My Italian

Chapter 190: Assignments

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As the Prime Minister also agreed, Carlo was relieved. He did not want to have a dispute with the prime minister at this time, which would delay Italy's war preparations.

Next, you need to enter the next agenda, thinking of this, Carlo then said. "His Excellency Teyera, your Ministry of Finance, find a way to raise 1.5 billion lire within two years for the war effort."

Carlo's words made Teyera, the finance minister, almost jump up.

"Your Majesty, this task is too difficult for our Ministry of Finance. If you want to raise an additional 1.5 billion lire, you must issue bonds, and bonds of this size are completely impossible to keep secret."

Tejera, as chancellor of the exchequer, knew very well about issuing bonds and believed that the figures given by Carlo were too large to keep secret.

Those old foxes in the capital market can smell the slightest nuisance.

In the face of Tejera's words, Carlo is of course unwilling to lower his requirements, because he prepared the funds according to the situation that everything was not bad. This is already the minimum requirement in Carlo's heart, so Teyera is not given a chance to bargain at all.

"If that's the case, then make a clever plan and issue debts in multiple batches."

It was very rare to hear this from the mouth of Carlo, the king, and everyone in the venue was stunned.

This is even more true for Teyera. Although he has done such an operation before, it was done quietly in private, and it was the first time he had seen him so blatantly as the king.

"Your Majesty, doing so will affect our country's reputation in the securities market."

Teyera held back for a long time before saying this.

"As long as we win, it won't affect the reputation."

Carlo's sentence is more straightforward, but it is also true that as long as Italy can beat the Ottomans, Italian bonds will remain strong. But if it fails, then Spain will be a lesson in the past.

But is it possible for Italy to fail?

In Carlo's view, there is no such possibility at all.

It's just a big victory or a small victory. What gives him confidence is Italy's national strength. Although Italy is at the bottom of the powers, it is not something that the declining Ottomans can deal with.

In the Italian-Austrian war in the previous life, Italy was more likely to have the mentality of stealing chickens and wanted to achieve the greatest results at the least cost.

This kind of thinking also caused Italy to go into battle with insufficient preparations. And the location it chose was not right. Libya was a sparsely populated place, and it was a good place to fight guerrillas. After dragging on for a year and a half, it was the Italian fleet that threatened the Black Sea Strait before the Ottomans succumbed.

Of course, Carlo will not make such a mistake, he has his own ideas.

In the face of such blatant remarks, Teyera did not know what to say, and after thinking for a long time, she could only respond in silence.

If you don't speak, it means you acquiesce.

With this kind of thought, Carlo turned the topic to the Prime Minister again.

Although the Prime Minister issued his own protest just now, but after the protest was invalid, Carlo still had many problems for him to solve. However, compared with coercing the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Carlo's tone this time was much better. After all, the Prime Minister should have preferential treatment.

"Prime Minister Depretis, next I want public opinion to stir up disgust for the Ottomans. This aspect can start with history, and then gradually move to the present."

This trick, Carlo still comes from the memory of later generations. Although the Chinese Dynasty has a department to fight against the five scumbags, whenever the relationship with the world police is not good, all kinds of dramas to resist US aggression and aid Korea flock.

And Carlo is now learning and using it, and the Ottomans have harassed southern Italy a little bit in history, not to mention that he has fought with Venice for a century. With a little manipulation, the Italians who are full of nationalist sentiments can turn their anger on this Near East. sick man.

"Your Majesty, I will let the government guide you in this regard."

The unflattering words from the Prime Minister declared his attitude.

In the face of the prime minister who was a little upset, Carlo didn't care about it, and set his sights on Bakona, the foreign minister.

"Your Excellency Bakona, your next task is very important. You need to try your best to win the support of the British. Even if you can't win it, you need to ensure that it is neutral."

Yes, Carlo thinks that the attitude of the British in this war with the Ottomans is crucial.

Although Italy has a good relationship with the United Kingdom, the Ottomans are the most important part of its containment of Russia. If the British think that the war between Italy and the Ottomans affects the goal of locking the Russians in the Black Sea, they may have something wrong.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

For Carlo's request, Bakona, the foreign secretary, complied with one bite.

"In addition to Russia and the Balkan countries, we can also make contact first, which is also beneficial to us."

After the Foreign Minister finished speaking, Carlo did not forget to instruct him, which shows that he attaches great importance to diplomacy.

Of course someone may ask, is there a country that has forgotten?

What about France?

Of course, Carlo has not forgotten about France, which has a huge influence in the Mediterranean. But unfortunately, Carlo believes that no matter what Italy does, France will intervene like Italy did in the Sino-French war.

In addition to the fact that Italy slapped France in the Sino-French War, there is also the relationship between France and the Ottoman Empire. The relationship between the two countries can be traced back to the era of Louis XIV. And these years, France's interests in the Ottomans are also good. Consider the relationship between France and Italy. Even if Carlo is the French leader, he will stumble in the battle between Italy and the Ottomans.

Therefore, instead of focusing on France, it is better to pay attention to the countries in the Balkans, among which there must be countries that are helpful to Italy.

After explaining to the government, it was the turn of the military that directly participated in the war.

Carlo then spoke to Admiral Gorek. "When will the three Turin-class warships be launched into the navy, and how long will it take them to exert their combat effectiveness?"

The Turin-class in Carlo's mouth is the battleship that was tendered before, with epoch-making significance, and officially entered the pre-dreadnought era.

At present, the three warships have been launched and are in the process of installing weapons and debugging equipment. After sea trials, they can enter the Navy for service. Of course, in order to form combat effectiveness, the assiduous training of the officers and soldiers of the whole ship is also required.

So in the face of Carlo's question, Admiral Golek answered cautiously. "The three warships need to wait until next year if they want to serve. If you want to form enough combat effectiveness, you have to wait until the next year."

The time given by Admiral Golek is too fast. He has not counted the various problems that may arise in the warship. The biggest problem of a new warship, in addition to the equipment, is the design. . No

Any designer who can design a flawless ship will have some problems. However, excellent designers basically only leave small problems that do not require major changes. As for mediocre designers, let the naval officers and soldiers cry.

Admiral Gorek's answer was quite satisfactory. After thinking about it, Carlo said Let's speed up the progress as much as possible. "

After talking about the navy, the next step is the army, which will inevitably become the protagonist of this war.

However, when facing Admiral Saragate, Carlo did not know what to say. In the final analysis, he did not control the army and had limited influence over it.

But it's not good if you don't say it, why don't you speak up here? So Carlo can only start from the equipment.

"Admiral Saragate, I hope that the Army can complete the transformation of the army in two years. The m88 Carcano rifle must be mastered by every soldier and can be put into battle."

To say that in this room, besides Carlo, who else is most enthusiastic about this war, then Admiral Saragat is none other than Admiral. Because this is the war in which the army plays the leading role, and it is also against the weakened Ottomans. Although the Italian Army is not strong in Europe, and it is a bit difficult to deal with France and Austria-Hungary, it is still no problem to fight the sick man of the Near East.

And this war came at the right time, and it can completely improve the status of the army in the eyes of the people. For these military leaders, there is nothing more popular than war. If there is, it is a war that is easily won.

So in the face of Carlo's request, Admiral Saragate stood up and patted his chest. "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the Army will definitely complete the change. We will step up training in the future, and strive to let the Italian people see the style of the Army."

Since Admiral Saragate said so, what else can Carlo say, he can only give enough support.

"Since Admiral Saragate said so, then I will let the government give the army enough funds in the next budget."

Well, now that the government provides sufficient funds and there are no checks and balances, the performance of the Army is worth looking forward to.