My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 355: Smuggling of arms

"I don't know. I really don't know." The gray swan's voice was soft and soft, "but this is very similar to the style of a black widow."

"I don't know?...Forget it, just assume that what you said is true. But now my man is taken by the black widow, I can't wait any longer. We will cooperate as we said before." I said to him. The gray swan said coldly, thinking of Liuli and Xiaotaimei who had been taken away by the black widow, I was anxious, and the strong sense of urgency and guilt made me feel like a knife.

"No hurry. Isn't it two days left?"

"No hurry? Are you kidding me?"

"Naturally, I know the severity. But aren't there two days left? My people haven't arrived yet, and I won’t be able to get them ready tomorrow night. Don’t mess around with yourself." Gray Swan said leisurely, "Tomorrow At night, I will secretly send my people to the lotus pond, and then according to the plan we have said, you will take people to meet the black widow. After the exchange is successful, you will seize the opportunity to conflict with her and take advantage of the chaos. , The three people I planted in Black Widow’s place will take the opportunity to attack Black Widow and put her to death. Even if they fail to assassinate, I will bring people over to support you after that. At that time, the scene will be chaotic, and everyone will have a chance. Start with the black widow."

Grey Swan and I re-tell the plan between us.

Yes, this is my plan with Grey Swan.

When meeting with the black widow and changing people, there was a conflict. When the people on both sides were in chaos, the three men of the gray swan planted by the black widow would take the opportunity to assassinate the black widow, and then wait for the black widow to fall, her people I can retreat all over in chaos. Even if the assassination was unsuccessful, the gray swan would take people there as soon as possible and confront the black widow to ensure that I would retreat.

This operation can be said to be extremely dangerous, but once it succeeds, both the Grey Swan and I will be able to get huge benefits. The guarantee of this action is the mutual trust between me and the gray swan. If we can't trust each other, this joint plan to deal with the black widow will be difficult to succeed.

"Even if my people fail, you can let your people attack the black widow, Boss Li. Most of your people are from Yunnan. Even if you kill people, hide in the fish-and-dragon places in Yunnan, the police are the most crowded. It can’t be traced. Otherwise, it will cause ethnic disputes.”

The gray swan’s voice was full of confidence. When I heard her voice, I could even think of the gray swan’s elegant posture and expression at this moment. I thought about it and said:

"What I want is to save people. Saving people is the first priority. Of course the black widow can solve it is the best thing, but my main purpose is to save people. I'll talk about this first."

"Really. Then I can't guarantee that whether you can save people or not depends on your own ability, Boss Li. I don't dare to face the black widow directly. And Boss Li, let me remind you. If this time saving lives fails, I am afraid we will not have a chance to start again. We can only fly away from the disaster."

"This...I know. However, I will still take saving people as the first goal." I said lightly. In fact, the one hole card I didn't let the gray swan know is that the black widow may have been hit by my Gu, even if I didn't attack the black widow. The black widow may not have much time. But this hole card was given to me through Bai Shaoqi's hand. I still don't know whether this hole card is true or false, so I can only treat it as non-existent first.

"Okay. I didn't expect my gray swan to pull a helper and still look at other people's faces like this." The gray swan said helplessly, "You can do nothing wrong then. This time it will be a big trouble. I am afraid it is. The largest operation on our road in Santan City in the past ten years. If we fail, we will lose our name without being laughed at by the golden toad."

"I hope we cooperate happily." I didn't say much, just answered the gray swan lightly.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something. Although the Black Widow occasionally engages in arms smuggling business, she never uses firearms or arms when she engages with people. But, her poison needle is no better than firearms. How different is the class. Not many people can survive the poison of the Black Widow."

"Poison? Do you know what kind of poison she uses?"

"Most of them are the toxins extracted from the highly toxic Australian funnel spiders and black widows. Very poisonous. Black widow’s cronies have poison needle launchers, which can shoot ten at a time. As long as the shot is accurate, one launcher, one launch, basically Two or three people can be poisoned. If the treatment is not timely, it will take no more than 20 minutes."

"Really...I know." I said solemnly, and then sighed, "It's better than poison, my person is far more powerful than her."

"Do it for yourself and be more prepared. Let your people wear thicker clothes, helmets and masks. Otherwise, many people will be harmed."

"Thank you for reminding." I chuckled, then hung up the phone, and my mood became extremely heavy again.

Thinking of Liuli and the others who are now in the hands of the Black Widow, my heart is extremely restless. What would the black widow do to them? Will their lives be in danger? Even if I bring Bai Linghua to see the Black Widow, will the Black Widow save people like that?

After thinking about it, I still called Bai Shaoqi. Bai Shaoqi is now the most critical person.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hello, Boss Li?" Bai Shaoqi asked me in a trembling voice.

"Bai Shaoqi. You seem to have forgotten what I said to you?" I asked. "Do you want to hear your daughter's wailing?"

"Don't! Boss Li, I really don't understand what you can't mean? What do you want to say? What did I do?" Bai Shaoqi said nervously.

"What did you do? I kidnapped your person, and then you let the black widow kidnap my person, right?" I said in a cold voice.

"The person who kidnapped you? Boss Li, what are you talking about? Why don't I know anything?" Bai Shaoqi said innocent voice.

"Stop loading me garlic!!"

"I really don’t know, Boss Li, you told me not to participate in your affairs with the Black Widow, so I don’t know anything about Black Widow these days! I have been busy these days. Looking for a lawyer to help Yan Zi’s two mothers get out of prison, really! I really didn’t lie to you! What kidnapped your person? Who of you was kidnapped?" Bai Shaoqi told me without knowing it. . Is Bai Shaoqi really unaware of it?

At that moment, I did flash through such suspicion. But soon I realized that Bai Shaoqi was lying to me 80% of the time. This smart woman, on the one hand, she secretly discussed with the black widow that her acquaintance kidnapped me and threatened me to return her daughter. On the other hand, she told me that she had no connection with the black widow. It's easy to talk about helping me get people out of jail? If she really wanted to help me get people out of prison, how could there be no big news for so many days? Bai Shaoqi must be delaying time, which I will understand after a little thought.

This Bai Shaoqi, drifting between me and the black widow, can't be guilty of either side, he really played a good game of chess.

"Boss Li, please forgive Huahua, I really don't know anything, I really don't know anything!" Bai Shaoqi still begged me.

But I frowned. After thinking about it, I deliberately said:

"Well, if this is the case, then I will believe you once. But don't give me any other tricks, don't forget that your daughter is in my hands now, and you also have poison on your body. If you let me know about you Colluding with the black widow to deal with me secretly, I might give your daughter some gu..."

"Don't! Boss Li, I beg you, let my daughter go!" Bai Shaoqi said in a panic.

"Then you just be honest with me!"

"I'm absolutely honest, I'm absolutely honest, Boss Li!" Bai Shaoqi's low-pitched posture made me unable to pursue her. At any rate, Bai Shaoqi was the one who secretly cheated Yanzi's parent company. He was a profiteer, and he didn't know how much he had done about secretly crossing the warehouse and concealing the sky.

"Cut." I spit and shut off the phone. On Bai Shaoqi's side, I can't do anything with her for the time being, because she always looks like a low voice in front of me, so I have no excuses for her.

Now it seems that I can only fight against the black widow, and then let Bai Shaoqi know how good I am, and finally make a choice.

The car drove all the way on the road. After arriving at Awahayi’s apartment, I briefly explained everything for the first time. When Awahayi heard that my man was kidnapped by the black widow, he was also furious. In the Bai nationality language, he yelled at the black widow for being shameless and cheap.

And those little girls who started contacting her without saying anything, were going to go desperately with the black widow.

"My lord, the black widow dared to arrest you, I will take the little girl to kill her lair!" Avahayi is actually a fierce woman. When I heard that the black widow had arrested me again People, completely angry, want to start in minutes.

"Don't worry, the black widow dare to let me take someone to call her, she must be ready to wait for me. The move must be moved. But first clarify the situation, and then fight her well." I stabilized. Awahayi then asked about her little sister.

"Don't worry, my lord, my little girls are in good condition. The last group of people in these two days has also come from Shangri-La County. All the 837 people have arrived. Just waiting to do it."

I nodded, and then asked Awaha to find the Scar and the Big Mouth, and told them:

"Before dinner in the evening the day after tomorrow, go and buy 900 sets of leather, 900 motorcycle helmets, and 900 masks." I told the two of them. "As for the specifications, you can figure it out, but it must be durable."

"My Lord, to buy these..." Avahayi asked me puzzledly.

"Black widows use poison to guard against it, and they are not easy to be recognized by wearing a mask."

"It turned out to be like this." Avahayi nodded clearly, a fake eye gleaming, and suddenly, she said respectfully to me, "My lord, I have already contacted the flower cat. As long as you need it, we Arms can be mobilized secretly at any time." At this point, Avahayi's voice fell a bit low.

"Flower cat?" Avahayi didn't mention the flower cat, I almost forgot this character. When I was in Shangri-La County, Awaha was also involved in the arms transfer business, and Huamao was one of the arms dealers who did arms business with Awaha. If you can contact Huamao, you can definitely find a way to smuggle it. The munitions came to Santan City.

"If you get in touch with her... Are you sure you can bring the arms and supplies to Santan City? Can you escape the security check?" I asked cautiously.