My Infinite Wings

Chapter 681

Looking at Kiriko's situation...Although the eyes that occasionally look at me are a little weird, but she is almost completely normal, and she doesn't seem to care that her husband's face suddenly turned into mine in the dream last night. -Really?

Planted seeds may not bloom and bear fruit, that's because of lack of water and fertilizers - and I will definitely take good care of this seed...

Furthermore, any strong fortress can be broken from the inside, as long as Miyamoto can actually hang up, it is half the victory!

The only strange thing is Marikawa Shizuka.

After staring at me for a while in a somewhat familiar morning bubbling state, she came over and asked me a question in an understatement.

"Hey, Komuro-kun, what do you think of 'les'?"


I was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was a flag with no options for me to click—well, it’s better to answer in a stable manner, with an answer that can attack and retreat.

"Well...Although there is some suspicion of wasting resources, but generally speaking, Lily is beautiful—well, I always think so."

"Um—is it..."

Shizuka tilted her head in a cutesy way, and walked away again.

Hiss, I shouldn't have made the wrong answer, right?

"Good morning, what are you thinking, Kim?"

A young girl's voice came from behind - Claire Redfield.

I turned around smiling and lowered my voice.

"I was thinking... when should you take your medicine?"

By the way, the two of us communicated in English of course - among the other girls, only Yuriko (now uneasy) who has been on Wall Street has no pressure in speaking, and the others...

Well, the per capita oral English ability in District know—even the "genius girl" Saya, who has a very good academic record, is no exception.

"Oh, listen..."

Claire also lowered the volume, looked around covertly with a straight face, and slowly passed me.

"I don't think we've gotten to the point where we can make this kind of joke casually."

"Okay okay, sorry, I was wrong..."

I readily admitted my mistake and apologized, turning my head and putting on a serious tone.

"But I'm not half joking - the thing is, the virus doesn't joke."

"I understand...but I need time to fall in love with you - and accept the fact that you're in an affair with so many beautiful women."

"OK, I respect your opinion."——The dividing line of time and space——The rest of the journey was very peaceful. Our group of nine people——Aha, there are quite a lot of people——Finally arrived at the "Xinbed No. 3 Primary School" From a distance, I noticed that there were police officers with guns stationed inside the mobile fence at the gate of the school.

It's no wonder that there are few dead bodies in the vicinity, presumably the police stationed here have done their best to "clean up" the surrounding area.

"A survivor?"

A police officer exclaimed in a low voice.

Another police officer recognized Kiriko.

"Hey... isn't that Mrs. Miyamoto?"


After "Did anyone get bitten?"

After routine inspections like this, we all entered the school.

In addition, I met Miyamoto Masaaki, whom Kiriko and Rei have always cared about.

I'm not interested in men, so I just ignore his appearance - well, it's more convenient for the police to look for clothes.

Everyone took their seats and gave brief stories about their experiences—ah, that was the time when I was bored out of my mind.

"filial piety…"

Kiriko's cry brought me back to reality.

"Well, I asked Xiaozheng (referring to Miyamoto Zheng)..."

She seemed to grit her teeth and stared at me with all her might.

"Mrs. Komuro...your mother is not on the list of personnel here."—this is the dividing line—PS: Decided (temporarily) to give up on Komuro’s filial piety—anyway, there are enough goals in this plane Now, why bother even letting go of women who don't know their names...

Chapter 561

"filial piety…"


Except for the newly joined Claire Redfield, who may not be proficient enough in Japanese, all the girls looked at me with concern and concern—even Asami Nakaoka, who had been reduced to a toy without knowing it, was no exception.

"Come on, don't look at me like that - I've already prepared myself, don't worry, I'm fine... But I won't give up hope either."

I pretended to be "bitter in my heart but pretending to be relaxed", but I actually waved my hands full of doubts - there is no sadness, but it's a pity that the cheap mother who is definitely not inferior to Yuriko and Kiriko... Is it with Shenyin? Similar to Lolita Alice, who was involved in the "storm" caused by the butterfly effect, and her life and death are uncertain?

Forget it, the mother-in-law is a bit heavy-handed, although I don't care about human ethics, and "substitution" is not "reincarnation", there is no blood relationship at all... But unless you directly brainwash and hide secrets - like What I did to Chikusa Sakai in "Brightening Shana", otherwise it would definitely lead to betrayal.

Then, mothers who have never met, have a chance to meet them!


Sitting upright, I seem to feel that someone is suddenly hugging me from behind?


"It's okay, your mother must be fine..."

Is it... Maikawa Shizuka's voice?

huh? Is it because of the fraternity of being a "doctor"? But at this moment, I am not looking for life and death. Could it be that her reason for doing this is - is my acting skills too superb? Hmm, sure enough, "playing" Aizen Soyousuke back then was really beneficial!

Perhaps this is what triggered Shizuka's "motherhood"... right?

This can be seen by looking at the urge to take a step forward to take care of me, and even Takajo Yuriko, who apparently decided to keep a distance from me.

Tsk, my character attribute is obviously a "handsome boy", and it's not a "weak Zhengtai", what do you two want to do?

Well, actually I don't object to your "what?" It's just...