My Infinite Wings

Chapter 366

Following Yin's frivolous and icy voice, Zhenzi, who flew out in the violent explosion, saw a stern look coming towards his face, and was immediately stabbed through his chest by the God Killing Spear.

Hirako Mako was shot down by Ichimaru Silver! —————The dividing line of time and space————Nilu + Tang Kelly VS Yu Zhaotian Bogen...

Under the concise instructions issued by my biography, the two of them started a surprise attack—well, "surprise attack" is a literal translation of Japanese, which is actually the sneak attack that I often teach them...

Nilu, who maintained the appearance of the second-stage return blade, held her lance high, and aimed at Bo Xuan from a distance where she had defeated Quanxi: "Cui Zhishiguang!"

A greenishness flashed in the corners of Yu Zhaotian's eyes, who was anxiously considering which companion to protect. The chill instantly soaked through his entire body, and he immediately raised his hand to silently cast a defensive barrier.

The enchantment formed in a hurry was impossible to stop the emerald brilliance, which inherited the penetrating characteristics and carried it forward.

However, with this unacceptable time, Yu Zhaotian finally had rich combat experience and narrowly escaped the fate of being pierced through the heart like Quanxi, but his right shoulder was still brushed by the lightning-like green light, and the blood was like a sudden. springs.

However, there was no chance for Zhaotian to breathe at all, and a cold sword light flashed with a strange brilliance that was both blue and purple, and silently handed it to his back.


Moreover, he was shocked to find that he had been unable to move.

Before he had time to think, Yu Zhaotian raised his fingers slightly, barely building a defensive barrier behind him to block the icy snake-like tip of the sword.

Tuk - pop!

Although the barrier lasted only one second longer than when resisting Tsui Zhi Shining, but what made Arikata feel extremely happy was that at the moment when the barrier was formed, his body could move again!

This is really unintentional - the formation of the enchantment out of thin air destroys the integrity of the spider web!

So, he hurriedly dodged and pulled out the Indian camouflage-like mask with extreme caution—blur.

"Tsk! That's why you're too impatient, Mrs. Nilu!"

Tang Kaili, who was holding the sword with both hands upside down, showed her figure, looked at Yu Zhaotian with a half-smile, and complained loudly to Nilu in the distance: "Sure enough, our cooperation is not good enough!"

"Hmph... sneak attacks or something, I didn't like it at all!"

The muffled Yujie's voice came from under the horn helmet, and Nilu stomped her foot, making a speeding turn that surpassed Zomari, and swooped towards Bo Xuan.

"Hey, Aizen-sama, let's fight together!"

Tang Kaili played a sword flower and reminded with a smile without being angry at all: "So, I'm sure to cooperate with you!"

After that, Tang Kaili's figure disappeared into the air again.

Nilu, who was in the second stage of returning to the blade, had an unusually fast turning speed, and he was unstoppable with a lance, sweeping or stabbing. However, although Bo Xuan only had a right hand with a shoulder injury, the speed of constructing the ghost barrier was not slow at all. Every time Nilu attacked, there was always a small wall defending the barrier, and when the barrier was shattered, he had already escaped the attack range.

In this way, Arizota even has the opportunity to perform a ghost counterattack. ————This is the dividing line————PS: Adhering to the fine traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, thank Evangelion00 for the reward.

Chapter 249 Framei VS Yamamoto (Part 1)

The thunder and fire mixed with the explosive bombing type of diamond explosion, the light attacking the wind and the intensive shooting type of fangqi blazing light, and the freezing kilometer blocking the action type of ice tooth Zhenglan greeted Nilu, but the energy level of this type is at most medium. The upper side of the road, for Nilu, who is in the second stage of returning to the blade...

It's really not enough.

No matter whether it is hard to carry or dodge, Nilu can fight with ease.


"Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding? Binding with a lock bar!"

Yu Zhaotian used the No. 63 Binding Road to abandon the chant, and four thick snake-shaped chains formed out of thin air, quickly intertwined, and bound Nilu.

Of course, just doing this would trap Nilu for at most ten seconds—Ariakita knew this, so he hurriedly recited the next ghost spell.

It's just that Tang Kaili won't give him that kind of opportunity: "Hey big fat man, you won't forget me, will you?"

The sound reached the sword flash, and what made Yuzhaotian break into a cold sweat was that he found himself unable to move again—and, not the one stuck, but "paralyzed" "This is my 'Tianluo'. Poison Net 'Oh!"

Tang Kaili, who showed her figure, smiled so charmingly and charmingly, and slowly stabbed the blade into Bo Xuan's chest one by one: "It is different from the 'ordinary' spider web just now, although this web is not so strong, it is It can paralyze nerves and hinder or even deprive you of your control over your spiritual power!"


Nilu burst out the spiritual pressure, broke free from the lock, turned to Tang Kaili, and said coldly: "Okay, give him a good time - Master Aizen has taught us to explain to the enemy that his ability is quite good. Stupid act, have you forgotten?"

"...Hmph, I want to play for a while!"

Tang Kaili said gruffly: "But forget it, I have no interest in the soul of the big fat man - um, whether you can survive depends on your luck!"

With a sweet but gloomy laughter, Tang Kaili slammed the ornamental sword in her hand, removed the cobweb, and allowed Yu Zhaotian to freely fall.

"My sword also spins silk..."

Tang Kaili's eyes flashed coldly, and she chuckled softly. ————The dividing line of time and space————Tia + Flamee VS old man Yamamoto...

After quickly solving Hiyori's Flemish sound, he turned to Tia's side, and sneered: "Why, haven't this old man been cleaned up yet?"

Tia glanced at Flemy and said lightly, "Lord Aizen's order is just to consume his physical and spiritual power as much as possible."

"Hmph, he didn't even force him to use the solution, what's the consumption? Let me do it!"

Without waiting for Tia to answer, Flamee fluttered the giant lava wings and used the burning flames to attack the old man Yamamoto.

"Playing with fire in front of this old man?"

Facing the roaring lava meteor cluster, the eyes of the old man of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai flashed brightly, and the Zanpakutō brought a raging flame: "Beyond one's own ability - Fu Zhan!"

In the original work, the stroke of beheading the **** of mixed beasts is reproduced!

At the same time, this trick is also the panacea that old man Yamamoto can use to solve all kinds of tricks of Tiya!

Unlike in the original book, where the Weng was first cut in half and then burned to ashes, today's "Fu Slash" directly gathers the strongest "power of fire" in this plane on the blade, giving full play to its invincible and invincible power. .

Broken waterfall? Divide in two, evaporate!

Battle Shizuku? The power is too scattered, it rolls back and evaporates!

Not to mention Zhan Shizuku's Cannon Cannon and the searing current that will evaporate if heated a little.

Therefore, in my highest order - "Your life is the most precious, so I do not allow you to try your best without greater certainty!"

Under the circumstances, Tia did not use the demonized ability, but only consumed the power of old man Yamamoto with the enhanced original move.

Liuren Ruohuo, who has the name of "strongest", which is completely unreasonable, is definitely not given for nothing. With a single blow, it seems as if a violent wind is blowing, and the wind helps the fire, not only splitting the bolide group , and also rolled the monstrous flames to the enemy, including Flamee who was rushing in front and Tia who was slightly behind.


Flamei sneered without dodging or avoiding, not even putting on a stance of attacking or resisting, and just stood upright and let herself be engulfed by the violent flames.

Boom - hush...