover in ten minutes, but the recovery of spiritual power is not so fast. ."

"Ten minutes is fast enough—well, but it's enough for me to deal with a little thing, so see you later."

"Wait a minute, Aizen-sama!"

Frame stopped me.

"Anything else?"

"Regarding Nelly Eldor du Odysseyvank, I feel that she is using more than just phantom power, there should be other things—"

Flamei stared at me with piercing eyes and said, "Lord Aizen, apart from Bengyu, do you have any other strengthening methods?"

"Ah? Hehe, of course..."

I smiled evilly, "It's just a little troublesome, especially for you—well, if you really want to know, I'll explain it to you after I return to the Void Night Palace!"

"..."————The dividing line of time and space————After explaining all aspects of "demonization" in detail to Flamee, she was silent for a long time, and finally said: "I, want to Stronger, stronger, than any..."

Glancing at me, Framei's mouth twitched slightly: "At least, it's stronger than any illusion, so I'll take it as a, uh, bite!"

I raised my eyebrows: "Hey, you have to have a correct attitude! And I said that you need to open up your whole body to get the power of 'magicification'. In addition, how much power you can get depends on your dedication and potential. "

"...Ugh! Damn it! I don't care! Please give me strength, Aizen-sama!"

Framei looked at me firmly.

"OK then……"

I thought for a while, frowned slightly and said, "In order to prevent you from scalding me intentionally or unintentionally, let's put the villain first and then the gentleman - let's sign the Demon God contract!"