My Infinite Wings

Chapter 80

The little loli looked over cutely.

"I'm here to save you, Xiaocao."

I smiled and went forward and hugged the little loli in my arms - ah, I really want to pinch, but now is not the time, there will be opportunities in the future!

"Xiaocao's...Big brother...Brother" Little Loli was excited and passed out.

"You! Leave that child, this is the wagtail that my master took a fancy to, don't touch her!"

Ye Jian waved his scythe and rushed over.

The summary went up to meet him and said seriously: "People who bully children are the worst! Moreover, they are also wielding such sharp weapons!"

"Bang Dang!"

I raised my eyebrows: Ah, the sickle, is it still broken?

Yejian Jumping Foot: "Wow! My, my important death scythe was..."

"Summary, this little girl seems to be starving, hurry up and clean up the enemies and go back to eat!"

I smiled.


Hearing the meal, Sue suddenly became excited and dashed forward.

"Too arrogant! I will never forgive you!"

Ye Jian swings the sickle and unleashes his proud skill - the sickle itachi.

Invisible vacuum blade - summary, can it be done? If you don't use the overwhelming power I give you...

A few stray scallops were blocked by an ice wall from Qiujin, and there were only a few shallow cracks on the hard ice - ah, the element system is easy to use!

This is the first time I met this kind of attack summary, the clothes were still torn, showing plump and towering - well, fortunately, I am the only male creature here... Fortunately, Seoka, if you were here, I would definitely blast you into a dross!

"Ah, what a shame, what a shame!"

Ye Jian sneered.

"If a man only has gold, there is no shame in it!"

The summary answered confidently: "And, the summary will not lose!"

Ye Jian's blue veins jumped violently: "I'm here to help you shut up that domineering mouth - the last blow!"

If you don't use Ethereal Dance, you should be able to avoid it, but now is a good time to exercise!

With that in mind, the summary follows Miya's teachings—relax and let the force take its course... I have reached the agility and dexterity that can only be achieved by using the ethereal dance in the morning!

No need to look... just feel the flow of the air, the summary dances lightly like a cloud and water, passing by the vacuum blade, jumping behind Ye Jian - reminds me of the "swipe bullet" summary in the shooting game. Ye Mi's clothes are torn - oh, although the appearance is similar to Qiujin's in rank, and the bust is only 83 cm, but the shape of the two cute little ones is not bad... I will check it later, if I haven't been caught by Yuko Shang Hayato "beep" —”

If you pass it, I will give you eternal sleep for later use!


Ye Jian let out a coquettish cry, hugged his chest and squatted down.

"My oath fist, shatter Weiya's calamity!"

Press on the wagtail pattern on the back of the opponent's neck, and summarize the congratulatory speech.

"What...impossible! Miss, I...will lose to...this kind of wagtail..."

The light shone, Ye Jian whispered "Master" after the wagtail pattern disappeared and the function stopped.

Tsk, although Qiujin should not care, but there is a summary, the brainwashing work will be discussed later...——this is the dividing line——PS: Question! Do Hikaru and Hibiki have to be brainwashed to collect... No matter what, Seoka should have had **** with them, right? Then Sharon is a glass, he is absolutely impossible to have **** with a female wagtail; Bingmoquan only uses wagtail as a tool, and should not be able to "shoot" casually; Yuzi Shang Hayato is a collector, this guy is hard to say …

Note 1: Well anyway, Japanese always refer to "knife" as "sword"...

Note 2: The Roman accent of "See you at night" (? It's also Yomi—cough, I'm really speechless... Well, Chinese is good!

Chapter 036 Green Feather &

"Summary, put on your clothes first, and go out later. You can't let other men see you like this."

I concentrated my mind and transformed into the shrine maiden clothes that Xiaoyu usually wears - hehe, because it takes a little time to wear this kind of clothes!

Taking advantage of Xiaoyu's dressing time, I passed on to Qiujin, and asked her to block Xiaoyu's field of vision, while I held Xiaocao in one hand, dodged to Ye Jian who was lying on the ground, and squatted down to "check" - what to check ? What do you say "check"!

"Eternal Sleep!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, I asked Xiaoguang to open the plane channel and send Ye Jian into the space-time gap.

Qiujin naturally wouldn't doubt any of my actions, but when he saw the summary of the Gate of Light, he asked curiously, "Jin, this, what are you doing?"

"Of course to protect her!"

My lies came as soon as I opened my mouth: "Summary, MBI's president Hiroto Mizhong is definitely plotting something, if MBI is to recover the defeated wagtail, these poor losers will definitely be met with 'beep-' or 'beep-- ' or 'beep-'... tragedies like that! Even if her character is not very good, we must uphold a kind heart!"

"Jin, you are so gentle!"

The summary hugs me in a moving hug: "I like this kind of gold the most!"

However, this force woke Xiaocao - um, of course, her little head tilted again, and there was a "guru" sound in her abdomen.


Little Loli grumbled feebly. ——The dividing line of space——The grass left the botanical garden, and the abnormal forest slowly disappeared.

Returning to Izumo Village with the grass on her back - Miya really wanted to draw a knife...

"She's my new wagtail!"

I yelled.


A loud voice came from Xiaocao's stomach.

"Wow, don't... big brother... don't bully big brother..."

The grass on my back whispered with tears in her eyes.

"Well, her name is Xiaocao, she seems to be very hungry, don't you mind having multiple tenants, Miya?"

I smiled.