My Infinite Wings

Chapter 420

Chapter 309 Wolf Howl


Unexpectedly, Ma Qionglin was quite hard-hearted, gritted her teeth, and swallowed the pain.

Just when I was complacent—Huh? Somewhere the nerve endings seem to be a bit...

Wow, so hot, hot, hot, hot...

Meow, it turns out that if Druaga's "image" is injured, I will feel pain too?

Really! That's why I don't like savage hand-to-hand combat! Fist-to-meat macho fighting is the most annoying thing!


The second trick: destroy the evil light!

Druaga opened his mouth again, this time it was no longer a sonic attack, but a blazing death light that contained the power of destruction!


The Evil God let out a faintly violent roar, and a dazzling white light blazed out, hitting the enemy who had just stopped flying back.

Of course, Marjoram, who has raised a high degree of vigilance, will not be hit this time, but...


Hmm... it would be a shame to blow up Marjoram to pieces, and there's no way I could just kill a Fire Mist Warrior in front of Shana - well, the first reason is the main reason.

Therefore, I aimed at the vicinity of Marjorine's evasion route, and based on the situation where she was swept by Druaga's giant tail just now, I judged the energy level of the dark starburst that I needed to use - the level of wings... No way Keep your hands... 100%!



Ma Qionglin, who was able to escape the evil light of the world, watched helplessly as the black ball with terrifying power flew in front of her, and immediately retreated.

Boom - as long as the dark starburst's effect is included, even Marjoram in "Toca" has to lie down for me!

Well, the main reason is that she simply doesn't have time to use the Defense Freedom Technique!

The world-annihilating evil light and the dark starburst caused the smoke and dust to pervade for a long time, so just when I was about to throw a whirlwind technique over...

Whoosh...cough—dark blue flames soared into the sky.

The magnificent dark blue directly blew away the smoke and dust, and a figure that was the same... or even larger than Druaga appeared. it inevitable? Even if it is not Shana but me to defeat Marjorine, she will still run wild because of her inner unwillingness and resentment!

"whispering sound!"

I resolutely retracted Druaga's phantom, quickly used the dimensional jump to dodge to Shana's side, and skillfully picked her up, flapping my wings and flying into the air.

The flying dark blue flames exploded and expanded like a volcanic eruption, and finally, assembled and fixed into a shocking appearance.

The giant wolf, an unusually large, bear-like giant made of dark blue flames condensed—this is the essence of the "ravaged minions" Maxias.

Gee! It's not some cute sage wolf (of course, Holo in the form of a wolf **** is actually not cute at all), the perverted uncle-type Demon King of the Red World, don't ask me to show mercy!

The wolf, of course, wants to howl.


The giant wolf's jaw slowly aimed at the sky, and suddenly roared loudly, with a deafening roar, like the raging waves of the air, and the long tail and tremolo echoed within the seal.

This sound without a specific attack target even spread to me and Shana who were in place and kept a certain distance in the air. If they were ordinary people, they would be dizzy at light, and internal organs and bones would also be injured at worst!

"It's hard to avoid, but I think you can actually do better—"

Alastair said from the pendant, "Forget it, the key now is that the seriously injured Fire Mist Warrior is starting to lose control. If this continues, the ban will soon be lifted."

I glanced at the sky—and sure enough, the dark blue barrier that enveloped the building was gradually thinning.

"It's really bad..."

I scratched my hair in a dignified manner, pretending to be thoughtful and saying, "But I do have an unshirkable responsibility, that's all—well, speaking of it, this Miss Marchionn... seems... Are you crying?"

"The vast majority of fire and fog warriors fight to avenge the Red World's followers—"

Alastair said solemnly, "So, it's not surprising that the hearts of the Fire Mist Warriors are filled with hatred and sadness."

"Yahahahie I thought she was supposed to be a mature woman! It turned out to be crying like..."

"It's like a child's cry that makes you want to go crazy."

Shana said.

"An apt metaphor."

I raised my eyebrows.

The dark blue giant wolf did not attack us, but raised its head to the sky with a deafening voice, and kept howling. As long as you carefully distinguish it, you can find that the wolf's howl sounded like an alarming cry.

"No way, since it's my 'fault', then of course I have to make up for it—"

I looked at Shana and touched my nose, "However, my shadow blade is too sharp, I'll have to ask you, Shana."

"Isn't that natural?"

Shana rolled her eyes, glared at me and said with a smile: "I also have a share in this battle, and now is the time for us to be side by side again!"

"Ha ha……"

I laughed, "Well said! What are your plans?"

"To deal with this kind of guy who doesn't understand human language, you can only beat him first and then reason with him."

Shana said so without the slightest hesitation.

"Harry should be!"

I responded and thought for a second and a half: "The power of existence in this seal has been disturbed by this guy's influence, and space movement like just now is no longer feasible, only the 'rush' is left. The road can go, although my defense can also block its flame with the free method, but the forward speed will definitely be affected, then, it is up to you to open the fire-expelling enchantment - rest assured, because my wings are not It is composed of 'fire', but is the basic power of existence, so it doesn't matter if you use it, let's break through all obstacles in one go and welcome a new victory!"

Shana replied loudly: "Okay, let's do it like this!"


I also put my left hand on the girl's waist, lowered my head, touched her hot hair with the tip of my nose, and sniffed lightly, "I'm sorry."