My Infinite Wings

Chapter 35

The face is still plain, but the girl has obviously studied her dress seriously: black evening dress - V-neck suspenders highlighting the turbulent upper circumference, off-shoulders and sleeves showing charming shoulders and lotus arms, wide open back showing flawless jade, With black silk long tube gloves, red crystal necklace and blood-colored high heels, it shows the style of the Queen of the Night (Note 1) Noble and mysterious, elegant and coquettish, cold and arrogant and charming.

Facing the well-dressed Bai Mengxiang, if I hadn't already owned three top-quality beautiful girls, I would have been stimulated by the dazzling snow skin and the deep valley to the point where my nosebleeds flew.

Still, I swallowed softly when the breeze brought a faint fragrance across my cheeks.

Bai Mengxiang seemed satisfied with my response, and smiled, "Jin, won't you invite me in?"

"Ah... um..."

I cheered up, "I have something to explain. Just now Qiu and Huang Quan went to play with Hu Meng, so now I'm the only one at home—Mengxiang, do you still dare to come in?"

"Stimulate the law?"

The girl raised her lips: "I have never been afraid of anything!"

Saying that, she held out a hand.

After holding the soft catkin, I brought Bai Mengxiang into the house.

"Since you're wearing this, then—"

I snapped my fingers, and the spacious living room suddenly changed into light and shadow...become a gorgeous dance floor.

Aah, this artifact has these handy non-combat functions...


"It's a magical villa." She listened, and the girl blinked: "Waltz?"

"Well, will you?"

"Of course, I was forced to learn all kinds of dance steps by my father for a while,"

Bai Mengxiang pouted, "I didn't expect to use it—a bit, I'm happy..."

"let's start!"

Why would I? Because Lucifer will...

Rotate, dance.

I hugged the girl's fiery body and couldn't bear to let go. I was thinking about what to say, but Bai Mengxiang suddenly hugged me tightly.

She rested her head on my shoulder, as if muttering to herself: "Hey Jin... Which one is the Chi Ye Mengxiang in your eyes?"

"Okay, start teaching me how!"

Without waiting for my answer, the girl preemptively changed the subject.

"Well, it's good for you to wear such clothes..."

I said solemnly, "It saves the trouble of taking it off."

Speaking of which, how could there be such a tempting style in Biao Mengxiang's wardrobe?

"What's the meaning?"

Bai Mengxiang's eyes were not good.

"Do you know martial arts novels? Well, definitely not—Japan only has samurai ninja novels... No way, in short,"

I am highly concentrated and ready to dodge any attack she may make at any time, "I want to guide the flow of the demonic energy by directly touching your body, and then you remember the way of operation, and you will naturally master the method to control the demonic energy and power. already."

Why am I so confident? Because the demonic energy is similar to the dark magic power - discovered in the "discussion" with Hu Meng.

In fact, you can just take a seal that doesn't need to change your personality and suppress it with an artifact, but hehe...


The girl pursed her lips tightly, and after three seconds, two words popped out: "Pervert!"

Uh, too impatient to fail? I hurriedly thought of a backup plan.


Bai Mengxiang lowered her eyes, her voice was as calm as a mirror, "As long as you can bear it, just do it."

(Note 2) ——The dividing line of a gentleman——The source of demonic energy is different for all kinds of demons on this plane. Generally, it is concentrated in the brain or internal organs, but there are special cases, such as the dream demon. eyes.

According to legend, piercing the heart of a vampire with a wooden stake will make it paralyzed and unable to move, but if it is changed to a silver cross, it may even kill the vampire, precisely because the source of the vampire's demonic energy is in the heart. (Note 3) Therefore, in order to guide her demonic spirit, it is necessary—first, gently take off the girl’s evening dress…


Uh, under the cloak, not under the dress...

I stared at Bai Mengxiang's perfect naked body - silver! Same as hair color! Ow!

"Hmph, isn't this more convenient? Don't be in a daze, hurry up!"

Although the girl had a shy face, she held her head high and stared straight into my eyes without any cover.

Roar! Since no one cares, why am I so coy!


I took a deep breath - oh so delicious...

Putting aside the delusional thoughts for a while, I quietly patted myself a purifying spell to suppress a little brother with high fighting spirit, and my face turned solemn: "Then let's begin!"

I slowly reached out my right hand and grabbed the snow peak on Bai Mengxiang's left.

"Hmm." The girl closed her mouth tightly and let out a cute hum from her nose.

Feeling the softness and smoothness of my palm and the gradual hardening of a small red spot, I poured a bucket of cold water on her with my remaining reason: "Well... calm down, now is not the time to get excited."

"Listen, Mengxiang, your heartbeat is too fast, so the demonic energy will be very disordered and difficult to control."

I tried my best to put on a frown: "Relax, otherwise how will you experience and understand my guidance?"

"You... easy to say!"

The girl's almond eyes widened and she gritted her teeth: "Ha-hu-hey! Fingers... don't move!"

"Uh, it's because your 'beep-' is so elastic! Besides, you'll have to drive your demonic energy around your body later, don't you want to move more?"

I smirked, and my heart was dark: Well, the elasticity is better than Qiu and the others, but Hu Meng is the softest. Speaking of which, Huang Quan has been rubbed by me until now, and it seems that there is no sign of it getting bigger? Forget it, I'm not a big breast control anyway...

After a long while, Bai Mengxiang finally regained her queen's character: "Okay, let's continue!"