My Infinite Wings

Chapter 59

Note 1: NO2 of "Ten Blades", um, has anyone not seen "Bleach"?

Note 2: Hold a claw in the children's shoes that remember Dora A's dream.

Note 3: The character of the protagonist has finally been finalized - that is, freewheeling and moody! ...well, maybe.

Chapter 22

Ahhh, the little loli that made her eyes dizzy is covered with white turbid liquid everywhere - this scene... it's really eye-catching!

Well, as a corpse girl in the early season, I will roll my eyes after I enter all of them. It seems that I need to be more gentle and careful when I fall in love with the dream Shana in the future...

Next is the time to continue distributing equipment - Akira Togaoka: I did not accept my "demonization" without being completely willing, so the strength of the body has not improved much. She is suitable for long-distance and continues to work as a sniper. Go to a promising career - bestow the magic sniper rifle "Death Omen"; Ruweng Mizusei: passively "demonized" physical strength under Qiu's forced training and transformation, but did not comprehend special abilities - bestowed The magic tool "Evil Fire Fist"; Aragami Rika: similar to Xiao Ming, but in the end, he was "accidentally" captured by the trap of happiness, and his strength increased by a moderate amount-given the magic tool "Claw of Cang Yan"; Amase Early Season: This is purely an experiment and collection that I use to try Loli, so I don't plan to let her participate in any action in the future - well, I am fickle, at least I don't have this expectation for the time being.

As for the three male contract monks? In fact, even if I break the contract and kill the three of them in front of my personal "Death Princess", they will not bear it at all - but I am very "honest and kind", and I will abolish the three monks. After the spiritual power, one person will be rewarded with a "Soul Reading" (Note 1) and then thrown at the gate of the "Sparrow Nest" (Note 2)...

Alright, head to the headquarters of Guangyanzong, and "capture" the final target of this plane - Jian Ji? Boom Banner Shen Jia!

Kouyan Zongmoto Yamashita - uh... I seem to have forgotten to make a battle plan?

Relying on the strength of our group of "people", what battle plan do we need? You can do it by force!

I pondered for five seconds, and said solemnly: "Qiu Xian summons more monsters, let them follow Shui Shaosheng to open the way, Zhen Jina and Yiyue clean up any 'obstructions' on the two wings, Huang Quan and Qiu follow me in the middle, behind Xiaoming Hall, sniping Any enemy that makes you feel threatened or attempts to use the altar spell!"

Huang Quan hugged my arm and rubbed lightly: "Well, I also want to rush ahead!"

I tapped on the tip of her nose with my finger: "No - OK: First of all, you are my bodyguard, and I will leave my life to you; secondly, I can't bear to charge you! Finally, I want to see Look at them and their strength, and you are my trump card! How can you easily go out?"

"Well... well listen to you!"

The battle has begun, and the three "ex-corpse girls" who have been augmented by the magic equipment I have been given to smash all obstacles and go forward - Evil Fire Fist, as the name suggests, has two attributes of darkness and fire, and the gloves made of hellfire dragon skin come with their own. Skill "Jiao Yan Huang Bite" (Note 2) - Shui Shaosheng is a corpse girl of the fighting department, and this magic tool is even more powerful. Ordinary melee monk soldiers have no one at all. It is not a punch. Blast off the head, is to be cut off the spine by a leg...

Of course, Guangyanzong is not a pedantic ancient Buddhist, almost every monk will shoot - these guys will be handed over to Zhenjina and Yiyue.

Seems to be "beep-" by me

Later upgraders will develop according to their own abilities or attributes, and these two beautiful girls have realized their own skills in firearms - such as "gun fighting" (Note 4), which is only theoretically feasible. Xiao Ming's sniping was precise. Therefore, in the hail of bullets, only a few dueling monsters on our side were scattered into pieces due to too many bullets, while the three magic girls who fought on the front line were not injured.

Today is not the day when all members of the Guangyan Sect gather, so although the monk soldiers left behind in this mountain are elite, they are not enough to form an absolute numerical advantage.

In the time of a stick of incense, the battle is coming to an end.

Different Moon: "Chain Bomb Hell (Note 5

Makina: "Gravitational Purgatory Bombardment (Note 6

After the two big moves, the last group of diehards were tortured into stumps all over the floor.

The enemy's corpse? Ah, I'm so sorry, you must know that swords have no eyes in war! Besides, I have no love for the nameless, plain-looking passer-by Shi Ji! So, folks, rest in peace - don't miss me!

The only driver of the "Fudo Mingou Sword" that worries me a little bit, Umehara Tsukino, doesn't seem to be in this mountain either... Well, I've never met Touma Sawamiya (Note 7) and a certain house. Ji is also not interested, and it is best not to face enemies whose strength is unknown.

"You... Who are you? And Maki, why did you break the contract? Why did you attack the Light Word Sect?"

The target of this trip, the contract monk of Hongqi Shenjia and one of the six monks, Gao Fengzong, hurried over with his corpse princess, and asked sharply.

"Mahina, Yiyue, Suizao, you all step back."


I don't want to talk nonsense and let Qiu expand the realm - most of the villains fail because of too much nonsense.


The space is transformed, and the vines are surging.


Jian Ji silently took a step forward, ready to draw a sword——"Puka——"

Two cold lights flashed alternately, and the two swordsmen of Hongqi Shenjia, known as the "strongest corpse girl", really lived up to their reputation. The first wave of vines were cut off as the gray-yellow loose braided hair fluttered!

"Hey, it's a bit of a skill!"

Qiu suddenly felt unhappy, and a strange rose-red light flashed in his eyes: "Rose engraving! (Note 8

Jian Ji was stunned for a moment, a strange red line also swam through her gray-green eyes, and a red rose-like pattern appeared on her left cheek, and then she turned around suddenly involuntarily - swinging the knife!


The cold-faced uncle Gao Fengzong shot blood in front of him, and even splashed onto Shenjia's terrified face and white shirt.


He fell into a pool of blood with unbelievable eyes. Shenjia, who was a corpse, also felt dizzy and weak because of the injury to humans.

Taking this opportunity, the vines swarmed again and tied the last prey tightly.

"If I help him now, he can still be saved! do you choose, Hongqi Shenjia?"

The secretary-type Jianji did not have the absolute loyalty to the Gaofeng Sect as I imagined and was reluctant to obey. Perhaps as it seemed, the intellectual and beautiful Shenjia was extremely rational. Agreed to my terms - yes, not yet "beep-"

He signed the Demon God contract of absolute obedience.

Ah, this is the real secretary - the "Xiaomi" that urban poor men dream of...

Take a closer look at this girl with square and thin-frame glasses with two slender legs: short-sleeved navel-baring white shirt, corset, OL light brown-red miniskirt with two scabbards, pantyhose dark gray stockings, black High heels - it really is a super standard samurai secretary outfit!

After I ate and wiped it off with Shenjia's wholehearted cooperation—unsurprisingly, Gao Fengzong, an old man who is devoted to Buddhahood, has never touched her; um, it is very comfortable to eat, especially when she poses the same Some poses that the long-legged Xiangxiang refuses to use... Uh, let's make up your own mind.

I wasn't interested in destroying the Light Word Sect completely, so after giving Sword Princess "Double Swords? Miasma Blood", I said to Zhen Ji: "Okay, it's time to kill your last infatuation—annihilation. 'Seven Stars'!"

The purple-haired girl's eyes burned with the flame of revenge: "Jin, I will defeat them with my own hands!"

I said lightly: "Yes, as long as you can deal with it, we will not take action."————General dividing line————It is not difficult to find the seven stars, because those are all actions An arrogant corpse who never hides his eyes and eyes and follows his "nature".

Soon, Makina met them on a lonely night.

"Imitation Realm? Cursed Wasteland (Note 9

The girl who knows the strange and powerful of Seven Stars unceremoniously displays the strongest skills with hidden murderous intentions.

Terrain change: All the plants in the forest overgrown with weeds quickly withered and died, the soil became a rotten color mixed with dark brown and sauce purple, the air seemed to be dignified and cold, and an indescribable feeling of suffocation emerged spontaneously.

"Hey... the little girl from the Xingcun family seems to have mastered incredible power!"

Uncle Centipede narrowed his eyes, as if he was talking to himself, the main culprit who killed Maki.

The gluttonous blond boy smiled savagely: "Ha! Just let me eat her!"