My Iron Suit

Chapter 371: Waiting for the opportunity!


For some movies with a long time span, Chen Mo’s time will be the beginning of the plot. If Chen Mo’s needs or characters appear in the early stage, it’s better to say that he will get away early and don’t care about the story behind.

Just like the "Night Legend" world, Chen Mo went directly back to the Middle Ages of the origin of the undead, and this film tells that the main story is happening in modern times.

However, Chen Mo needs the perfect blood of Alexander Covenus, and this can be obtained directly in the early stage of the plot. It is not necessary to wait for modern, so he got the perfect blood, and the body evolved into an immortal body with eternity. The life, and also unexpectedly learned that after Alexander Covinas's extraordinary swordsmanship in the battles of hundreds of years, Chen Mo directly chose to leave.

But if what Chen Mo needs does not appear at the beginning of the plot, or if he can wait until the late stage of the plot to meet the conditions and get it in his hands, then from the time he enters to the final departure, there will be a long time in the middle of a long time. Waiting.

In fact, Chen Mo had this kind of worry long after he knew that it was this movie. He did not expect to be guessed by him. It was still like the previous times, before the beginning of the plot.

Fortunately, Chen Mo had obtained eternal life from the world of "The Legend of the Night". Don't worry that he would not die until he arrived. If so, he can only give up the world and leave early.

However, this also gives Chen Mo a wake up. Some worlds want to get what he wants is not so easy, and must have certain innate conditions to be able to achieve.

For example, in this world, if Chen Mo did not get the perfect blood in advance and had immortal life, he could not wait until the future story matured to get what he wanted.

Another example is the world of Iron Man. If he had not entered the "Captain America" ​​world before, and he had a deep friendship with Howard Stark, he became the godfather of Tony Stark, and he was proud of himself. The character, it is not easy to get a steel shirt.

And if you don't accept the Hydra in advance, without the assistance of Eric Kermango, it will be very difficult to control Vakanda, get the vibrating gold, nano combat suits and wakanda's cutting-edge technology.

Therefore, it is necessary for Chen Mo to do more understanding of the world that he is interested in and may go to in the future, and prepare in advance so as not to have a chance to cross the past, but for various reasons, he cannot achieve the goal, or simply has to take the initiative. Give up, waste a lot of opportunities that are not easy to get.

After all, every time the world that appears is completely random, and many are worlds of little value. It is not easy to meet the movie world that you want. If you encounter it, you must seize the opportunity, otherwise it will be next time. It is not necessary to be able to meet again.

This time, I was able to cross the world he wanted when he was most eager. It was very rare. Although it was a waste of time, it was safe to come. Anyway, he has unlimited life, and there is more time in the middle. It is to experience different life.

And with this long period of time, he can also plan slowly and strive to be foolproof.

Chen Mo is now in Alberta in northwestern Canada, in 1845.

And just a short distance from the manor he bought, there is also a small estate, where the owner is named John Howlet!

Chen Mo’s goal is in the manor!

However, there are still hundreds of years, Chen Mo is not in a hurry, lived in the manor with peace of mind, while understanding the situation of this era, while watching the situation of Howlet Manor.

At this time, Canada is still a British colony. The economy is mainly based on agriculture, forestry and fishery. The west of Alberta is close to the Rocky Mountains. The forestry resources are developed, mainly due to the deforestation and processing of wood. It is a large plain and fertile land, mainly based on agricultural cultivation and animal husbandry.

Chen Mo’s manor is at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.

At this time, the United States, which is adjacent to Canada, is at a stage of rapid development.

The industrial revolution is taking place in the north and central regions, the capitalist economy is developing at a rapid rate, while in the south it is a plantation economy based on black slavery.

At the same time, the United States acquired a large territory in the west by purchasing land from various European colonial powers, and established new states in the west.

Whenever a new state is established, there will be a struggle in the state to allow or prohibit the existence of slavery.

The northern bourgeoisie and peasants advocated the prohibition of slavery in NSW and demanded that the state be identified as a free state.

The Southern slave owners tried to expand slavery to the west advocated the establishment of the state as a state that allowed slavery to exist.

Due to the short time of the industrial revolution, the bourgeoisie has limited power in the US Congress and the government. The slave owners used their dominance in the Congress and the government to achieve continuous victory, which aroused the indignation of the people of the North.

The existence of slavery in the south has seriously stifled the development of industry and commerce in the north. The contradiction between the southern plantation owners and the northern capitalists has become increasingly fierce.

Chen Mo knows that in a few years, the contradictions between the two sides will be even more intensified, and even armed conflicts will erupt. From the world-famous large-scale civil war, the outbreak of the American Civil War has not been many years!

This era is a chaotic era, but it is also a good thing for Chen Mo, which brings great convenience to the implementation of his plan.

Through various channels to grasp the current situation, and in contrast with the history and movie plots in the mind, a plan is gradually forming in Chen Mo's mind, and Chen Moxin is full of confidence in finally reaching the goal!

The plan has been decided, Chen Mo is not eager to act, but patiently waiting for the opportunity.

Although based on past experience, even if he makes some minor changes to the plot, it will not destroy the trend of the whole story, but if he completely changes the story, the latter development will be uncontrollable.

Chen Mo did not care that the plot was changed, but it must be after he reached the goal.

If he rushes to intervene before some key plots happen, it is very likely that the plot will be changed. Those things that should have appeared are likely to be postponed or even no longer appear. This risk he does not want to bear.

Now he is faced with such a situation, what he needs has not yet appeared, if you intervene too early, it is likely to destroy the original plot trajectory, resulting in unknown variables.

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