My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 156: Life is better than death

"Are you threatening Gu? You're a lone captive now, do you know?" The Spider Queen said with a stern voice, and then she unceremoniously gave me two more whips, and the pain made me lose the strength to speak.

Seeing me trembling on the ground, the Spider Queen seemed to pause. She removed the army boots that were on my chest.

The Spider Queen turned her head and whispered something to the other female gangsters. She stood in front of me, holding a whip, looking at me with dreadful eyes. Then the female gangsters lifted me up again, and then I was taken out of the Spider Queen’s hall and taken to a dark room. There were a lot of instruments, bottles and jars in the room, which looked a little bit Like a laboratory, I was placed on the operating table in the laboratory.

After that, the female gangsters who carried me all retreated, but after a while, a few female gangsters in white uniforms walked outside. They looked a bit like scientific researchers, and they also had some in their hands. Similar to equipment such as syringes and knives, I was shocked to see the scientific researchers entering the door.

No...Are they going to dissect me? !

My brain suddenly became sober, I struggled desperately, but a few scientific researchers actually ran up and held me down. I am a man of great power. Of course, a few scientific researchers can't subdue me. I twisted my body. I was about to get rid of them and jumped off the operating table, but a scientific researcher actually took a syringe and quickly hit my waist. I didn’t have time to get rid of the person. The liquid in the syringe was already there. After the injection was injected into my body, I felt cold for a while, and then my whole body suddenly softened, as if paralyzed.

It turned out to be an anesthetic...

I fell on the operating table again, and could only be weakly restrained by these scientific researchers and manipulated at will. Those scientific researchers took out the needle, drew my blood, and took it for laboratory tests.

This anesthetic does not seem to be general anesthesia, it just makes my limbs unconscious, and my brain is still very clear. Then, these scientific researchers actually pushed me into a place similar to an X-ray radiology room for examinations, chest X-rays, full body examinations, blood tests... These scientific researchers completely regarded me as a test sample and came to the world of women. , The thing I worry most and most fear still happened.

I was lying on the operating table, my body was stiff, my brain was chaotic, and there was only one thought in my heart, that is:

I am done.

I am completely finished.

I will be dissected and cut by them, just like a rare animal, they will torture me to death.

Lying on the operating table, I thought of death more than once, and because of language barriers, no matter how I yell or go crazy, these researchers ignored me. Their indifferent eyes completely regarded me as a sample for experimentation. Like beasts and monsters.

In the icy room, I thought of Yanzi and his party who hadn’t been in contact for a long time, of Leng Aonu who didn’t know where they were, and also of the Princess Longyue and the Three Sages who were still in Riyue Village. Finally, there was the falling cliff. , Xiaobai and the female wolf head whose whereabouts are still unknown...

I was so beautiful, but I ended up like this in the end. Tears couldn't help but shed tears in my eyes.

These scientific researchers did a lot of checks on my body and took away a lot of hair and blood from my body!

However, they did not cut my body with a knife.

For three full days, I was placed on the operating table, staring blankly at the shadowless lamp above my head, and hanging a bottle in my hand. The input in it seemed to be glucose nutrient solution, which was used to maintain my life. I also spent it in a muddle-headed horror, and when people were terrified to the extreme, they looked calmer. At first, I was frightened, but later, I found that I had looked away from everything, and I was not afraid of anything.

I don't know if this is the so-called self-defeating, but at that time I really had a feeling of being indifferent to life and death, feeling that life and death were nothing but that.

I spent three days in a muddle-headed state. Until three days later, I was carried out of the operating room naked. At that time, I thought there was a little hope. I thought I would be carried to the operating room. A better place, but unexpectedly, I was sent to a place worse than the operating room.

That's... the torture room!

The torture room was a small room of only 10 square meters. There was only a table and a dimly lit chandelier. I was bound to the table with my hands and feet. After a while, a majestic woman walked in outside. She seemed to be here to torture me.

In fact, in the past three days, I had already put my life and death out of my life. I had anticipated things like torture from the beginning.

The woman who came to torture me was quite fluent in Chinese. She just asked me what my name was, where I came from, what family background, and then asked me which formation I was from, then asked me something about military affairs, and finally asked me. How many men do I have in China now? In short, he just wants to extract as much information as possible from my mouth.

Naturally, I had nothing to tell them. I told them that I was just a small cooking soldier in the cooking camp. I was arrested during patrol. I said that I had limited power and didn’t know much about the military situation. I didn’t die like Sister Jiang. For those who were still keeping secrets, I answered the torturers’ inquiries truthfully, including my journey from 400 years ago to the present, the Chinese Secret Service’s pursuit of me, and the fact that I sneaked into the army. Things...Anyway, they like to believe it or not. Sure enough, the torturer didn't believe me such a mythical nonsense. He thought I was still keeping secrets and making up things, so he kept taking advantage of me, turning around and asking me repeatedly.

Except for the specific names of Yanzi, Hot Girl, etc., I told the torturer with almost no reservations.

But the torturer still didn't seem to believe it. She kept asking me to tell the truth. She didn't seem to believe in this kind of bizarre legend. She seemed to prefer to believe that the Chinese government secretly concealed the huge secret of men. So I spent most of the day with me.

It was really impossible to make her believe what I said, but in the end, I suddenly had an inspiration.

By the way, isn't Leng Ao Nu also beside the Spider Queen? Maybe I can use my identity to see her in turn? Thinking of this, I finally settled down and said:

"I know you still don't believe me, but you can go and inform the Spider Queen, ask her to ask a Chinese woman named Lin Junxia next to him, and tell Lin Junxia that a person named Li Jian has been caught in the torture room. She is sure Can help prove my identity."

I moved out Leng Ao Nu with a glimmer of hope. Actually, I didn’t really want to pull Leng Ao Nu very much at first, because I didn’t want her to know how I am now, and I don’t know the woman next to the Spider Queen. Isn't it Leng Ao Nu? But my situation is extremely bad now, I am afraid that only she can help me.

In other words, I just want to see Leng Ao Nu again when I am still alive.

Because I really can't predict when I will die. I have made the worst preparations these days, and psychologically I have been wandering around the gate of the ghost a few times.

I don't know if the torturer also knew Lin Junxia. When I mentioned Lin Junxia's name, she was taken aback. Although her expression quickly became normal, she could see that she was thinking of something.

The torturer interrogated me for some information. Anyway, there is really nothing special about my life experience. I moved out Leng Ao Nu. I don’t have a bigger backstage. After the torturer understood my details, he left me. In the torture room, a person withdrew with the record file, and then the bandits took me to a place similar to a basement, which was actually a cell, so I was imprisoned by them and put in the cell. The cell was only about 10 square meters, dark and damp, and there was only a dim chandelier on the top. The cell still smelled of musty, like something rotten, this kind of scene and the place where prisoners are held in the movie. same.

It's over... Am I really going to be locked up in this kind of place for the rest of my life?

The bandits pushed me into the cell unceremoniously. I didn’t eat for three days and I didn’t have much strength. In addition, the people who held me had guns, and I couldn’t resist. They had to be locked in. In the cell.

The heavy iron door was locked, and in the dark and narrow space, I was the only one who was imprisoned, with my hands and feet tied up. I wanted to try to learn the plot from the movie and break the rope on my body, but the real world There is still a gap in the movie, the twine is too thick, no matter how I rub it, I can't break the rough sound.