My Iron Suit

Chapter 1409: Fight back!

The people of the Ocean Guardians Association on the anti-whaling ships and speedboats, watching the suddenly tight ropes and the suddenly changing whaling ships on the sea, froze for a moment and then realized what was happening.

The blue whale was fighting back!

They looked at each other in disbelief, and then they all couldn't help but show a smile of schadenfreude, looking at the huge figure pulling the cable to swim with all their strength, and their hearts were all excited.

Although they have long known that the whale's IQ is very high, this scene in front of them is once again refreshing their knowledge of whales.

Prior to this, whales would flee rashly when they encountered whaling ships, and ultimately most of them could not escape the fate of being arrested. They had put in countless efforts to counter whaling operations, but only saved a small part of them.

But now the blue whale in front of them has learnt to fight back, and even took the initiative to bite the cable hanging into the sea, trying to overturn the whaling boat!

And what they have seen so far is that the action of this blue whale is very likely to succeed!

The person in charge of the anti-whaling ship immediately ordered the whaling ship and the speedboat to immediately draw away from the whaling ship, and the people wearing them stopped to throw glass bottles on the whaling ship, and turned to swim hard in the sea. The blue whale shouted.

"Come on, man! Turn them over!"

"Baby! You can do it!"

"Damn bastard, your retribution is coming! Hahahaha!"

"Counter! Counterattack!"

"Kill them!"


While the members of the Ocean Guardians Association were excited, the people on the whaling ship were in a panic.

Several sailors rushed to the rope under the command of the captain, but they could not be freed with their bare hands.

But when they wanted to find a long whale-cutting knife from the deck to cut the rope, they found that the knife all slid to the side of the hull as the whale dragged and the hull tilted.

They also knew the seriousness of the matter. Even if someone quickly got up and took the knife, the deck was slippery, and at this time it was tilted, plus the centrifugal force pulled by the blue whale to turn quickly, they could not stand at all. , Stumbled all the way, and spent a lot of effort before coming to the cutter, but these cutters slipped far away along the deck.

When several sailors struggled with the knife on the ground, on the other side, the captain clasped the fence tightly with both hands, and angrily screamed and urged the sailors, but then suddenly found that the whaling ship did not slow down at all!

The captain's face couldn't help changing, he quickly took out the intercom and called the cab again, but found no response. He realized that the intercom was broken!


The walkie-talkie is always good, why is it broken at this time?

But now I think that these are obviously useless. Seeing that several sailors are still struggling with the knives, the captain can't take care of the others. He quickly helped the railing and stumbled toward the cab.

But just when he finally ran to the door of the cab, the blue whale in the sea suddenly released the rope in his mouth under the control of Chen Mo!

At this time, the whaling ship was making a sharp turn to the right, pulled by the great force of the blue whale, and everyone on the ship could feel the strong centrifugal force pulling them toward the left side of the ship.

In fact, it is not just them. The whole hull is subjected to greater centrifugal force. Originally pulled by the bow rope, the hull barely maintained a balance. As the blue whale loosened the rope, the balance was instantly broken.

The huge hull of the whaling ship immediately tilted towards the left side, the crowd on the deck could no longer stand, and the body could not help sliding along the severely inclined deck toward the left side of the ship!

At the door of the cab, the captain had just opened the door, and before he had time to speak, he felt a violent shake under his feet, his body suddenly fell to the ground, and was immediately thrown out of the deck by the violent shake, and fell into a scream of scream region!

Under the watch of the members of the Marine Guardian Association on the black anti-whaling ship and the speedboat, the huge hull of the nearly 50-meter long whaling ship quickly tilted to the left, and soon fell over the whole sea, stirring up A huge spray of ten meters high.

Dozens of sailors on the deck fell into the sea like dumplings.

Seeing that the whaling ship was really overturned by the blue whale, everyone in the Ocean Guardians Association cheered with excitement.

This is a huge victory like never before!

It's a whale's counterattack against whalers, a great battle worth saving in the history of marine protection!

This blue whale is destined to be remembered by everyone!

Although they were extremely excited about the blue whale's overturning of the whaling ship, the people of the Ocean Guardians Association did not always stand by and watch the excitement.

Although they are called environmental terrorists, their actions are sometimes radical, but they are not the lunatics who view the life of animals as heavier than humans.

So after seeing the sailors on the whaling ship falling into the water, although they were gloating, they threw the lifebuoy on the ship for the first time.

The sailors themselves will swim, and the life buoy thrown by the Ocean Guardians Association is not life-threatening.

The captain of the whaling boat also grabbed a life buoy that was thrown beside him, but looking at the whaling boat that had completely overturned lying on the sea, his face was extremely ugly.

This time is over!

The captain of the whaling ship will be held accountable, and he will surely be held accountable. It is very likely that he will be dismissed directly. Thinking of it here ~ ~ For everyone in the Marine Guardian Association who dropped the life buoy, he was not only grateful, but rather Full of hatred.

If these guys weren't busy, the whale had already been successfully hunted by them, and things wouldn't be like this now.

Although the blue whale that overturned the whaling ship is a direct killer, the people of the Ocean Guardians Association are also accomplices!

The people on the anti-whaling ship did not notice the sullen look on the captain's face, and were still busy throwing lifebuoys to the sailors in the sea.

Not long ago, they threw glass bottles at each other, and the other party returned fire with high-pressure water guns, but in just a few minutes, the situation has changed so much.

The sailors who attacked them with high-pressure water guns all fell into the water, and all the glass bottles they threw were replaced with life buoys. The fierce battles before turned into a sea rescue.

In addition to the sailors who had fallen into the water, there were many workers on the dumped whaling vessel. After the whaling vessel tipped over and temporarily stabilized, they all climbed out of the cabin.

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