My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 257: Release and separation

Zheng Chengshuang brought us four news:

1. Li Mulan was found in the medical unit when her blood contained a large amount of forbidden drugs. This forbidden drug was determined to be an "sympathetic nerve controlling adrenal rapid stimulant (ancahad. This stimulant is extremely rare. Prohibited drugs. It is said that this kind of drug must be injected from a young age and mixed into the human blood before it can gradually work. This kind of drug can control the human body's potential through the increase of emotions, and even the potential openness reaches 8%. Ten or more can be said to be quite a terrible drug.

But this kind of forbidden drug is almost no one in this world can use. The reason is that the stimulus of the drug only works when a person is very confident, so as to stimulate the human body’s potential. Once self-confidence is lost, the side effects of the drug will be brought into play immediately. When the mood is extremely low, it can even lead to rapid exhaustion of internal organs. Therefore, after taking this forbidden drug, a person must maintain a state of emotional high for a long time, and cannot doubt oneself, otherwise the drug will lose its efficacy, and in severe cases, it will cause side effects and damage the body.

The reason why Li Mulan was able to exert medicinal effects was because she believed that she was the pride of heaven, a unique man in the world. She doesn't understand the rules at all, and her mind is simple, so she has been able to maintain a high degree of self-confidence, and she can continuously develop her potential.

But when she met me, the worldview of "I am the only man" that she had established since she was a child completely collapsed, which caused her self-confidence to collapse instantly, shaken the foundation of her medicinal effects, and also caused In order to prevent her side effects from hurting her body, that is the scene in the ring that day.

At the beginning, I realized that there was something wrong with Li Mulan. After I learned the news, I finally determined that my original guess was correct.

Li Mulan is indeed afraid of me...I am her destined nemesis.

The second news is that because Li Mulan took stimulants, the lotus gang was disqualified from the martial arts competition, and the ultimate winner of this martial arts competition actually fell to the Gao family!

As for the third news, it is about the black lotus sect leader. Although the evidence regarding the smuggling of cultural relics by the black lotus sect leader has not yet been found, the incident of the black lotus sect leader giving Li Mulan a forbidden drug has finally been exposed, the lotus gang His popularity plummeted, and the black lotus leader Li Qinglian also fell into the French Open for injecting people with banned drugs.

As for the cultural relics of Li Qinglian in Zhongyue Temple, all of them were found to be fakes. It is no wonder that Li Qinglian dared to report the ancient cultural relics that he had privately voluntarily reported. Because the loss of those cultural relics is not great to them.

The fourth news is that the players who were injured by us in the ring have been rescued. The black lotus leader and the four players who were injured by the female wolf's head lost too much blood for first aid, and now they have gotten rid of their lives. But the black lotus sect leader accepted the investigation.

All in all, Li Qinglian's original conspiracy to win the championship of the martial arts competition with Li Mulan has completely fallen into disuse. There were originally seven martial artists who surrendered to the Lianhua Gang. After confirming that Li Mulan was indeed just a fake man, he had previously dealt with the Lianhua Gang. Some dissatisfaction was also completely exposed, and the reputation of the lotus gang naturally fell to the bottom.

These news is simply great news for us, because these news have been confirmed, which means that part of the black lotus leader has been convicted, so correspondingly, our group of people who made a big noise in the martial arts conference are Become a party of justice. At least we can get pardon by breaking through the flag of the Black Lotus Sect Master's conspiracy.

Those who came to the police station with Zheng Chengshuang, as well as the deputy secretary of the mayor and municipal party committee of Dengfeng, the secretary of the Municipal People’s Congress, the secretary of the CPPCC, and a large number of directors who don’t know their origins. Characters, at first I wondered how they could come to the police station to see us by virtue of their identities. Later, I learned that there were two reasons for so many people. One reason was that the governor Zheng Chengshuang personally arrived. If other city-level cadres were not present, they would be too arrogant, so they came together.

Secondly, the influence of the Wumeng in Henan Province, especially in Dengfeng City, is greater than I thought. More than half of these municipal party committee secretaries and city-level cadres are actually promoted by the Wumeng. Some people such as the People’s Congress Office, the Government Office, the Organization Department, the Disciplinary Inspection Commission, and the Finance Bureau owe too much to Gao’s family. As a result, I was sheltered by the Gao family and Zheng Chengshuang, and because of the conviction of the black lotus sect leader. The big figures who originally wandered between several sects all turned to court, and came to please me, who might be the future "Leader of the Armed Forces League" man.

The Forestry Bureau, the Health Bureau, the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau... and so on. People who didn't match up at all came to play guest appearances, and it turned out that a small police station was so lively.

I was really frightened to see those big people who came to wait and see, this time I was completely out of mind.

All of a sudden there were so many big people in the station, and the people at the police station couldn’t cover it. Although we are now guilty, a group of us were taken out of the detention room and met with Zheng Chengshuang and Yigan. Big shot.

"It's okay, it's okay, you can go, you can go." When I shook hands with Zheng Chengshuang, the police station chief said next to us. The police station chief was kind to us and faced so many people Big shot, how could she come to make things difficult for us again? And now I can be regarded as a sensational figure in the world, she is now a police station chief can not pay attention to us.

We were overjoyed when we heard this. At first, I was a little surprised at how the female wolf head and I could be easily released by beating them **** in public, but when we walked out of the police station, I understood the answer.

Outside the gate of the police station, it was surrounded by a dense sea of ​​people, and it was impenetrable!

Thousands of women wearing blue Gaojia uniforms surrounded the police station. In addition, hundreds of Shaolin monks also quietly stood aside, lowering their heads and chanting sutras. It seems to have come to ask the police station for a young monk.

Except for those from the Gao family, the rest of the people who watch the excitement don't even know how many, thousands, or tens of thousands? I don’t know, but the cross streets outside the police station have been blocked. Women like ant colonies are blocking the busy street, one by one, looking at us from the police station with curious eyes. The "celebrities" who came out from here, we have already aroused great attention from the world in the big uproar yesterday.

Seeing the countless pairs of eyes standing outside the gate of the police station, I was sweating immediately. When have I faced so many people? The crowd onlookers saw me as a man, they all pointed and talked, as if they were treating me like a monster, and for the other women beside me, they were also commenting, whispering, not knowing how to say. What are you talking about?

In addition, there are many media reporters holding a long-lens camera at the group of people who walked out of the police station through the iron gate, and they kept taking pictures of the people who walked out of the police station. My eyes hurt.

People are really afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong. I was stunned to see the large crowd of onlookers gathering outside. Fortunately, the people at the police station were still prepared. They blocked the exit with iron chains and pulled out a long road so that we could pass.

"Apprentice! Haha. It seems that you are all in good spirits!" When the door of the police station opened, a blue weird car slowly drove in from the outside, and the person sitting in the passenger seat was actually Wretched girl!

The wretched girl pulled down the window in the front passenger seat and poked her head out to greet us.

"Master?" I was overjoyed when I saw the wretched girl poking her head out of the window.

The wretched girl’s jade neck, shoulders, arms, and chest were all wrapped in bandages. Obviously, she had just received bandaging treatment last night. I didn’t expect that she would be able to pick us up in person today. Obviously, her injuries are not too serious. Thinking that the wretched girl vomited so much blood yesterday and now she can pick us up in person, I really can't believe it.

"Master, are you okay? Yesterday you shed so much blood..." I asked with a smile when I saw the vile and wretched girl.

"Go, what's that little blood? My old lady sheds more blood than that every month. Isn't it all right?" The wretched girl uttered amazing words again, and I was light and soft.

"I served you." I looked at the wretched girl with shame and gave a thumbs up.

"Get in the car quickly." The wretched girl glanced at us and urged.

"Uh...that cute, we..." I looked at the wretched girl, and then at the little princess beside me.

The little princess stood there, a pair of smart almond eyes looked at me quietly, and the pink sideburns extending from behind the earlobes looked so cute.

"Li Jian, I'm leaving now." The county lord stood there, looking at me quietly, her right hand, holding Zheng Chengshuang's left hand, the small county lord Gu Jing Wubo's face was covered with a faint bitter smile.

I suddenly felt a panic.

Only then did I realize that the moment I left the police station, it already meant that I had to bid farewell to the chief of the small county. She sneaked out secretly this time and went crazy with us. Ten days have passed, which is very impressive for a young girl like her. After all, the private visit of Weifu, the story of a princess and a commoner together, is destined to only exist in fairy tales.

In addition to playing together these days, the little princess can say that there is basically no intersection with us. Now that Zheng Chengshuang came to pick up the little princess in person, she naturally wanted to go back.

In the garage of the police station, there was a black blacklotus parked. It was a famous car in the women's world and one of the special cars of the little county owner.

I looked at the little princess and found that Zheng Chengshuang was also looking at me. Her eyes were obviously not friendly when she saw me. For her, my man was just a trouble maker and involved her in this incident.

"Um...oh..." I didn't know how to answer.

Looking at the little princess, I was a little choked. At that moment, I suddenly felt a deep sense of reluctance in my heart. I spent ten days of getting along, from a fantasy encounter to death together, singing and dancing together, and a martial arts conference. Last time we defeated a powerful enemy together. In just ten days, we have experienced too much together. At this moment, I have to face the difference, but I feel like I have just awakened from a dream.

"Hey, I'm leaving now!" Seeing my look dumbfounded, the little princess smiled and said again.

"Oh, well, take care..." I whispered.

"I really want to go!"

Because the surrounding is too noisy, I don’t know if the little princess didn’t hear clearly. She looked at me seriously and said the third time. This time, her voice was like a gong beating in my ears, which made me awake instantly. come over.

Is she suggesting something to me? My heart is beating.

"Don't go, okay?" I looked at the little princess and said lightly.