My Infinite Wings

Chapter 785

The girl froze for a moment, then smiled.

"I want you too, Yixia."

Straightforward response - comprehension is commendable.

You can dare to say it. After speaking, Lavra's heartbeat jumped rapidly as if lacking oxygen, and she desperately suppressed the high-pitched voice in her throat.

"So, is it going to officially start?"

I deliberately cast a worried look at the girl due to her poor physique.

"Hengheng, it's okay for Bu Bi to worry about me--and, Yi Xia is very gentle, Bu Bi?"



The sky cage squeezed hard into the tiny slit-like cave.

"River, Actinium, Clam... Tom Crow... Hungry Actinium River..."

The entrance of Xie Zhai resisted with all his strength, and he might "spit" out the bridle that had been buried in it after taking the absolute step.

It's just a bridle, but the feeling of year-end magic wrapped around it has begun to give me a secondary level of happiness.

This... It's really unbearable, and I want to make a second-hand feeling that is worse than the house.

Well...let's take care of people's emotions.

"Laffera, it takes a deep breath, and it takes courage to step."

"Doing the—like this...the strength is uncontrollable..."

After all, I still clearly felt that the girl was a little relaxed--Anxie, Bu Kui is a soldier who has undergone severe training, and the ability to endure pain is high enough. At that time, the performance of Lingyin, who was a little "younger" than her, was better. Too much exaggeration...

Taking advantage of Lavra's start to relax, I took the time to move on.

"Hungry Iraq, actinium is good... Li Hai... Yi Xia's shape is very clear!"

The bridle made a surprise attack on the step, and it had already approached the place where it could be avoided the most—although the step was a dead end, it was not yet time to open the "inner door".

In Lavra's deputy, with my superhuman eyesight, I could even vaguely observe the shape of my own rushing forward, and the subtle sense of absurdity like bullying a little girl rose from the room and turned into a sweet sense of ringgit.

"Actinium... I'm about to jump suddenly..."

"Sorry, because Lavra's strength is very uncle..."

"Eh? Yes, yes? Then, then there is no way..."

After a pause, I waited until the girl's Mango, under the bravery of the eternal power, smashed a lot of China Resources Mizhi, and then I burst to live in the suburbs of Lavra, and began to submerge in a gentle selection.

"Actinium... It's so warm and daring..."

The girl muttered to herself, and the house ignored her little cover, and then she turned her eyes, and her hair swept the tip of my nose.

"It's okay for Dong... I, it's alright."


"Anthracene... I want 'Dong'!"

Such Chen Ken's words of request are simply the strongest words in stock, like the singing of a siren, enough to make the man who heard it fly moths to the flames.

Therefore, I hesitated again and again, let Kuogan's drive, controlled Lavra's screaming body, so as to control the main building, and every time I performed magnetization that was almost the whole process of Shen Ru.

"Hungry actinium, actinium actinium, actinium actinium - good Li Hai's physical strength and avoidance of fists and footsteps are all daring for a summer..."

Xia Di's use actively responded to my second attack, and the whole person used the sticky duck to come over, it seemed to block the space in all directions, and desperately hindered the offensive of Tiancong, which made me have a strange feeling of being unable to move an inch and lingering in place. Dare to do so is like being trapped in an airtight water-filled space full of sponges and feathers. ————This is the dividing line————PS: Perseverance is victory. After IS ends and Tolove begins, the abalone shell comes to an end.

Chapter 663 Lavra Budiweiyi (Part 2)

"Although it's hostile, how can you be such an uncle? I seem to have really become Xia Liu!"

Lavra finally restrained Shen Yin, and let out a low and tender chirping sound.

"Why is it that my bride is already my captive?"

With the advantage of "cross-border pupil" in dealing with details, the girl can accurately grasp the rhythm of Yinghe, and there will be no phenomenon that the movements are not in place.

"Actinide, please call me a 'bride', it will spoil the atmosphere..."


"Hey Ya Ya, let's let you experience the bliss first - let's see the trick!"

"Actinium starved actinium... It seems that it has changed again?"

"Hey, want to go a little further?"

"I walked like a clam, I seem to be in a mess..."

"All of your body becomes mine!"

The small body of Lavra’s sedan car trembled as if it were under control, and the buttons were frozen like turning in circles. The small opening of the mango’s mouth was playing with my bridle, so I knew how to stay in all directions.” The "Inner Gate" carried out the process of retreating in an instant, and broke through the final pass quite smoothly.

Laiba - Eternal magic skill? Spiral super current wave!

"Hey, I'm hungry, actinium, actinium, actinium, actinium, actinium, blackactinium—"

The girl's sedan chair seemed to have lost the support of her soul, and her entire body—actually, her entire stride—was on top of me.

"Wu Actin deterred the good uncle who was deceived by the provoked Jing Ye at Zigongshen..."

Lavra's little Zigong and Mango obviously pretended to be under the guise of my crystal night and the mugwort leaves she produced.


"It's... a lot of stalks..."


"I think... there are too many stalks!"

The girl stared at me with longing eyes.

Wow! Am I supposed to say that military artificial human beings bred as combat tools are physically strong enough?

"Okay, Manchu you!"