My Infinite Wings

Chapter 806

"Huhu... Sure enough, as expected of the little one who has 'that', no wonder there is such a miraculous 'change', then my preparations are not in vain!"

"That" refers to my magic power—I naturally told Shun about this level of "secret" without reservation, and it would also be convenient for her to continue developing stronger equipment with Matsu, Kotomi, and the others in the future.

However, what she meant by "preparation" was...

Anyway, in the bundle with "data line (?"

After another fiddling to connect "Wuheng" and "Hongchun", Hao began to test his own special plane.

There's not much to say here until...

"No, no, it's not good! Weaving, weaving, weaving spots teacher!"

With Zhenye's belated and sudden exclamation, I knew that the "Silver Gospel Incident" had finally come out. ————The dividing line of time and space————But then again, what kind of situation is the IS that the military runaway needs a "school" to settle? Well, even though IS Academy is an international school that tends to be militarized...

All in all, just like in the original book, under Shu’s unwilling to be alone, Chifuyu finally decided to let Hao and I attack, sniping at the “Silver Gospel” Sister Shu, disregarding any morality and law in order to make her important sister shine. Fa, this is really... I like it so much.

In other words, this genius scientist can really play the game of "world conquest" with me--speaking of which, this is the real "mad MadScientist"!

So, the time is now...

It's exactly twelve o'clock, and it's just lunch time. Hey! Although I am basically inedible, food is a kind of enjoyment!

Forget it, I'm not a good conscience "Really? Yixia", I can't waste the opportunity to attack twice, as long as I quickly solve the problem and come back to have lunch with the beautiful (young) girls - warm wine to kill the gospel, etc. of? puff……

The July sky is clear even in this season, and the sun pours down relentlessly.

Huo and I were not far from each other on the beach, we exchanged glances, nodded, and each launched IS.

It should be noted that although my "Wuheng" is more than one step higher in performance than the "white style" in the original book, especially in terms of energy, it is absolutely sufficient, but in terms of "high-speed equipment", it is indeed true. There's no way to "change it out" and I can't keep ShiningMode and rush to the target's side, right?

So, at the end of the day, I still need help.

"Originally, my self-esteem did not allow men to ride on top of women, but this time it was special."

You're arrogant again, huh - how many people have been "ridden" by me? Of course, I do like Qiankun inverse style, um...

Well, it should be that I finally got a dedicated machine and evened the gap with the others in "fighting side by side" with me, so Hao seemed to be in a very good mood.

Then, after receiving Chifuyu's sortie order, Hao flew three hundred meters into the air with me on his back. ——Continue to ascend, and in just a few seconds, it has risen to a height of 500 meters.

Then, after locking on the destination based on the satellite connection, the deployed armor on the legs and back of the red toon unfolded as its name suggests, and a strong energy was ejected from there, rushing out in one go.

This not inferior to the level when I turned on ShiningMode.

"Hong Chun" is worthy of being the authentic "fourth generation IS", and its performance in all aspects is one and a half levels higher than my "Wuheng" which relies on magic to make up and upgrade the day after tomorrow - but, obviously it The pilot was overexcited, and in fact, he failed to bring out the best combat power of the body perfectly.

Eh... that's right, I finally got a special-purpose machine, and I'm "Pin--"

Under the premise of passing, what kind of changes will be made to "Hong Chun"?

"I see - Yixia!"

The sound of huo came from the communication channel - after all, we are flying at high speed. Even if the distance between us is very close, it is unlikely to rely on the air to transmit the sound. Besides, IS's own "absolute defense" will actually form a layer of view. The invisible protective film isolates external sound waves and other things.

When the roar came out, the highly sensitive sensor of "Wuheng" also presented the image in front of my eyes.

"Silver Gospel" is just like its name. At first glance, it looks like a mechanical angel. The whole body is covered with a layer of silver light. The most bizarre thing is the pair of huge wings born from the head-and the thing that shines with the same silver brilliance as the main body. , according to the setting, it should be a new combat system that integrates large-scale thrusters and large-area shooting weapons.

"Going to speed up! Contact the target in ten seconds—Yi Xia, focus!"

"No problem, leave the rest to me!"

Hao increased the horsepower of the thrusters and deployed armor by another level, and at this amazing speed, we quickly drew closer to the high-speed silver Gospel.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6... 1!

Wuheng and Hongchun are separated and start immediately - ShiningMode + Instantaneous Acceleration + Zero Falling White Night!

My reaction speed to the Silver Gospel was considered, so I used all my abilities when I got started.

As I expected, the opponent's AI response is not unpleasant, but even if it turned at the highest speed and maintained a back posture to take a stance, I was still the first to cut a thruster.

Bang Bang - "The enemy plane is confirmed, switch to the attack mode, and the 'Silver Bell' starts to activate."

There was an unbroken mechanical voice from the public channel, and there was a clear sense of hostility in it. ————This is the dividing line————PS: The voting options after tolove can start to be considered, please bubble up your suggestions...

Chapter 683

It seems that just like many pilots call their special machine "that kid", the IS as a special machine should have a fuzzy logic program similar to artificial intelligence.

However, that's none of my business!

I have an absolute advantage in speed in ShiningMode+ Instantaneous acceleration double high speed state! more shot!

Using the spin step, I suddenly changed positions at super high speed without any stagnation, and I fell to the ground again.

At the same time, the half-damaged "Silver Bell" also spread out—like wings.

Although there was only one muzzle left, a large number of projectiles of light still spewed out.

hey... reverse spin!

I remember that this kind of light projectile is not a pure beam attack, but has explosive energy, so it is better not to hit it hard, or not to mess around.

Immediately back to the original position, I waved the knife again - diagonally!


Silver Gospel, actually gave me a bare-handed knife with both hands!

what! What a joke, the knife in my hand is not an ordinary energy blade, but a "zero falling white night" that can nullify defenses!

Of course, due to the blocked slash, the feature of "ignoring defense" cannot be used, but don't forget - due to the existence of my magic power, I can "drag" the opponent by consuming each other's energy!

However, because the other party is a military aircraft, it is said that the energy reserve is quite large, and the outcome is unpredictable for a while...


The single wing of the Silver Gospel was raised, and the muzzle was aimed at me.

Kabang - not the sound of Wuheng being shot, but...

"Don't forget me!"

Riding a red toon, he took advantage of the gap to join the battle, smashing the remaining "Silver Bell" from the side with a single blow, the silver gospel that lost its wings, lost its balance and fell to the sea.