My Infinite Wings

Chapter 396

I looked around at the classmates who stopped in the ban... Um, isn't the second female No. 2 Kazumi Yoshida? Then, there is no need to save ordinary people like Nakamura, let's go with the flow!

Sato Keisaku... In the future, he will become one of the few teenagers who can let the "eulogy reciter" Marchionne Duo listen to his opinions-hmph, why don't we just let him disappear "inadvertently" here?

Shana was still standing on the table, holding the samurai sword in both hands, completely motionless, only the shining powder kept falling from the beautiful flames.

Tsk, it's not like staying up late to code, the silent atmosphere or something is really uncomfortable - just when I wanted to yawn to "adjust the atmosphere", the front that Shana was facing was just outside the window. point.

Is it finally here...

Under the scorching swaying light of sealing, that thing quickly showed its full shape clearly - it was a rectangular object with a dazzling light on the edge, and it could be seen from the pattern of the shape that it was the ace of spades.

Hmm, very good, it seems that the plot has not changed. Marianne is still using the poker-type Noble Phantasm with the tongue-in-cheek and inexplicable title of "regular sharp".

Like magic—indeed, no matter in the two-dimensional or three-dimensional world, playing cards have always been the favorite battle props of Boss-level clowns or magicians of good and evil—from this piece floating in the air Among the thin cards, the second card floated down gently, or "separated" the second card, followed by the third, fourth... In the strange and mysterious red light, the cards fell one after another, flying around, and the number continued to increase. Soon enough we had a whole deck of cards.

The cards flocked in mid-air like insects or birds, flying around irregularly, and pushing toward the window in a uniformly accelerated arc.

Their target is... me?

Hey, is there a mistake? I'm not the standard waste of Yuji in the early days... Well, could it be that I can't see through my strength at the level of phosphorus?

Regardless of my almost embarrassing thoughts, the gathered cards turned into angry waves of "paper", smashing the window frames, glass and even the walls with a creaking sound, swarming into the interior of the classroom.

"whispering sound……"

I reluctantly used the power of existence, and my hands imagined a shadow blade wrapped in pure violence and freedom.

However, just when I was about to take action, Shana flashed in front of me, raised her night hat, and blocked the hordes of card attacks: "Hey, don't make a mistake, I'm not helping you, and you should I don't need help either... but since you said you want to see my strength, you don't have to take action this time, just watch it obediently!"

The corners of my mouth evoked a seemingly mild smile, shaking my hands to disperse the Shadow Blade.

Ye Li was like a black wall of sighs, and the group of cards stamped on the coat would burn as soon as they touched the surface, completely unable to cause any damage to the girl, let alone hurt her.

Uh, does Yekasa have such a superb defense or magic defense?

Well, it seems that the life of the house is very far in the past for me. To be honest, I have only memorized the plot of the plane - the details and so on, let's put it aside.

Shana took advantage of this gap to hold the hilt again with her left hand, and moved the hilt to the back of her left rib, with her right shoulder slightly forward. Cute outside!

Looking from my direction, the scorching eyes with bright fire are so beautiful - although they are the same "red" color, they are completely different from the "common" blood pupils. The red eyes of any vampire (beautiful girl) are It gives people the feeling of cold and seductive, like a fatal temptation from the dark abyss, and Shana's "scorching eyes" is a passion that shines with the brilliance of firmness and conviction, showing a fearless light that is hotter than the sun. charm.

Hee... Embrace and even devour light with darkness is my hobby!

It was those beautiful scorching eyes that saw through the source of the "regular sharp" power in just a few seconds after easily taking on the attack of the enemy who was hiding somewhere.

Huh? Shana in the early days definitely didn't understand the so-called "trial"? So this performance can only be said to be an approximate version of "intuition"?

The table top of the desk suddenly burst, and with the jump that almost... well, the legs of the table were broken, Shana jumped up.

Zhi Dian covered the front end, which was shining with scorching cold light, and stabbed horizontally into one of the flying cards in the group.


There was a scream that should be regarded as a woman, and the flying cards seemed to be delayed a little.

Now that the first stab was hit, there's not much to say about the next battle that lasted less than half a minute...

In short, with Shana's decisive slash and the follow-up, perhaps the explosion caused by the clash of Zhi Dian Zana and the regular sharp horn, this battle has come to an end for the time being.

Probably due to the fact that the contract demon king Alastair is called the "God of Fire", Shana's fire resistance is absolutely high enough - at least facing such a violent explosion head on, her eyebrows are not even raised, petite. The body is still standing proudly, and the whole body is intact.

The flames brought by the aftermath of the explosion spread to the top and bottom of my head behind Yekasa's protection, and Shana didn't seem to notice any signs?

With a hilarious sigh, I let out a little force to sweep away the embers.

At the same time as the blast air subsided, the barrier at the hem of the coat was pushed aside.

The classroom... Naturally, it has been turned into a rubble.

The floor, windows, tables and chairs have all lost their original form, leaving only rubbish-like residues.

Of course, when I saw this scene, I acted very calm-compared to the fact that the fake Kakuza-cho became completely unrecognizable in the war between the two worlds, this level of misery can only be regarded as a small case! ————This is the dividing line————PS: I watched the Chinese version of UBW today, um, as expected, the golden finger and the halo of the protagonist are the most important——Well, the black silk is the best....... , Shinji dared to lick my Rin, and decided that when writing fate in the future, he must stay awake and die ten thousand times!

Chapter 283 Hunter? Fariagni

I turned my eyes back to Shana, but saw a crudely made doll hanging from the front of her gently raised samurai sword—the skewered version of Marianne.

This old tattered doll didn't turn into ashes, it was definitely Shana's intention to show mercy.

The tip of the knife slashed from the doll's shoulder to the chest, and slammed into the body, and another big hole was opened in its abdomen. It must be the cause and result of the first scream - you can see the wound from the inner cotton wool burst out shallowly. White sparks, reminiscent of blood splattered.

Speaking of which, there is one thing that is really weird. How did this shoddy doll-type phosphorous attract Fariagni - was it mentioned in the original book? Anyway, I can't understand his unusual alternative "character love". Maybe Fariagni can really proudly declare that "race can no longer stop me"... huh?

"Uh, um..."

Marianne let out a small moan from her mouth sewn with red thread.

Shana was about to speak to the doll, her eyes narrowed suddenly, and she swept around—the pale white sparks that had been splashing just now bounced off the ground and surrounded the girls.

The sparks kept bouncing, and the volume also increased, starting to spin around her.

"Uh, huh, huh..."

Before he knew it, the doll's moaning turned to snickering, and a lot of sparks erupted from the wound on his body.

Each spark becomes the head of a plastic doll, which is attached to the whole body of the doll. Only the parts of the head are centered on the doll, and instantly combine to form a giant oval body.

The sparks bouncing around also turned into the head of the doll, giving out eerie laughter, and forming a creepy protective net to protect her layer by layer.

"So it's not over yet?"

As I vaguely remembered the plot, I chuckled and slowly stepped back: "Hurry up and solve it, the owner of the family is probably hiding not far away!"

"No Road Race (Note 1

Since it was during the battle, Shana only gave one mouthful instead of the "three-mouthed" gaze. I found that three male classmates were blown away by the blast just now and piled up in a corner of the classroom, their bodies scorched everywhere. Covered with shards of glass, and stabbed by the impact of shards of desks and chairs.

Yeah, it's so miserable—but, male classmate? ignore ignore...

"Hey, hee hee hee..."

At the center of the giant body composed of doll heads, Marianne let out a ghostly laughter, and a pair of thick arms firmly grasped the blade of Zhi Dian Zhana and stayed still.

"I'm going to make a decision, Fire Mist Warrior!"

Accompanied by this ghostly scream, the doll's head that originally surrounded Shana formed a third huge arm in a blink of an eye, and hurriedly stretched out to me who was behind.

Although I know that since Shana told me to "just watch", then I must be sure to return to help, but cuteness and cuteness cannot be the basis of unconditional trust, and I still have to prepare myself to fight against it - for example, surly Fate Chains and Heavenly Prison Shadow Kill are ready to go.