My Infinite Wings

Chapter 590

Medea looked back impatiently, but saw that Kotomine, who was slapped by the Chinese mother, did not die after landing, but fled to the door when all the attention was on Bai Saber.

Perhaps this is because he was slightly prepared after receiving a reminder from Shiro Saber just now, so that Hong Meiling couldn't finish her work...


Caster raised his hand, a pale glow from his fingertips.

"Disappear!" - Beam cannon, straight-line attack, fast, but the starting style is obvious, but the enemy is running, and it is impossible to observe.


There was a thumping noise from the door.

There was no intention to ask China Niang to check the result of this blow, Medea turned around.

"No need to chase, it's just a bereaved dog, you just need to be responsible for vigilance. I'll go back to Liudong Temple first and give the 'gift' to Lord Shogo, and then I'll come over... tsk, anyway, based on your intelligence Can't understand."

"What, what..."

"Huh? Is there any dissatisfaction!"

"Eh--sorry, nothing, ma'am!"

"Hmph..."————The dividing line of time and space————There is a small arch bridge on the way from the block to Fuyuki Church.

Now, a dusty man in a trench coat-like robe hurried past.

Then, his footsteps stopped.

In front of it, stood a man and a woman.

An elegant youth like the dark moon and a beautiful and extravagant girl.

Obviously, it was me and Rin who were Marcher.

Originally, I abducted the eldest lady out of Hokunhara just because of a whim, but when I learned about the battle of Fuyuki Church through "co-sensing", I immediately changed my mind.

"Hey, do you want to know the cause of Tosaka Tokiomi's death?"

Then Rin's attention was fully focused and the resentment of "being skipped class" disappeared. - You already knew that, didn't you? Why did you just tell me now?

the girl asked. ——Because, you are most likely to make mistakes while you are busy. Although I believe you can make a battle plan calmly, when the specific strength of the enemy is unknown... I don't want you to take risks.

"...Then, can it be done now?"

"Well, it's alright now. According to my unique detection magic, now is the best time - when the enemy is the weakest - by the way, I'll give you a good thing that can temporarily boost your strength... um, Drink it as a nutrient solution before the battle."

As for explaining that Kotomine Kirei is also a Master, I will of course find a way to justify it, so I won’t go into details here. ————The dividing line of return————Looking at the expression of the person who came, the priest probably realized something, and said slowly: "Tohsaka...Rin."

The beautiful girl with two ponytails took a step forward, suppressing her rolling emotions in a calm tone, and said loudly: "I'm here for revenge, traitor!"

Yanfeng said flatly: "Oh, so that's it..."

Rin smiled to himself: "Heh...I feel naive for having fantasized about you denying it."

I crossed my arms and bowed my head, "Rin, are you sure you want to do it yourself?"

The girl did not look back.

"Of course, otherwise there's no point - and, in his state, my victory is almost guaranteed."

"Hey, even though this guy has already lost his Servant and suffered serious injuries, even so, he is still an agent with the strength second only to the 'burial mechanism'! The beasts that are struggling to the death are very scary, don't Careless."


I smiled slightly: "Well, if there is any unexpected situation, I will still take action - the objection is invalid, and the appeal is prohibited!"

"No need - I'm on!"

Leaving the words behind, Rin Fei rushed forward - tsk, although the personalities are quite different, but it still reminds me of Moeka Satomi, who also refused to use my "gift" at first, and you will know about "stimulants" later. "Benefits, hum...

Tohsaka Rin VS Kotomine Kirei——Ready...Fight!

The priest who escaped a magic bullet from the revenge girl first attacked with a mouth cannon.

"At that time, I was also a Master. Isn't it normal for magi to kill each other by any means in the Holy Grail War? My behavior conforms to the 'rules' and cannot be called 'betrayal' at all!"

Kotomine's subordinates kept throwing black keys to resist Rin's magic, and quickly narrowed the distance with the opponent by taking advantage of the time difference, and there was no sign of serious injury at all.

It's such a diamond-like willpower—as a human being, even if his life is saved after being hit by Meiling, his spine will be spared, but no matter what, the internal injury of the internal organs is absolutely certain, and even displacement is a problem. Nine times out of ten things! ————This is the dividing line————PS: There is one thing that must be clarified. Regarding the division of the wireless business to the author - life is hard, alas...

Chapter 471 Tohsaka Rin VS Kotomine Kirei

"Hmph, don't get me wrong, I'm just a daughter who avenged her father, that's all!"

The girl's step size is naturally not comparable to that of the uncle (Mo... Rin, who was pulled closer, had to start a close confrontation with the opponent's Bajiquan.

"Huh... hatred? It's a really good emotion - but I taught you Bajiquan, don't let the Servant deal with me, do you think you have a chance of winning?"

Rin was surprised that Kotobine's strength had not diminished—it's not accurate to say that, because she didn't know the original strength of this "senior brother", so she was just puzzled that he was still walking like a flying fist.

"Any chance of winning? Mmm... yes!"

With the strength of the priest's fierce fist retreating slightly, the girl shook a topaz from her cuff.

Three syllables were spit out, and the magic power contained in the topaz exploded, forming a violent gust of wind.

Although there is no sharp wind blade, it is enough to blow the container truck away!

With the reaction force of the wind, the eldest lady withdrew ten meters away.

"You mean the Tohsaka family's gem magic?"

Kotomine naturally had no "anti-magic power" and could only bend his knees, bend over and raise his arms in front of him, pouring power into the soles of his feet, and at the same time summoning the black key to insert it into the ground, turning into the "dual-blade mode" that he had used in the previous battle with Bazette. Is it—that's all!"

The wind formed by magic came and went quickly. When the sharp black keys scratched the ground with a deep mark one meter long, the wind weakened.

Seizing the opportunity, the priest rushed out of the smoke, with two long and bold black keys crossed in front of him, and recited the strange foreign language of "christening chant", which he was good at, which is Heber. Incoming language? Or Latin?

In any case, but see... no, the waves that were invisible at all spread toward the target - Rin Tohsaka.

Hmm... Soul attack? If it was more than ten seconds ago, I would have been worried and couldn't help but shoot, now... When the wind was howling, the eldest lady had already drank my "gift drink" to ensure victory. "Wu——"

Feeling dizzy, the girl groaned, frowned and closed her eyes, but her body did not fall down.

However, Kotomine, who was holding two blades, was already two meters in front of Rin, and he made a grim declaration.
