My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 392: Desert Pirates

"What... did you see?" My heart was already tense.

"I heard the scream of a horse, and the sound of a woman singing. It came from a sand dune in the distance. At that time, the huge moon was hanging in the sky, and the strange figure riding a white horse appeared on the hill. On, a person standing there singing...Although I can’t see the person’s face clearly, from the singing, I think it must be an extraordinary woman, the singing is so hollow and so lonely, So sad...hey. Thinking about it now, I can't forget it."

As she said, Amina sighed for a long time, and her regretful voice slowly dissipated in the car...

"Is it? It's pretty susceptible to you, if only I can run into it, haha." I said with a smile.

What I didn't expect was that the joke I said so casually would actually become a reality not long after...

I drove on the desert road for a whole day. As the night came, the temperature in the desert dropped rapidly and the surroundings began to become dark. There are no street lights or buildings in the desert, only car lights can be used to illuminate.

We settled the dinner in the car. According to Amina, we will not arrive at Bayin Tunleng until 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

In order to alternate driving and have enough rest time, there are two drivers in the car, Amina during the day and Mu Yiding at night. Mu Yiding is an unsmiling woman, and there is no Amina in the common words of her and us. That's too much. And because the temperature was getting colder, we also added two clothes each and put a blanket on the car to sleep.

I slept for almost three or four hours. I was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, there was a shock. The shock hit my head on the seat of the car, and immediately awoke me.


The female wolf head was also awakened by the sudden car tremor, and she turned her head in the car blankly, not knowing what happened, only the dull silly girl Xiao Bai still slept soundly.

"What's the matter, Mu Yiding?" I opened my eyes and asked Mu Yiding who was driving.

"The tire seems to have burst." Mu Yiding turned his face and said in a somewhat puzzled voice.

"A tire burst?" I frowned when Mu Yiding said that.

At this time Amina also woke up and heard the tire burst, and said:

"Aren't there two spare tires? Don't you just need to change them?"

"Oh." Mu Yiding had a simple and honest appearance, stopped the car without saying a word, opened the door to change the tire, but she had just walked out of the car door, but she suddenly made a painful cry! !


"What's wrong with Mu Yiding?" Hearing Mu Yiding's screams, my heart jumped while sitting in the car, and everyone else was shocked. Amina was even more nervous and poked her head out to ask about the situation.

"Nails, there are nails on the ground! My feet! My feet!" Mu Yiding ran back from the car hastily, his face pale.

"Nails?" Amina also realized that something was wrong, and she pushed open the car door, poked her head out and looked out, but she took a breath of air-conditioning.

"What's wrong?" I still didn't know the situation, and opened the door to check the outside situation, but I didn't know it. It was really shocked when I saw it. It turned out that the road outside of us was actually paved. Densely packed nails, each of these nails is almost an inch long, densely packed on the highway!

"What's the matter?" I poked my head out, looked forward, and when I saw it, my heart sank even more, because I was horrified to see that on the ground hundreds of meters in front, there were all nails!

"How come there are so many nails?"

"I don't know, was it spilled out of which transporter before?" Amina was also full of doubts, and even more speechless, the car that Awaha and the others were in was also because they were with us. Because they drove into the "nail road", their tires were all scrapped.

"My lord, there is a nail on the road, our car is useless." Avahayi opened the car window and shouted to me.

"Ours too! It seems that the car in front has nailed it." I replied to Avahayi.

A few minutes later, we drove the car into the desert aside, where there were no nails. As a group of us, it was natural to get out of the car and discuss the next countermeasures.

"It's really unlucky. It's already halfway through. This is a desert road. There is no shop in front of the village. What should we do instead?" Mu Yiding cursed painfully, and Amina was pulling her feet out. The nails are bandaged.

"No way. We have two spare tires in each car. If the four spare tires are added together, they can still take a group of people. The four hours ahead is almost a gas station, where you can buy them. The spare tire is eight hours back and forth. But the rest of you are probably going to spend the night in the car." Amina was relatively calm, "I've encountered a puncture in the desert before. That was the only way back then."

What Amina said was right. After hearing what Amina said, we all calmed down a bit.

The desert at night was still quite cold. I was standing outside blowing the cold wind and felt my skin got goose bumps. We all agreed with Amina. Just let a car go to the gas station in front to get the spare tire. The others will wait in place for the time being. They will fold back and give us the spare tire almost at dawn, and then we will continue to set off. The original date is half a day late, but there is no major problem anyway.

In the end, everyone agreed with this. After making a decision, it is to decide which car to stay and which car to leave first.

There are six people in one car, and five people in the other car. In the end, I think it's better for five people to be frozen in the desert than six people, so I let Awahayi and their car go first. In fact, my thinking at that time was that I was a man anyway, and I was somewhat colder than women, so I let them go first. Anyway, it was only eight hours. After we slept in the car, they came back. If you are lucky, you might be able to catch a ride on a passing car.

In this way, the division of labor between the two vehicles was ok, and Awahayi and the others replaced the two spare tires on our car and set off again. And I, Xiaobai, the female wolf head and Amina continued to wait in the car. By the way, because Mu Yi Ding was injured, she and Awaha Yi changed seats and let Mu Yi Ding go first. The gas station in front is being treated.

"Oh, it's so cold, Master." Xiaobai shivered and leaned against me, two **** pressed tightly against my body and squeezed into meatloaf.

"You numb silly girl knows cold?" I gave Xiaobai a white look, then pulled the blanket over and covered us. Fortunately, there is a hot air conditioner in the car, and it can last for a while when the hot air conditioner is turned on at night. . However, our remaining oil volume is not optimistic.

According to Amina, although our remaining new oil can last for almost ten hours of hot air conditioning, if we spend all energy on air conditioning, I am afraid we will not be able to hold on to gas stations. So try not to use the air conditioner and just sleep under a blanket.

So I, Xiaobai and the female wolf head had to reluctantly hug each other to keep warm!

At the next moment, Amina in the driver's seat suddenly yelled:

"No! We met a desert thief!"


Suddenly when I heard Amina's cry, I was shocked. I got my head out of Xiaobai's milk melon, and then looked out the window of the car. I saw a slightly higher ground a few meters in front of me. Behind the mounds, a dozen women in Tsing Yi holding knives suddenly appeared. Each woman covered her face with a cyan veil, but they were holding machetes, iron rods and the like, looking at them one by one. It all looks vicious and evil, and those who come are not good.

"Desert Pirates?"

Seeing the large group of women coming from the front, my heart thumped. Then I suddenly realized that these women might have been in ambush here long ago. The nails on the ground before were probably scattered on the ground deliberately by them in order to take advantage of the opportunity to rob when there is a car left because of a flat tire.

"Encircled..." Looking at the desert thief ahead, I roughly counted them. There were fifteen in number, and there were only five people in our cart...

Seeing the dark crowd slowly approaching us, everyone in our car was held back by the invisible depressive atmosphere. Even the powerful female wolf head was silent because of the infection of our atmosphere, her eyes sharply looked ahead.

"Don't worry, don't worry first. Desert thieves don't kill people, they only rob. We just need to keep the focus, they won't do anything!" Amina said eagerly.

"Gudong." I swallowed...Is it really not going to kill people? But the knives in the hands of these desert female robbers really make me can’t help but mind...

"Come out! Come out!" Fifteen female desert pirates surrounded from the mound under the moonlight in the distance, and surrounded our off-road vehicles. When the distance got closer, I found that they were all in their hands. Something like a hammer. Four or five female robbers even stepped forward and started smashing our car windows with hammers, coercing us to get out of the car.

Looking at the ferocious women outside, I suddenly felt like I wanted to laugh. I don't know why, every time I see women like these fierce female thieves in the world of women, I always feel an inexplicable sense of joy. Perhaps the woman's expression is too soft, and she has to pretend to be fierce, but it makes people feel a little awkward.

However, Xiaobai was so frightened by the desert female thief who smashed the car window with a hammer, and she dared not move while holding her head.