My Infinite Wings

Chapter 689

"Huh? That's right...Is something wrong?"

On the surface, I looked like I was talking to a close friend, but in my heart, I smiled evilly and passed on the past.

"Hey, isn't it? Do you still want it? Even if I won't be drained by you, you have to be careful not to cause the mango to loosen by doing too much!"

"The body solidifies after being demonized - isn't that what you told me?"

Saeko's genial face concealed a seductive smile. He responded rationally to my nonsense, and at the same time spoke ambiguous words on the bright side.

"Ah, don't worry, it's not 'that thing'... Well, although 'that' is indeed very happy, but I'm not a woman who asks for too much - so, have you forgotten? We once had an agreement to fight. "

I used my lazy brain to recall for three seconds.

"...Uh, um, that's exactly what happened."

I remembered that when I was in the Takajo Mansion, I had praised Saeko, who was wearing a traditional kimono and displayed the demeanor of "Yamato Nadeko", and then she casually agreed with me to "seek martial arts when the opportunity arises". convention.

"Well... I'm fine, but are you really sure? Are you still so confident in yourself after knowing my 'true identity'?"

It's not that I look down on each other, it's just because the power levels of the two sides are too far apart...

"It has nothing to do with confidence..."

Saeko smiled in surprise.

"Because, I just want to ask you about martial arts, so I don't allow magic - what's more, if you really win in martial arts, then the man I like is stronger than me, which is really worthy of my pride. thing!"

This idea... seems to be correct, right?

Well, it was me who got the picture, probably because the beautiful girls I had knocked down before were relatively competitive in their fields of expertise—especially represented by a certain dumb-haired knight king.

"Well, if it's a pure martial arts contest, you don't have to choose a venue that is suitable for chaos - since this is the case, simply... By the way, I should give you a better magic weapon, otherwise with the current technology A sword made of technology, even a 'famous sword' can't stand the blow of my 'Redeemer ver1.00'! However, you should have used this 'Murata gun' with ease, like a master of computer games Like changing the mouse before the war, if you temporarily change the have it! Come on, lend me the knife for a while, I can think of a way to try it out."————The dividing line of time and space———— —Although you don’t need to choose a place to practice, you can’t just start the fight directly on the arena where the survivors gather. Even if there is no eye-catching light and shadow effect, the strength and speed of the two of us far beyond human level will be shocking. numb survivors.

Being watched or something... It's not a fun thing to think about.

So, we went to almost every school in District 11—the tiny indoor gymnasium that even elementary schools have.

Don't say Saeko and I decided not to use magic power and sword energy, even if we used it... Is there still anyone in this world who will be held accountable? Especially if I have a soundproofing enchantment in place.

The samurai sword in Saeko's hand still looks like a "Murata gun" except that the handle has become a deep black, but its essence has undergone tremendous changes.

Can you guess what method I used?

Hehe... I used a "good thing" that I've forgotten all along - "Guangyu", a causal prop from the world of "Clannad", back in the day, there were still a few of those things left!

Although Guangyu can only be used on the original plane, and it seems to reject all wishes of "direct malicious harm to others", and the more difficult the wish will lead to the more strange and strange realization conditions... But if it is only used to "put this knife "Strengthening to the limit" or even "exceeding the limit" can be done easily.

Of course, because of the "rules of power" in that world, if I wanted to use Guangyu to make myself the invincible Long Aotian in the universe, it would be absolutely hopeless.

Doors open to enter, time pauses, prayers intensify, return for delivery...

"Magic weapon...?"

The girl gently stroked the blade of the "Murata Gun" in her hand, and her thoughtful expression was reflected in the cold light of the light.

"It seems... not driven by magic, right?"

"Well, your perception is correct... and your power is mainly sword energy. As for the reserve of magic power, it is just enough to perform the illusion of clothes."

I wondered about the simplest and most concise way of explaining it.

"After special forging, this knife has reached the most perfect level among the 'mortal things', but it can be used to fight against 'extraordinary things' and it will not be damaged within a hundred strokes - so let it' Naturally, the source of energy beyond the limit is neither magic nor sword energy, but...willpower."


Saeko murmured and repeated my words, and while thinking about it, the body of the sword began to emit a faint fluorescence.

"This is……"

"Well, how should I put it, you definitely don't know 'λdriver', and I will never give you that kind of super dangerous item that kills a thousand enemies and damages eight hundred and eight hundred - in fact, it should be said that it is like the end of the summary... Uh! Ahem!"

"λdriver? Small... knot?"

"Ahaha, it's your ear slipping from behind - don't interrupt!"

I sneered twice, and finally straightened out my thoughts.

"Actually, it's easy to understand - willpower, to be precise, it's the 'power of belief', although it can't achieve the level of 'turning absolute belief into reality' that defies the sky, but as long as you have a firm belief and think that This knife has otherworldly qualities, so whether it is attacked by fire, lightning, explosive bombs, or other magical weapons, it can be guaranteed to be intact. More importantly, as long as you believe that it is sharp enough, even if it is…”

Halfway through, I pulled out a piece of wood out of thin air and threw it at Saeko.

She immediately understood, and with a flip of her wrist, the blade of the blade raised, cutting the wooden block in two like blowing hair and breaking her hair.



The sound of the two halves of wood falling heavily to the ground caught Saeko's attention. After seeing the reason, she was stunned for a moment. - The exterior is wood, and the interior is solid tungsten steel. ————This is the dividing line————PS: The fifth week failed... Why don't you try again tomorrow →_→?

Chapter 569

With Dushima Saeko's current strength, she can cut iron and rock with a single sword qi. However, just wielding the knife lightly, she can cut the hard tungsten steel in two with one knife... This made her curious.

"You think in your mind that even the 'Murata Gun' before it's reinforcement can easily cut through a mere amount of wood, so...even if it's not actually wood, you still won't feel any resistance."

"It's... miraculous!"

Saeko looked at me with an admiring smile.

"However, won't it damage your sword?"

"That is impossible."

I answered firmly.

"Although it is not a rule of this world, in the case of a 'mystery' level that is several dimensions higher, even if lower-level matter and energy can 'protect themselves', they cannot harm higher-level existences."


The girl clearly assumed the most common "face" pose in kendo.

"Then... let's get started!"

"Ah, come on! The real sword wins!"

I raised my sword and pointed it diagonally to the ground—I almost forgot, to avoid accidental injury, this ability of “Transmitting shock after contact” that comes with “Redeemer ver1.00” must also be sealed first. ————The dividing line of time————Because I have seen my posture freely in the corpse group along the way, Saeko gave up the meaningless tentative behavior, and launched a high-speed side attack when he started, and followed the steps. It is done in one go with hacking and running clouds and flowing water.

The sword is stern, and the cold light is flickering.