My Infinite Wings

Chapter 49

Um? Oh, it turns out that the head of the karate club, Miyamoto Haiji, arrived.

This guy...well, in addition to being a super loli girl, he is actually a very reasonable monster with a sense of justice.

"Ah, it's like this..."

I didn't tell any lies, and told the truth directly, and then Haiji looked at Xiao Ai's pure and tender face, and immediately believed my words completely, dragging his moaning members away.

As for the plan to "recruit new members of the Ministry of Public Information" in the original book? Hehe, it's totally unnecessary, almost all the girls who have become my harem are not interested in this at all, which directly led to the end of this plan.

Of course, the beloved who was "influenced" by me and Concubine Liu who "wanted to be 'ordered' by me" joined in...

Next is the "serial mischief incident" caused by Yinying's mercy everywhere. There is really nothing to say, let's go with the plot! Occasionally let Yinying play a manly-but, it seems that he always kept my previous warning in mind, and did not do any smearing behavior...

Very good, the summer vacation has begun, and the best chance to eat Meiyi is coming - the opening of the Snow Maiden Village event!

Meiyi: "Everyone, do you want to go to my country this weekend? In my house, summer is cool too."

Me: "Go, it's not bad to see the scenery of the Northland, and my sixth sense tells me that something big will happen!"

Since I wanted to go, everyone felt uncomfortable with the rising temperature, so they unanimously decided to go to the Snow Maiden for summer vacation and tourism...

"Actually, my mother sent me a letter saying that there was a ceremony in the village, so I thought I would go back... Then my friends can come too."

In the driver's uncle's bus, Mei Yi explained this.

Arriving at the destination, the blizzard roared and raged.

Except for Meiyi and me, who knew the truth - everyone: "It's so cold!"

Meiyi explained calmly: "...As long as you get close to the village, the snow will stop and the temperature will stabilize."

Then, Hu Meng expressed concern and doubts about Meiyi's "good boy" behavior along the way. Of course, Meiyi did not respond positively. ——————This is the dividing line ——————Note 1: Is Zhu Ran’s love a “girl” or a “loli”? Anyway... I classify this "body" as Lolita.

Note 2: Fairy Child Zi and Zhu Ran Xinai have each become girls in animation and comics, and they still seem to have a feeling to say...

Note 3: After my "watering day and night", the imitation field of autumn has finally been upgraded to a real field_

Chapter 018

Oh - The Snow Maiden is really beautiful - almost all the buildings are made of ice, and the sky is affected by the barrier and there will be aurora, and you can really feel this pure and crystal beauty when you are there! This place is like an ice and snow wonderland in fairy tales!

Amid the admiration of the girls, Meiyi's mother reappeared: "Welcome everyone, I have been waiting for you here all the time - ah, I haven't seen each other since the school festival, Mr. Shogo..."

The icicle came up to me without a trace, and smiled "Sen Ran": "Compared to the size of the village, the population is decreasing... So Mr. Zhang Wu, let's hurry up and let you and Mei Yi make children! "

As she said that, she actually pulled me away: "Then, come here... the bed is ready!"

Of course, Meiyi unceremoniously stabbed her mother down with an ice pick: "It's useless to worry too much, mother..."

During the meal time, Icicle described the reasons for "Flower Offering" and "Snow Grass" and invited the girls to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony.

I have never understood, do girls really become more attractive after wearing a kimono? Well, I'll just look forward to it a little bit.

Shit! It's men and women sleeping separately!

In the middle of the night, I tossed and turned, and kept taking the Qingshen mantra for myself - hard work pays off... Meiyi finally sneaked up to me to go up the mountain!

Ah, the girl in the snow-white kimono is so beautiful and refined, just like the frost elf, flashing on the white ice field.

Listening to Meiyi slowly telling the story of her childhood and the feelings of a girl who is afraid of loneliness, I strode forward and hugged her gently from behind: "Meiyi, with all of us by your side, you will no longer be lonely long ago! Moreover, the Miyi I know is so gentle and beautiful... I, Hasegawa Shogo, will never leave you!"

The girl grabbed my hands around her waist in surprise: " mean, are you willing to accept me? Accept, my heart?"

I sniffed her hair and said, "Ah of course...but you remember what I said - can you accept me with a girlfriend already?"

Mei Yi lowered her head: "I, I know... Jin, you don't have only one girlfriend!"


"Because, in addition to Xiao Zi and Concubine Liu, there is a new lover who has just arrived. The eyes they look at you - I can't tell you, it's a weird feeling! Before, if I was sticking to you, don't talk about the inner cuteness. Xiang, even the external Moe Xiang will be jealous! But now, how can I describe it, they don't seem to care, but they strongly show that they seem to have a deeper bond with you, like this..."

I adjusted the atmosphere and said, "Oh, I didn't expect the lovely Meiyi to express so well!"

"However, I still... like you, Kim!"

The girl spoke solemnly.

"I like you too, Meiyi!"

Such a beautiful and infatuated girl, there is no reason to let it go!

"Then, I don't want to lose to them either - Kim come with me!"

Meiyi made snowboards made of ice, and led me, who spread my wings, to the boundless snow-white fields—huh? Why didn't the others find Mei Yi who had run away? Of course I found it, but can Fan Mengxiang say that she is the most obedient among the five girls!

After explaining the decree of the Snow Maiden Village, holding up a white snow grass, Meiyi said softly: "Jin, it's just tonight, please treat me as your lover - hug me!"

The enlightened girl took off her kimono - oh, even though it's only 83C, the super white ice and snow twin peaks are dotted with pink and bright red cherries, which definitely evokes a man's original desire!

Um? It's a little regretful - the person wearing underwear said (PIA Fei) I'm not that **** of Yueyin who pushes three and four, directly hugged Meiyi's cool body, and said seriously, "Little fool...what are you talking about?" Late' ah, what's 'the survival of the race takes precedence over personal love', haven't you understood my character for so long? Listen, the woman I've met, whoever dares to move a hair, even has an idea All the same—kill without mercy!”

I exuded a strong aura, which softened the girl's delicate body in my arms: "However, I can't go against the prophecy of the Snow Maiden! She is the village chief who is said to have lived for hundreds of years, and she can hear the voice of God. The prophet of..."

"Meiyi, you must know that things like 'the future' are used for us to change! Moreover, there is a sentence, although I thought it was too arrogant, but now I want to say - no matter who dares Take you away from me, and I will 'God blocks kill gods, Buddha blocks kill Buddha'!"


Gently picked up the girl's head, I was about to kiss—"Boom—"

Depend on! The avalanche actually came up at this juncture?

"Humph! Good time!"

Naturally, I knew that this was the trick of the Snow Maiden, but the interruption of my passion still made me furious.

Spreading my four wings, I exerted all my might, grasping with my right hand, the black light soared, and the Demon Sword? God Killer seemed to sense my anger, and it flashed, making a roaring sound like a devil's sword.

The enemy... is not the body of the Snow Maiden, it should just be something similar to a clone made of ice and snow. Well, it is not good for me to fight attrition in this kind of ice and snow. Then, if you are dealing with pure elemental bodies - "Domain? Ten Thousand Demon Bite Divine Formation-"

The lead-ash sky, the snow is gone; the dark earth, the ice is no longer; there is no cold, no north wind, only the murmurs and ravings from purgatory, coiled in nothingness.

Flying up with Meiyi in my arms, I stared coldly at the white female figure floating in the air like a collection of snow.

The humanoid whispered in a dull but loud voice: "I found it, I have been looking for you, the girl of prophecy..."

"Snow, Snow Maiden..."

Mei Yi's voice trembled slightly, she didn't even notice the lollipop falling, she seemed to be a little scared and hugged me tighter.