My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 427: Goodbye, my white horse princess

After the burial of the 10,000 people, the kingdom of Ali Buda began to rebuild and revive. Because many houses in the West and East cities have been destroyed, reconstruction work is relatively difficult. I estimate that within a few months, it will be difficult for the Alibuda Kingdom to restore its original appearance.

All creatures are burnt, and a hundred wastes are waiting for prosperity.

This is the best description of the Ali Buda Kingdom that has experienced disasters.

During the reconstruction period, I, an outsider, basically had nothing to do. I returned the staff to Xian Ji. The main switch of the staff was turned on. Even if it wasn't me, he could control the switch of the fuel injector.

Things have finally come to an end. Standing on the steps of the dilapidated City Lord’s Palace, looking at the women who are busy with horses and pulleys consigning stones and sand on the streets, rebuilding the city, I suddenly feel a kind of loneliness. a feeling of.

I feel that the rest of things basically have nothing to do with me. Even if I stay in this country, I can't help much...

It’s time to leave.

A ray of sunlight penetrated through the cracked skynet hole and projected onto the broken ground of the Alibda Kingdom, lighting up a piece of land. The ancient kingdom that was originally indistinguishable between day and night, after the skynet was broken, the sunlight during the day could finally penetrate some, although it was not bright, it had a little warmth.

In a blink of an eye, I came to Ali Buda, and it has been a week.

In this short period of one week, I have witnessed a country’s growth from prosperity to decline, and then from decline to reconstruction. I am really impressed.

On the night of the seventh day, I slept alone in my temporary dormitory, with Xiaobai, the female wolf head, and the three women of Awaha. After all, when I first came to this country with them.

"Master, we haven't contacted sister Junxia for a long time, are they worried about us?" Xiaobai asked me while sitting on the bedside.

Being reminded by Xiaobai, I also began to miss Junxia and the others. They have been missing for so many days. Junxia didn’t know how much she would worry about me. Without contacting her for so many days, I doubt she would think that we were The desert thief was killed.

Thinking left and right, I also feel that the time has come to leave this country.

Of course, I just left temporarily. After all, there is oil here, and I will come back in the future.

"Of course I will be worried." After looking around for a while, I sighed and said, "That said, we should also leave. Xiaobai, let's go now."

"Let's go, are we leaving here?" Xiaobai looked at me nervously with eyes wide open when he heard my proposal.

"Yes, silly girl, we're leaving tonight." I nodded and said, "There is nothing for us here for the time being. We should also go."

With that said, I walked to the window, looked at the sparse lights outside the window, and remained silent.

Although it was only a short period of seven days, I had an inexplicable affection for this kingdom, and now I want to leave, it is really hard to give up.

"Are you leaving now?" Xiaobai looked at me and asked. "Would you like to tell Sister Shisanmeng?"

"Leave now, don't tell her." I nodded and thought for a while. I still didn't decide to inform Fairy Fairy and the others about my departure.

It is late at night, Xianji and the residents of the city are sleeping and resting. Xiaobai and I will leave at night without disturbing them, and there won't be any problems.

Thinking of this, I made a decisive decision, and my gaze fell on the bed sheets of the sleeping hall. I grabbed the sheets and pulled them with my hand to confirm that the flexibility of these sheets was more than enough to make escape ropes.

If Xian Ji knew that I was leaving, she might stay in every possible way. I don’t want to be too tragic. It’s probably because of my personality that I don’t like scenes of life and death and separation of labor and swallows, just like in Riyue Village, Yunnan. It is always the same, choosing to leave alone without leaving a cloud is my favorite style.

I waited for the lights in the kingdom to gradually go out, and then used bed sheets, thick ropes and the like to make a long escape rope in the room.

Now I am the most important person in Ali Buda Kingdom. There are more than a dozen guards guarding me outside my sleeping hall. If I want to leave in an open manner, I will definitely have some tedious etiquette procedures.

I tore the sheets one by one and knotted them into long ropes. One end was tied to the bed support of the bedroom bed. I tried the rope's strength and made sure that it could bear my weight. Then, I threw the rope from the head of the bed. After going down, then, I started to gesture to Xiaobai and the female wolf head to let them go down with me.

Fortunately, the dormitory I was in was only on the second floor of a private house, but with a height difference of five or six meters, it was too easy to escape.

"Ao Wu, come down." After I successfully climbed into the courtyard on the first floor, I gave the female wolf head on the second floor a hint and asked her to come down.

"Wow." The female wolf touched her head, and climbed down extremely vigorously, while Avaha clothing climbed down after the female wolf's head came down.

"Silly girl, it's your turn." After the female wolf's head and Avaha clothes came down smoothly, I looked up and gave Xiaobai a hint to let her come down too.

"Oh oh." Xiaobai clumsily walked to the edge of the window sill, grabbed the edge of the rope with two small hands, and put her long white legs out of the window, with her back facing me, and she started to slide slowly. Down.

However, I really overestimated the IQ of this silly girl. Just when she fell halfway, her hand slipped, and then she yelled "Wow", and the whole figure looked like a cloth. Occasionally, a **** fell to the ground.

"Wow, it hurts, my **** seems to be broken..." Xiaobai thumped and fell to the ground, shocking my heart to jump out.

"Hey, how are you, Xiao Bai?" I stepped forward to help Xiao Bai.

"Hmm, my master, my **** hurts so much..." Xiaobai touched his **** painfully and stood up, with a few glittering teardrops in the corner of his eyes.

"You stupid girl, I'm really to you..." I couldn't laugh or cry when I watched Xiaobai rubbing her **** awkwardly.

"Who is there!" Just as I was about to speak, a nervous cry from the night female guard suddenly came from the front of the courtyard.

"No, they found it, run!" I shook my heart when I heard the female guard's cry, and then pulled Xiaobai and the female wolf's head over, and ran all the way towards the back gate of the courtyard.

Xiaobai, the female wolf head, and Awahayi ran with me without saying a word. We ran with one step, all the way from the courtyard to the small alley outside the back door, and then I looked around for a while before moving towards Run to the entrance of the kingdom of West City.


I gave a strange cry and accelerated the pace, but my mood was extremely joyful and exciting, because I knew that even if I was caught by someone from the Ali Buda Kingdom, I would not be any better. It's just that the scene of us running away at this moment is a bit like a game of police catching a thief. Although we know it is a game, we are still nervous and excited.

After a while, everyone in the sleeping hall noticed that Xiaobai and I had left, and then ran out two blocks away, and I heard a woman's cry from behind.

"Holy Lord is gone!"

"Holy Lord ran away!"

"Everyone, look for Lord Lord! Lord Lord Lord, he has escaped!"

Shocks of horror and anxiety rang in the streets of the city. As the news spread rapidly, the lights of residential houses came on one after another, spreading rapidly like flames.

Hearing the calls from behind, I quickened my pace.

"Little Bai, hurry up."


I was breathing fast and my face was sweaty.

Suddenly, a woman with short hair ran out of the street on the east side. She saw me running away with Xiaobai, she was taken aback, and then she yelled:

"Master Holy Master ran away! I saw Master Holy Master escape!"

Then came the voices of women from behind.

"Where? Where is Lord Lord?"

"Holy Lord, are you going to leave us behind?"

A female voice came from the rear. As I ran farther and farther, the momentum in the rear became greater and greater. In the end, even the whole alley became a sensation, like a flash flood.

I won't...

The noise from the rear made me feel guilty. Fortunately, I ran fast enough. After more than 20 minutes, I rushed to the entrance of Ali Buda Kingdom with Xiao Bai, female wolf head and Awaha. It was ten meters away. The entrance of the high Ali Buda Kingdom appeared in front of us, and the colorful doorway still flowed with the light we had when we first came to this kingdom. Outside the door, there is an endless desolate desert. Above the sky, exudes a cold radiance.

Although desolate, but...that is the outside world.

"Let's go, Xiao Bai." I took a breath, stretched out one foot, walked out of the door, and... took Xiao Bai and the female wolf's head and returned to the outside world.

The icy feeling came from outside, and bursts of coldness penetrated into my skin, making me fight a cold war. The night in the desert is icy cold. The outside world is not like the Ali Buda Kingdom that is shrouded in a greenhouse effect. The ground temperature outside is very low. Walking outside is like walking into an ice cellar.

"It's cold." Xiaobai put her arms around her chest, and said with a little shaking with her lips.

"Well, forbearance, let's go. I'll call Mu Yiding and the others when we walk a little longer and ask them to pick us up."

I let Xiaobai bear it for a while, and then took her soft hand and walked towards the depths of the desert.

However, after walking for a while, I suddenly heard a misty and ethereal singing at the end of the endless desert.

The song is beautiful and moving, ethereal and elegant, as cool as the moonlight in the cold night, but it is so long and beautiful, as if it can penetrate the soul of a person.

"Where is the singing..." I unconsciously raised my head and looked at the rolling sand dunes in the distance.

At the far end of the desert, under a scythe-like bright moon, a young girl riding a white horse is standing there. She has flowing white hair and a ribbon on her shoulders. She is wearing a beautiful white dress. , The edges of the long skirt are like melting cones of ice, hanging down.

The white-haired woman is riding a tall white horse with a red rein in her hand. On the white mound under the moonlight, she looks up at the moon and sings quietly.

For a while, I was actually drunk.

Although this singing is still the original tune, it does not have the feeling of loneliness and indifference at the beginning, but instead carries a trace of joy and joy.

It's like the happy feeling of a girl in love.

The white-haired woman seemed to be immersed in her own singing, but did not find us who came out of the kingdom.

The tall and strong white horse, the flowing white hair, the cold moonlight, and the beautiful singing voice combined to form a beautiful picture that people will never forget. The beauty of that moment is deeply imprinted in my heart.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and imprinted this picture in my mind. When I opened my eyes, there was only a pleased smile on my face.

"Finally, I can sing freely in the moonlight like a fairy again... Goodbye, my white horse princess."

Looking at the white figure in the distance, I sighed, finally smiled happily, turned around, took Xiaobai and the female wolf's head by the hand, and hurriedly left.

The vast desert stretches endlessly, the moon rises and the moon sets, unchanged for thousands of years.

I don't know what happened, the bright moon on the horizon has already dissipated, and white fish's belly appeared on the eastern horizon.

The golden sun rises, illuminating the yellow desert, and the rolling sand dunes are undulating like waves.

Except for the sand dunes, there is nothing else.

Where did the singer go?

Where did the people who listened to the song go?

Only the endless bleak and desolate dust left, rolled up with the wind, drifting into the distance, strands and strands, endless indefinite.