My Infinite Wings

Chapter 837

It seems that the voice of Yaomeng is coming from all directions, and as soon as her voice fell, the sakura-colored brilliance burst out from under my feet, and the splashing sakura petal-like knife light seemed to bloom on my retina, more than before. The tyrannical power of his moves criss-crosses them, weaving a beautiful and elegant death flower corridor, trapping me in it - wait! Ye Yue Dongming's side... Aha, Yao Meng seems to realize that I am the enemy, and the psychic girl has been ignored.

Gee, from the inside out - Dark Shield! Dark Vortex! Shadow Ripples!

The dark defense spell that I am good at is fired three times in one go, and the time difference is calculated in microseconds almost instantaneously, but...

Well! This sense of oppression... The triple protection magic in the double-wing state can't be stopped!

At this time, Yomon's pretending to be mature voice appeared slowly.

"Sakura sword? Sparkling and scattered!"

eh? Not "Sword Art" but "Sakura Sword"... ugh! I swear, is it Boss mode?

In an instant, I realized that I can no longer fight with a playful mentality - as a famous Chu Colonel said: crush it with absolute power!

Six Wings of Yuan, open!

Boom—a terrifying aura higher than the six-winged fallen angel on the realm rank directly shook the murderous "cherry blossom zone" away, and the six matt crystal-like huge wings that wrapped and protected me suddenly unfolded, carrying I seem to be slowly rising upwards.

It is still "disappearing" - in fact, when my six wings are fully open, I understand that it is the ultimate high-speed demon dream that deceives ordinary dynamic vision. shape.

"Soul of Evil! Bizarre half body!"

叏——The half-body spirit made a strange noise, and no longer acted as a cute display. It sprinkled a triangular cone-shaped barrage like pouring rain and also emitted a circle of light waves. It was actually a combination of two skills to use!

Immediately afterwards, Yao Meng took advantage of the momentum of her whereabouts and made another move.

"Profound Truth? Westward Spring Breeze Slash!"

Although Yomeng is not incapable of flying, she is indeed not good at this—except when using one of her nirvanas, "Human Ghost? Future Eternal Tribulation"—perhaps it is for this reason that she commands the half-body The spirit suppresses the barrage of me.

However, for me, who has already deployed six wings, this level of "suppression" is not much different from a drizzle...

The six-winged "shadow ripples" formed in an instant with my thoughts, easily blocking the half-body spirit's offensive - just like a rainstorm pouring into a river, although there are ripples, it absolutely cannot subvert the fundamentals!

But this move "Westward Spring Breeze Slash" can make me admire it.

Yomeng's double knives rolled up to present a "face" shape rather than a "line"-shaped sword energy, followed by the half body spirit's barrage and sent a full-scale blow to me.


Not bad, it's really a good move - but, that's all, the level of "not bad" is far from hurting me!

Well, it's time for me to respond.

As I mentioned earlier, I have evolved the skill of "bonding my heart", and the selection of characters and skills that apply to this moment is...

Erotera - Silent Flash Slash!

In an instant, as if possessed by a blackened knight king, I swung a sword seemingly lightly.

Previously, Yaomeng's "Prison World Sword? One flash of two hundred yojanas" was a dazzling flash in the eyes of mortals, and the "Silent Flash Slash" I used at this moment was also a flash in Yaomeng's eyes - pitch black. flash!

The turbulent sword energy was as fragile as soft tofu, and was divided into two by the dark flash. However, just when the black light was about to slash at Yao Meng, she disappeared again - so, the buildings on the ground suffered.

Of course, this also has something to do with me not making a dead hand, otherwise the "Silent Flash Slash" attacking at the true speed of light would not have been able to dodge by Yao Meng with special skills.

However, the moves used by Yaomeng this time are indeed somewhat miraculous. It is not a super-high speed like "Sparkling Sanhua" that creates a visual illusion, because the extreme enhanced dynamic vision I have in the six-wing state can't capture that petite. figure.

Hmm... So that's the case, I almost missed it - although Yomeng's body disappeared, the half-body spirit shrunk into the appearance of a light group, rising or flashing in the higher air, spewing out more in all directions. Intensive fast triangular cone bullets and slow cherry blossom petal-shaped bullets, sometimes mixed with two waves of straight-line knife light, slashed towards me.

Well! This is the oneness of human beings...

"Zan Zhan? Lou Guan gave me the eye of the heart that can cut through all things!"

Tsk, it really is a boss-level ultimate skill!

Even so, with Yaomeng's energy level, it really can't hurt me.

But the shocking reality really left me stunned.

The two barrages are indeed completely unable to break through my protective magic, but the two beams of knife light seem to ignore the shadow ripples and the dark shield, and even directly penetrate my pair of "Wings of Yuan" Ga! What's going on, it's impossible? The energy level is still "very weak", but why?

I quickly thought and came to a conclusion - the answer can only be... This Boss skill truly has the attribute of "the eye of the heart that cuts through all things"!

Fortunately, the "Wings of Yuan" is not an extension of my body. Even if I am injured, I will not feel pain, and as long as there is enough energy, the regeneration can be completed in the blink of an eye.

嘁, there is really no way, can't be leisurely, take the opportunity to put out the opponent!

With a thought, I have used the dimensional jump to teleport to the sky above the half-body spirit.

White lightning-like blade light struck again.

Huh, what a quick response!

However, it was just beyond my expectations that Yao Meng succeeded in a small way. In fact, my reaction speed was much faster than hers! ————This is the dividing line————PS: Lagrange of reincarnation insisting on chasing is the right choice! Sure enough, the color that looks warm and smooth is the most important thing!

Chapter 715 The Undead of Snow... The Blackened Version?

As if I was casually moving my body sideways, I easily dodged two waves of knife light - it seems that in the state of unity of human beings and spirits, the number of attacks from Yaomeng's "eyes of the heart" at the same time is The limit is the same as the number of knives held.

While dodging the only attack that threatened me a little, I started to cast all kinds of magic.

"Heavenly Prison Shadow Kill" sprinkled swarms of shadow flying blades to offset the barrage, and "Black Snow" set off a black blizzard to freeze the half-body spirit - even if Yaomeng has the "eye of the heart" attribute of the knife light without suspense. The black ice around her body, but the overwhelming "dark bondage" along with the sizzling "dark thunder" enveloped her in all directions, coupled with the harassment of "mind control", she was quickly beaten. Returning to the "original form" of the separation of human and spirit, the ability to use one mind and seven uses at the same time, and the ability to control complex numbers at the same time, is another great advantage of my essence from "dark" to "yuan".

And the reason for making it so troublesome is obviously that I don't want to really hurt Yomeng's relationship - otherwise, with the full power of the six wings, the "Soul Blast", which has a great bonus damage to the spiritual body, will pass, and she will be blissful. afterlife.


An unwilling muffled sound burst out from her throat, and Yomeng's body fell weakly from the air - and was rescued by being entangled by several black chains.

Well, in fact, with her half-human, half-spirited physique, it doesn't matter if she falls to the ground...probably.

I flashed to Yaomeng's side, and slapped a "source force interception" advanced version of the seal technique "source force interception" "You, what did you do?"

"Sealing technique, haven't you seen it?"

Take a closer look - huh? Even if she's wearing pants, but if the chain is rubbed between her legs... Youmu's expression becomes quite "interesting"!

Hmm... Before I knew it, my passive skill "Binding Art" was also upgraded!

"And, speaking of 'do'..."

Seeing such a cute expression on her face, my mind moved, and I couldn't help but reach out and touch that... that half-body spirit that was also bound by five flowers.

Hehe... It's not good to "hands" on Yaomeng directly in front of the girls below, but touching this "ghost" will not cause suspicion!

Eternal power, micro input!