My Infinite Wings

Chapter 408

When I released the threat behind me, Shana turned and slammed the blade of the samurai sword to the right, taking a sideways attack posture, and took a step forward to step on the road, ready to jump up and backhand to slash the primary target Faria Gurney.


There was a sinister laugh, and almost at the same moment, the clenched thumb of Fariagni's pure white gloved right fist flicked upwards.


It was unimaginable that the clear sound of the glove sounded, and a gold coin flew into the air.

Foam chains... Well, although this Noble Phantasm is claimed to be specially used to bind and destroy other people's Noble Phantasm, "Zhidian Zana" is the strongest and sharpest knife-shaped Noble Phantasm on this plane, and it is also covered by the halo of the heroine. , it can't be damaged in any case - it's not Hiju's boy Chi Angang, who was burned by the black magic flame and melted - but if it is only wrapped around the samurai sword, Shana, who is a master of melee combat, still has the advantage.

The gold coin left an afterimage between the rotations and kept climbing upwards.

In line with the timing of Shana's jump, Mana Agni quickly retracted the source of the afterimage of the gold coin, that is, his right fist, and then threw it hard.

Unpredictably, these afterimages connected into a slender and soft golden chain and fell to the top of Shana's head.


Shana slashed the chain of gold coins approaching from directly above, but couldn't cut the treasure made of this afterimage. Not only that, but the blade of the samurai sword was also wrapped around several times.

In order to make sure nothing goes wrong, the gold coin at the front of the necklace is tightly attached to the blade surface like a magnet.

"That Noble Phantasm is called 'Foam Chain'—"

I shouted loudly, using the erudition of what Alastair called "Noble Phantasm", "It is basically an illusory existence, and no Noble Phantasm can damage it!"


Shana made a very unhappy smacking sound.


Fariagni, who was holding one end of the chain, glanced at me warily and boasted, "No matter how powerful your sword is, there is absolutely no way to cut it!"

Shana's sharp eyes seemed to say, "Then I'll slash you directly." She ignored the foam chain, raised her samurai sword and leaped at the enemy to slash.

Strangely, the few remaining dolls broke into between the two at some point, blocking Shana's attack route.

At this moment, Fariagni used his free right hand to squeeze out a simple but exquisite fluorescent blue translucent hand rattle from the cuff of his coat.

Hmm, I remember this Noble Phantasm is called... oops! It was the "prom" I hurriedly shouted: "No! Shana, back off!"

However, Shana had already rushed between the dolls, and the blade pointed at Fariagni with a smile on the other side, "What?"

Fariagni, who kept shaking the rattle to make a single sound, showed consternation on his face, and quickly glanced at me, his expression suddenly became gloomy and terrifying, and he pulled the "foam chain" with his left hand. The girl was sprinting forward. Immediately accelerated.

Hearing my warning, Shana had already noticed that something was wrong, but the weapon was tightly bound by the chains, so she was unlikely to abandon the knife and leave, so she hesitated for a second and a half...

That's too late.

In front of the girl's eyes, the movable dolls began to shrink and burst.

After all, the body of the Fire Mist Warrior is still human, and if he is involved in this explosion at close range...


My pupils shrank suddenly, and I roared, instant dimensional leap!

Boom boom boom - A big explosion has occurred, the rusted fence is collapsed by the impact of the explosion, and the road is completely opened.

Amidst the blast of air and flames, a black shadow fell heavily to the ground.

"Uh... eh?"

There was no uncommon pain, only some tremors and tremors. Shana opened her eyes in surprise. In front of her, was my handsome smiling face and... blood dripping from the corners of my mouth.

Well, this "blood thread" was created by my own luck. For me in a completely transformed state, the attack of the Rinzi explosion level can't break my defense at all.

"Protect... me?"

"Sorry, I... violated the agreement."


Only then did the girl notice that she was being embraced by me, and what blocked the terrible explosion were the eight huge jet-black wings behind me—slightly broken and scorched covering the bottom.

Of course, heroes must do what they can to save beauty! I won't be stupid enough to use my flesh to carry the big explosion!

If I die, it doesn't mean anything——"Mobile SuitNote 1) However, since the half-energy black wings are barely an extension of my body, hurts, hurts, hurts, hurts- - It hurts so much!

" can it be considered a 'promise'..."

Shana frowned slightly, but her eyes seemed to flicker, and she muttered softly.

On the other hand, Fariagni took back the Noble Phantasm "Foam Chain" when the explosion occurred to restore it to its original gold coin shape - it seems that although the Foam Chain is not damaged by other Noble Phantasms, it is A simple existence attack doesn't have much resistance...


Seeing this completely unexpected development, Fariagni froze for a moment, and then laughed in an almost frantic tone: "Ha, ha, ha ha? You are so funny, eternal darkness? Rattonbosch! The 'Demon King' who appeared in this world with his own body would sacrifice his life to rescue a Fire Mist Warrior? Should I say you are stupid or crazy? You know, Fire Mist Warriors are the most ungrateful group of aliens! It took me a lot of effort!"

Unable to hide his excitement, Fariagni shook the "prom" again, "I'm no longer interested in your 'reason'! Just disappear with the 'blazing-eyed crusader'!"

In the light white flame left by the explosion, more dolls appeared out of thin air!

send? Or use a special free method to make it on the spot in an instant?

There was no time to think about these indifferent questions, and the dolls that gradually gathered around caused another continuous explosion. ————This is the dividing line————Note 1: The comic version, can't remember whether it is 0079 or 0083.

PS: As usual, thanks to Evangelion00 and LuCEing for their tips.

Chapter 297 Pursuit


I used the dark vortex to easily block all the explosions, and said loudly: "Don't be smart, do you think you can get me with the mere explosion of 'Rinzi'?"


Fariagni's face was stern, and he squinted his eyes without saying a word, but he didn't stop launching the "dance". Xiaofang Tiandi twisted. ——It turns out that this world is so fragile?

I hugged Shana tightly to my chest, turned around, and a ferocious silver light flashed in my purple eyes: "I don't know what to do! Then, I'll let you see what 'true power' is - Purgatory Demon Flame!"

Whispering—black flames like a tidal wave erupted from my eight wings, like a manic pack of beasts rushing towards Fariagni.

"Hunter" raised his gloved left hand, with a silver ring on his ring finger - I know, its name is "Blue Sky" "Tsk!"

I pouted my lips—really, I was so excited that I forgot that this guy has a special Noble Phantasm to "repel fire", whether it is an explosion caused by the power of existence or anything called "flame", it can block it.