My Infinite Wings

Chapter 382


Broken Bee hesitated: "Master Aizen's order is..."

"The order is just 'strategy', what we want to implement is 'tactics', you can just swipe the line-"

Saying that, Yeichi took out a short Zanpakutō from nowhere, "Besides, if we really go against Aizen-sama's orders, we don't even have the right to hesitate!"

"...Well, I understand, Lord Ye, please be more careful."

"do not worry--"

Ye Yi smiled, "You haven't seen it, have you? The liberation of my Zanpakutō..."


Broken Bumblebee blinked: "Speaking of which... Indeed, I have never seen Master Ya's Zanpakutō liberation before!"

"Are you going to use the Zanpakutō..."

Kisuke seemed to say to himself, "I remember you swore that you would never release your Zanpakutō again?"

Ye Liu showed a complicated expression: "Ah, indeed..."

According to the routine, the next scene is the memory... —————This is the dividing line————PS: Ah, it seems that the death scroll will not end this week! Well... it should be over next week... well, probably...

PS: By the way, I will remind you that I never read the children's shoes related to the works, and I will update them irregularly next week, because the manuscript is not saved (>_

Chapter 266 Sneak attack or something, I like it the most~!

Memories, memories...

For example, what happened hundreds of years ago, such as the irreparable fault caused by being young and energetic (?

Gentlemen, have you been fooled? Ahaha, my generation will not make up stories that make people pee to deceive the word count...

So, remembering the "moving past", please make up your own mind.

"But ah..."

After the memory was over, Ye Yiyi said calmly and expressionlessly, "In front of Aizen-sama's orders, all oaths are meaningless - go back, go against the current!"

"Brainwashed so thoroughly..."

Kisuke muttered.

In the next second, blood flowers burst out from all over his body!


Xisuke frowned, his wings scattered a large number of virtual bullets to form a defensive circle flying around his body, and the shield of blood in his left hand expanded rapidly, protecting most of the master's body.

"You know--"

Ye Yi said warmly, his tone was full of deep confidence and a hint of sadness from the past, "For the 'countercurrent' that can get infinitely close to the speed of light, everything will become like static, your defense is fundamental. Meaningless."

"Yeah, I know……"

Kisuke smiled calmly, "And I also know that once your Zanpakutō is released, you must pay a heavy price every time you use it!"

Night One: "..."


Broken Bee followed Urahara's complicated and bizarre gaze, and was shocked to find that a small strand of Ye Yi's flowing purple hair turned shockingly white!

"The price is life force..."

Kisuke slowly raised Hong Ji and pointed at Yeichi, "When your hair turns completely white, it's your time of death! Also, don't tell me you forgot, even if it's not completely white, it will return to its original state after the fact, but The lifespan lost due to the loss of vitality will never come back! This time, no one can use the lost secret method to extend your life-Damn, Aizen actually controlled you to such a degree Yet?"

"Don't worry about you—"

Ye Yi laughed loudly and said, "Don't say anything about 'control', anyway, as long as I still have a breath left, no matter if it's vitality or longevity, Master Aizen will have a way to make it up for me."

Kisuke naturally didn't believe this kind of rhetoric: "Really...but even if you can really make it up, at least the life force you can use to consume is always limited at the moment - then, let's compare and see who Can't stand it for now!"

"as you wish!"

Papapa (fist and foot against virtual bullet) woo (virtual flash) - dong bang (booming magic fist against the shield of Xuexia) chi chi chi (sub-light-speed fast knife attack)...

as well as……


The sound of a humanoid being penetrated.

The blade of darkness with jet-black flames protruded from Urahara's chest.

Kisuke & Yeichi: "!"

My voice sounded from behind Urahara: "So, sneak attack is really the best way to resolve the deadlock!"

Sneak attack or something, I like it the most!

"Lord Aizen, I..."

Ye Yi, who had almost turned into a white-haired witch, had a slightly subtle expression, as if he sighed softly, "I won't thank you!"

Saying so, Yoichi also sent the Zanpakutō into Kisuke's heart.

Xisuke vomited blood, and his voice was intermittent: "Kick!"


Ye and I walked away from each other in an instant, watching the dark human-shaped torch burn in mid-air... scattered into dust.

Gently stroked Yeichi's face, I turned my back to her, turned my eyes to the battle situation on Kurosaki Isshin's side, and said lightly: "Your life, soul... and everything belongs to me, so I will not You are allowed to give up at will!"

"...Yes, Aizen-sama."

The blue and white brilliance flashed for a moment, and my figure disappeared from the spot—just now, I used Dimension Leap instead of Shunpo to come behind Kisuke, who was fighting with Yeichi even though he was very sensitive to the changes in spiritual power. Sensitive, but unable to identify unfamiliar "magic fluctuations", so the huge blood wings did not play the slightest defensive role like decorations.

"Master Night!"

Broken Bee walked over and carefully supported Ye Yi, who seemed to be a little tired: "Are you all right? Take a rest first."

"Well...let me just a little..."

Ye Yi showed a rare weak expression and replied softly. ————The dividing line of time and space————The main attack of Broken Waterfall, the battle Shizuku disturbed, Tia methodically blasted waves of water attacks with huge destructive power to Yixin——Below, it was originally a desert. "Rivers and lakes" have already accumulated on the ground.