My Infinite Wings

Chapter 830

"I also want to let go, but the badges seem to have a magnet effect on each other..."

"Then quickly take off the badge!"

"it is good……"

"Yeah-knot! City! Where is your hand touching?"

"Sorry, I can't lift my head up, so I can't see... I'm sorry, Gutegawa, please bear with me."


Haha, although there is a barrier with clothes, according to my rich experience, Yui's **** do not violate the setting, and they are quite expected. Even if they are not as good as Lala, they will surpass Haruna without any problem.

After some tossing, before Lala and Risa came over to help, I removed the badge from Yui's tie, satisfied and unfinished, and pulled her up as I stood up.

"The knot... the city!"

It seemed that Wei really wanted to beat me up, but in fact she did just that, but even the abbreviated version of "Incapacity" was enough to turn her attack into a soft fist, so passersby decidedly misunderstood it as flirting. ——Well, let her vent her anger this time, and I will get it back with interest in the future.

Almost forgot to mention the result of the election - any suspense? of course not! Haruna was elected with an overwhelming majority of votes. This is the "inertia" of human beings...

In the end, Furukawa Yui got the position of a disciplinary committee member.

Regarding Yui, who was still angry, I decided to deflect the conflict, and as a result, I succeeded in getting her to target Haruna, who was the former and current monitor but was "laxly disciplined".

"I, but I've heard of it. It's obvious that Lara-san and Yuuki-san have... that kind of relationship, but you seem to be..."

Eh? It seems that even if I have deliberately concealed some information, "rumours" will inevitably spread among the students in private? Well, this is something I can't do. After all, from the last semester to now, Lala and Haruna have been very close to me during school. It is a fact for all to see.

Hmph... In this Jingwei Temple, any trouble that may occur will be wiped out by me in the budding stage, so the two daughters who are relatively simple-minded can continue to be carefree - after all, this is "true" The world" rather than the villain, there is no sinister second dimension without the appearance of the villain.

Having said that, Yui's accusation is useless to Haruna now.

Because of being "pyrid-" by me

From the relationship up to now, I know clearly that Haruna seems to be submissive, but she is guilty of two things - I mean, she is the type to go all the way to black!

"Because we both like Lidou very much, it's okay."

Haruna replied with a smile on her face.

Wei was stunned for two seconds.

"Wh, do you know what you're talking about? This kind of chaotic relationship... Yuuki-san is so shameless, he's pedaling two boats or something..."

"Don't speak ill of Lidou."

Haruna's face suddenly became stern - but her angry look was not scary at all, she really lacked the potential for blackening.

"Risa has already told you? Lala is an alien and is not restricted by the laws of the earth, and I am Lidou's real girlfriend on earth!"

Wow, that soft and weak Haruna can actually speak like this, it seems that my day and night work is a big part of it.

"You, you... all have no shame!"

"It has nothing to do with shame, we just... fell in love with the same man together and couldn't help ourselves."

Haruna said this with a very soft expression on her face, but then it turned into an expression that seemed to have taken gunpowder. Afterwards, the character of the imitated person is completely reversed. ————This is the dividing line————PS: Tomorrow will be the super concentration day for the new episode...→_→

Chapter 707 The ghost of the old school building

Haruna of Xilian Temple flicked her ears and hair, and the words were amazing-compared to her original character.

"You who haven't been in love, you who haven't tasted H, Furutegawa-san, you won't understand that feeling."

"Eh, H—"

Finally, Yui Furtekawa was unable to make a strong rebuttal—or dared not continue to debate the topic of "shame", and could only blushed and muttered, "I don't want to understand shameless things!"

Turn away. ————The dividing line of time and space————Junior Tachibana, male——Dare to attack Haruna and Yui's idea, so, die for me... Well, forget it, the world is so beautiful, but I am like this Grumpy, that's not good or bad.

OK, I decided to use magic to make him amnesia for a year or two, over.

Not long after, Meikan's teacher, Haruko Nitta, a young woman with glasses and glasses, came to visit, but Meikan's father was too busy with work, and "again" released his daughter's pigeons.

I said that this good-looking teacher is quite easy to deal with. Taking advantage of her admiration for Yuuki Caipei who is a manga artist - that is, me who pretends to be a cheap dad, I will naturally apply the power of eternity. The seeds were planted in her body.

Since it is not an important person, I will only make a brief summary.

It's night, clone, dimensional leap, the magic of eternity is fully activated, the goal is lost, the strictest eternal contract is signed, and the task is completed. ————The dividing line of time and space————The ghost incident in the old school building.

Relying on the rumors released by Shaji of Tenjoin based on personal experience, after class, the group "sneaked in": I, Lala, Haruna, Risa, Weiyang, Golden Darkness, and Wei.

The old school building...? It is said that in the story of the campus department of the second dimension, the "old school building" is very unreasonable, and the place that is haunted in every sense is really flooded!

If it is a general orientation, then the male protagonist will meet a lonely beautiful girl (or one) here; if it is a supernatural orientation, then there must be a ghost here; if it is a Lifan orientation, then there is really a variety of heavy-mouthed hunting here. Great place for NTR...

Whoops! Of course I know the inside story of this "ghost", and because of this, it makes me even more indignant? Furious? Angry bullfight? Well, it's hard to describe, but I will never allow that **** tentacle monster to bully Lala and the others.

As the plot progressed, I deliberately followed Lala, Haruna, and Yui to the basement level (it seemed to hear the little dark above muttering, "What are you doing, this guy..."

The phenomenon of the so-called "ghost" caused by the spirits is more obvious, even if I am "pyrid--"

However, Haruna, who had a little understanding of supernatural power, still couldn't bear the girl's general fear of ghosts, and hugged my left arm tightly, not to mention shouting "Ghosts don't exist!"

In fact, the two are the only ones fighting each other.

Glancing at Lala, who was looking around curiously, I smiled at Yui.

"Are you afraid? It's okay to leave it here for you!"

Saying that, I raised my right arm.

"Nonsense! I just... ah?"

Yui's body fell forward as if he had tripped.

It's not my style to watch the intended target get injured, so I immediately reached out and grabbed her arm, and put on a bright and open tone.

"Hold my hand, be careful to encounter 'Shen Yin' (Yi's face starts to turn blue)... Well, even if not, you can see that there are so many sundries and garbage here, if you hold hands, you can avoid unnecessary Injured isn't it?"

"Ei, since what you said, um, it's not unreasonable..."

After hesitating for three seconds, she couldn't resist the pressure of fear, but she twisted her face and took my right hand, but in order to avoid embarrassment, she just pulled Lala with her other hand, euphemistically called...

"Ahem, don't go away, everyone..."

Furn... Let's use the power of eternity to make Wei's spring heart sprouted a little bit!