My Iron Suit

Chapter 1010: Old acquaintance!

It’s just that the armored car is equipped with heavy machine guns and rockets. However, due to the launch angle problem, there is no way to take the plane hovering directly above.

The sound of Alice's fall on the armored vehicle caused the people inside the car to be alert for a moment, and quickly checked through the monitoring equipment on the roof. Alice's figure quickly fell into the eyes of the people inside the car.

A soldier in charge of the weapon attacked even if he was about to control the machine gun to aim at Alice, but a voice suddenly sounded behind him, preventing his action.


The soldier couldn't help but stop the operation in his hand and turned his head to look at his boss.

I saw a blond middle-aged man wearing a black jacket with a cross on his chest and a gloomy face. He was standing behind him and looking at the picture on the monitor screen. His eyes sparkled with excitement and muttered to himself. Road.

"Alice! You took the initiative to come to the door!"

When the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned to look at the soldier and ordered the voice.

"Without my orders, no one is allowed to attack! I have to grab her by myself!"

Everyone in the car heard the words quickly.

"Yes! Doctor!"

After Alice fell to the top of the armored vehicle, she quickly looked at the roof. When I found two six-tube Gatling guns on both sides of the roof, I couldn’t help but be prepared to avoid the machine gun attack.

But what makes Alice a bit strange is that the two machine guns didn't point to her, it seemed to be broken.

Alice didn't care about it. While watching the movement of the machine gun, she carefully walked behind the armored car and wanted to pull the survivor who was tied behind the rope and the zombie race.

But before she went to the rear of the armored car, a door at the front of the car was opened from the inside.

After the recovery of strength, the senses became more acute. Alice instantly found the movement behind her, immediately stopped and quickly turned around and looked at the direction of the front.

I saw a blond middle-aged man in a black jacket crawling up from the armored car, and a familiar face appeared in front of Alice!


Looking at the middle-aged man who appeared in front of him, Alice said incredulously.

"I obviously killed you!"

This middle-aged man was the head of the lab where Alice found her clone, and the author of the Alice Project, which she studied, Dr. Isaacs!

However, when I cloned the lab, Alice saw that Dr. Isaacs, who was infected with the T virus mutation, was cut into pieces by the laser laser of the laser channel. How could it appear again here!

She does not think that Dr. Isaacs could have the same immortality as Wesker!

Dr. Isaacs climbed out of the armored car, as if he had found the hunter of the prey, and looked at the surprised Alice with excitement, proudly said.

"But I am in front of you!"

Alice couldn’t help but think of her own clones and immediately reacted.

"Clone people!"

Alice suddenly realized.

"I killed your clone!"

Dr. Isaacs smiled coldly and said quietly.

"You have always been my biggest trouble! Your cloned sisters have all been killed by me, and now you are coming to your door!"

Dr. Isaacs said as he walked slowly toward Alice.

"The cleanup plan should have been completed a year ago, but you slowed down our progress! Wesker's idiot was killed by you! So I have to personally command!"

The death of Wesker has apparently been known by the umbrella company, but they do not know the role Chen Mo played in it.

Dr. Isaacs stopped in front of Alice, but did not rush to start, but looked at Alice's fierce voice.

"God created a flood to purify the earth! Forty days and nights of heavy rain! Our method takes a little longer, but the result will be the same! The final will be a clean and pure world!"

Immediately, Dr. Isaacs looked at Alice's eyes and became fierce.

"And you are our last obstacle!"

Dr. Isaacs said, slamming out the short knife in the waist scabbard and stabbing it towards Alice's chest!

Alice's reaction was quick, and she quickly escaped Dr. Isaacs's short knife and flashed to the side, while lifting her leg and kicking it to Dr. Isaacs' waist!

Dr. Isaacs was awkward, but there was nothing wrong with it. He quickly stabilized his figure and turned around and slashed his knife to Alice!

Alice raised her hand to block the right hand of Dr. Isaacs, but Dr. Isaac’s left hand suddenly hit her belly with a fist, and followed by a pedal, and Alice could not help but step back. Take a step.

A short fight, Alice found that Dr. Isaacs' strength is not under her!

However, Chen Mo, who was in the plane above the two men, could not see the two eyes, but his exhaled powers reflected the underlying battle into the brain!

His conclusion is also more accurate than Alice!

Dr. Isaacs's speed is basically the same as Alice, but the power is stronger This may be because Dr. Isaacs' original body is stronger than Alice!

But his strength is still a lot worse than Wesker!

This should be related to the excessive variability of Wesker. Dr. Isaacs does not have the red erectiles of Wesker, and there is no horror tentacles sticking out of his mouth. The way of strengthening looks more similar to Alice. The T virus seems to be relatively stable, and there is no riot like Wesker, fighting for control of the body!

It seems that Dr. Isaacs has achieved certain results in Alice's research over the years, and can achieve the perfect fusion of A virus like Alice!

It seems that this kind of perfect fusion enhancement is not as strong as Wesker, but the security and stability are incomparable to Wesker's mutation enhancement!

Wesker's way of strengthening has great uncertainty and contingency, it is very likely that an agnostic mutation will occur, and even a great possibility becomes a completely inhuman monster!

This is Dr. Isaacs, and the high-level umbrella of the savior is unacceptable!

In fact, Wesker is just one of the relatively successful trials of countless trials. This will be appointed as the president of the umbrella company, responsible for related matters. In essence, he is only a senior hitter, and truly holds the power of the umbrella company. Dr. Isaacs!


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