My Italian

Chapter 159: Conspiracy (2 in 1

, the fastest update of my latest chapter of Yidaili!

It was a group of old men with the rank of general on their shoulders who talked about Simeone. They were talking about the general Simeone who had just been summoned at the home of Admiral Saragate, the War Secretary.

In the bright room, there were several sofas, and several old men with white hair but still full of energy, dressed in neat military uniforms chatted and farted with each other. As long as you look at the flower on its shoulder, you can be dazzled.

"I don't know what's going on when Saragate called us all together this time?"

A thin old man with the rank of general sat on the sofa, wiped his glasses slowly, and asked his doubts.

"Cadorna, you don't know either?"

Opposite him, the able-bodied old man, also wearing a general's uniform, opened his mouth and answered his question.

That's right, the very gentle old man with glasses was the Italian Army Chief of Staff General Rafael Cadorna.

The one who answered him was Admiral Parker Tapea, Director of Equipment of the Army Department, and in addition to the two of them, Admiral Leo Moreira, Director of Army Education, and Admiral Pedro Arias, Director of Logistics Sitting by the side smoking a cigarette. Together with General Saragate, the Minister of War, these five people are the main controllers of the current Army.

And Admiral Cadorna, who didn't get an answer from Admiral Tapea. He turned his attention to the other two.

"Don't look at me, I don't know."

"What you don't know, can I know first?"

Seeing that none of the three of them knew the purpose of convening everyone this time, Admiral Cadorna could only give up his plan to ask.

And it was rare to get together at this time, so they started chatting afterwards. Since it is a small talk, then as Lieutenant General Simeone, who has recently become popular, it must also be their talk.

"I don't know how Simone could be favored by His Majesty."

General Moreira, the director of education, casually mentioned Lieutenant General Simeone.

"It really can be anything, but this kid is just lucky."

Another boss, General Arias, the logistics director, expressed his opinion with a disdainful face.

However, the other three did not care about his words, because they knew that the logistics director had a deep prejudice against Simeone, and the reason was that Simeone had topped it. The position of the lieutenant general.

This lieutenant general Baxter was the number two figure in the forces of Admiral Arias. In order to prepare for his success when he was not healthy, Arias entered into a series of deals with them and paid a lot of money. I finally got it, but I didn't expect to be cut off by Simone.

Well, Simone, who is nearly fifty years old, is indeed only a junior to these seventy-eighty-old generals on the scene.

And their conversation inspired Admiral Cadorna, only to see him speak. "You said that Salagate called us together because of this kid?"

In the face of Cadorna's words, the other generals immediately pondered. After a while, the director of education, Admiral Moreira, spoke up.

"There is such a possibility, but it should be unlikely."

Moreira's words immediately attracted the approval of the other two generals.

"Yeah, I don't think it's very likely either. Simeone is just a little out of the way, he's not stupid and doesn't allow himself to be an isolated target. I think he's more of a neutral attitude, both It won't offend us, and it won't offend that Your Majesty."

"Besides, even if Simone fell to that His Majesty, it wouldn't be a big deal. Our strength can still suppress this His Majesty's outstretched hand."

The words of the other generals also revealed their powerful forces within the army. Obviously, they all thought that what General Cadorna was worried about was not true at all. Even if it is established, there will not be a fundamental change in power.

And their words also made Cadorna, the chief of the general staff, feel that he was over-hearted.

Although the matter has come to an end, several generals are also more and more curious about the purpose of the Minister of War Sarah Ghat to call everyone this time. Although everyone is in Rome, everyone is the leader of each faction in the army, and they all represent their own faction, so everyone is very busy. What kind of big event, let this person gather everyone together.

They didn't have to wait long, and after a while, Admiral Saragate, the Minister of War, pushed the door in with a dusty look on his face.

"I'm sorry, but it's been a long wait for everyone."

As soon as he entered the door, Admiral Saragate apologized to everyone present.

"It doesn't matter, we are also idle, and it should be waiting for you, the head of the army."

The one who said the strange thing was the equipment director, Admiral Tapea, who was in a bad mood because he had been waiting for a long time.

In the face of Admiral Tapea's words, Admiral Saragate ignored it and continued to speak. "I called everyone here this time because of a very important matter, and this matter is related to the future of the Army."

Saragate's words made the people present immediately sit up straight. Although everyone disliked each other, they had worked together for so many years, and their temperaments were thoroughly touched.

A man like Saragate, if he just opens his mouth and says that something big is happening, then there must be.

"What's the matter?"

The inquiry from Admiral Cadorna made everyone pay more attention to the Minister of War.

In the face of everyone's eyes, Saragate continued. "I just got the news that the Navy, with the support of His Majesty, is preparing to form a Marine Corps, which is at the scale of the division and brigade level."


It was Admiral Tapea who made the sound, but his words did not stop Admiral Saragat, and he continued to speak. "And most of the officers who form this unit will be selected from the Praetorian Guard."

Admiral Saragate's words made all the admirals present look extremely ugly, and they could read a lot of useful content from this news. More importantly, they didn't even notice it, which embarrassed them the most.

You must know that His Majesty had promised that the Praetorian Guard would not exceed 10,000 people. I didn’t expect that His Majesty would come to take over. On the bright side, there was indeed no increase in the number of Praetorian Guard troops, but he was recruiting Praetorian Guard officers. , in the name of the Marine Corps, is expanding.

There is still a bit of a monarch here, it is more shameless than them.

No, the most grumpy Admiral Tapea immediately stood up and roared angrily. "Damn the navy, what do they want. Gorek has water in his head, he could have promised us before."

The furious Admiral Tapea was fine, and he still had a trace of reason in his mind, so he didn't scold Carlo together.

But although he didn't scold him, everyone knew that His Majesty was the mastermind. You must know that the army's power is much stronger than the navy, which can only be vicious at sea.

"Is the news confirmed?"

Although I believe Saragat's words, there are still people who are not reconciled and want to ask.

"I have personally confirmed the news and it is true. Currently, Grove is selecting officers from the Praetorian Guard."

Saragate's words made several generals give up.

"We underestimated that His Majesty."

At this time, Cadorna, the chief of staff, suddenly sighed.

"What's the use of talking about it now, we need a way to deal with it."

Cadorna's words aroused dissatisfaction from other people. At this time, he didn't mean to mention it.

"I'm just saying, how can I think of a solution so quickly."

"Then don't say it."

Seeing that the scene was about to quarrel, Saragate patted the table, and then he opened his mouth to the crowd. "Okay, let's stop arguing. Now that we are facing this situation, I believe everyone knows very well what the consequences will be. We must unite at this time so that the king can see our strength."

Everyone understands Saragate's speech, which is to unite with the outside world.

"Saragate, everyone has no opinion on what you said, but we are united, and we cannot make that majesty give up and continue to expand his Guards. If this problem is not solved, it will be very unfavorable to us."

It was the logistics director, Admiral Arias, who spoke, and his words were echoed by others.

"Arias is right, we can't just watch the Navy expand the size of the Marine Corps, it's not good for us all."

"Yes, yes, I think so too."

In the face of everyone's words, Saragate waved to signal everyone to be calm. "It's not just what you think, it's what I think too."

"But it will not be easy to stop the king from using the navy to expand the praetorian guard he controls."

Of course, the admirals present know that it is very difficult to prevent the joint operation of the navy and His Majesty. Because they can't reach the navy, and that His Majesty is in charge of the government's financial appropriation. It feels like a mouse pulling a tortoise, and there is no way to swallow it.

Wait, government funding?

This might do something.

There is more than one person who has the same idea. Among them, Saragate, who is the Minister of War, has a practical solution. I saw him continue talking. "But we are not helpless. First of all, the strength of our army is recognized by everyone. Second, the king has not taken over the power for a long time. We can find allies."

Salagate's words made the other generals open their minds immediately, yes, this is not the fact that his family was targeted by the king, why not unite those who have been targeted and suppressed to put pressure on it?

So the topic of finding allies was immediately brought up.

Many people, including Prime Minister De Pretis, were mentioned, and even the former Prime Minister and current Governor of Lanfang Cairoli were mentioned. It seems that Carlo has suppressed many people unknowingly.

Facing the potential ally candidates proposed by the generals, Saragate said after thinking about it. "These people we need to choose a little more reliable, don't find allies when the time comes, but they make a lot of trouble."

Subsequently, several admirals decided to target the Prime Minister and several other ministers. In addition, they also came up with some measures for the expansion of the Marine Corps. Although they could not stop it, it was still possible for the Navy to take a detour. .

After everything was almost busy, several generals left here.

Cadorna, the army chief of staff, was also sitting in his carriage, contemplating what had just happened. In today's assembly, he spoke very little. Except for the purpose of convening everyone at the beginning, he rarely spoke at other times. Because he didn't want to get involved too much, because he felt that the ideas of those people were unreliable.

Yes, it is unreliable.

As the army faced the king's new suppression, these people actually wanted to find allies. Is this still the army? At this time, it is more necessary to show one's own strength and let His Majesty retreat in spite of difficulties.

Of course, this degree is difficult to grasp, because less will not work, and more will make the image of the Army in the hearts of the public plummet.

In his opinion, even this dangerous method is much stronger than the **** idea of ​​finding allies. It can be said that the thinking of those people is still 20 years ago. How can this be compared with others. A group of soldiers used political tactics. Isn't that a short shot and a long shot?

However, considering that everyone is in their seventies, and even the youngest self is in his sixties, this may be one of the reasons why everyone is reluctant to use radical methods. With a big family, who wants to let the family take the blame for using radical means.

In fact, there is another way, that is, they bow their heads to admit their mistakes to His Majesty. However, this method can only cure the symptoms and not the root cause. If they do not subdue these factions, the young His Majesty will not let it go.

This is also the most difficult choice, because the power at hand has to be divided up, and there are multiple mothers-in-law on the head, who would like this?

This is also the reason why he knew that this would lead to the king's poor attitude towards the, but still did not object. Not even him, let alone anyone else.

So what should he do next, he is also confused. Maybe that His Majesty has the patience to wait until these old bones are boiled to death, and then clean up the mess, which is what he most wants to see.

Some people are destined to have trouble sleeping tonight, because too many things are mixed together, making the city of Rome full of anxiety tonight.

No matter what happens tonight, a new day will come. However, on this new day, the generals began to get busy, and they were all picking their targets and testing their attitudes.

Let's ignore the effect of the temptation. In a secret room in the palace, Carlo is listening to a person's report.

"Your Majesty, because the other party is heavily guarded, we haven't heard anything. However, last night, several generals of the army went to the house of General Saragate. We think they must be discussing something."

"Understood, continue to send people to pay close attention and raise the attention of these generals to A-level."

"Yes, Your Majesty."