My Infinite Wings

Chapter 611

"Clam clam clam actinium... actin clammed clam tooth-actinium hu actinium what do you want Lai Lai actinium... More Lehi's what you want Lai Lai than just now!"

Get back in spirit, give your all - a must.

You have to stay awake while immersed in enjoyment in the "final"... That's it, and you have to do this to pass the "test". Clams...actiniums, actiniums...let's actin-tooths, actiniums, actiniums, actiniums, actiniums, actiniums..."

in short……

That is, to "enjoy" the test from the Holy Artifact.

Chapter 489 Tohsaka Rin (End)

The girl who moved forward all the way, never cried, never cried.

A girl who transcends pain, never complains, never is weak.

What has changed?

The seal is broken.

There are also small heavens in the ruthless hell.

The evil devil also bestows black hope.

The violent storm raged in the beautiful fields, whipping the earth, but also moisturizing the soil.

Falling flowers drifted along with the flowing water in the turbulence, without remorse or regret, only dazzling splendor.

A fiery and frantic breath, intertwined.

Warm, slimy streams, converging.

Remove the shell of rationality and overlap.

Constantly close to the heart, blending. ——There is a saying: The honey atmosphere is charming and people are drunk, and Lingxi sleeps peacefully.

The dizzy face will not fade for a long time. ————General dividing line————Five yuan prisoner dragon...

As the name suggests, I will be "baptized" from the five elements of this plane. Oh, I have always "baptized" others. This time, it can be regarded as "mutual benefit" in the full sense.

Why do you say so?

As we all know, fallen angels are obviously powerful beings who are good at dark skills, but their affinity with the light element is also reduced to a negative value due to their depravity. In addition, although I can use other elemental spells with abundant magic power, the consumption is The so-called "forbidden spell" that is multiplied and cannot even cast a single element other than the dark element - the compound forbidden spell that is mixed with the dark element is not included in this list (for example, "Dark Gate" and once the "Five Yuan Prisoner Dragon" is obtained. the benefits of"……

Well, although my essence as a fallen angel still remains unchanged, it can be perfectly concealed and transformed into a five-element spellcaster who, like Rin Tohsaka, has reached the level of a high-ranking angel—in some extreme ways of rejecting the power of darkness. The plane of , this ability is quite good, after all, I don't want to be a world destroyer or something...

Let's meet the test of the "Five Elements" with joy!

Different from the elements in the usual magical planes, the seven "magic elements" in the Moon World have "symbolic meanings".

ground, form - including "alteration", "separation" and "combination" and so on.

Water, breathing - including "absorption", "diversion" and "infection".

Fire symbolizes "life" and "death" and "destruction".

Wind symbolizes "change" and "secrecy".

Empty does not mean "space", but refers to the most basic material "ether" that constitutes all things - from a scientific point of view, "elementary particles" in my power system are "yuan" or "the most primitive". The non-attribute energy of "virtual", overhead element, "although it is possible, but not in the material world" - equivalent to the branch of dark element "shadow" no, overhead element, "although impossible, but it will materialize"- —Similar to half of the dark element's characteristic "evil"... the so-called "devil"? Speaking of which, there is no "light element" setting in Xingyue World? Probably classified as "empty"...

(Oops, that's not good, I've written all of the "cultivation" abbreviated... Slightly! Slightly! Slightly!

All in all, in Tohsaka Rin's body, I experienced fierce battles at the element level, five in and five outs, and I was able to break out of the siege with all my heart, so I got the "baptism" of the five elements in front of the standard for "earth, water, fire and wind". The control of these forces has been enhanced with dimensionality.

To put it simply, I initially got out of the "fallen angel" frame, and I could even use the "element" to create the effect of "light", so I had no pressure to disguise as an ordinary angel.

It looks like a tasteless ability, but it will be used one day in the future...

Looking at Rin, who was extremely tired and fell into a deep sleep without caring about the negative distance communication between the two parties, I couldn't help but smile a little wryly - when I was concentrating on dealing with the "trial", I really didn't have a good grasp of strength... My lovely eldest lady, although It can't be said that I was "pyrid-"

I fainted, but I almost lost my strength. The last "one session" was simply me "working hard" by myself, and the interaction has already become a cloud.

Well... Fortunately, "water" is included in the five elements, so even if the strength of "counterattack" is lost, Rin's mango can continue to maintain the level of flood discharge, and it will not be too much friction and contusion.

Eduo... In order not to wake her up, I'll just keep this posture, anyway, I can meditate in any posture.

The main thing, of course, is that without changing her posture, when Rin wakes up and is fully awake after going through the stuporous hypotensive phase, I can admire her cute expression steaming with shame because she feels something "internal" La! ————The dividing line of time and reverse————Mato Residence...

On the way back here, Matou Sakura, who was "surrounded" by the women of the other plane, was quite nervous and surprised.


I hold her hand.

"Ah, this is my residence now, um... Or maybe it's more accurate to say it's a temporary residence."


"Don't worry, here... there is no one who can embarrass you."

The girl's eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

"Study... long?"

"Later, I will explain to you in detail, now..."


"You have something to do, right?"


Sakura was stunned for a moment, and her face was slightly pale - or it would be more accurate to describe it as "stiff".

"Ah! Yes, yes! I, I am going to a place right now...must...or else..."

The girl's eager and stuttering words were interrupted by my soft voice.

"You don't have to go, I already know about that matter - now, I'll solve it for you completely, okay?"


Before Sakura could fully understand the meaning of my words, I hugged her and jumped away.

Destination - Sakura's house in this Matou mansion.

Well... Confused about this series of dialogues and actions?

Hehe, think about it!