My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 79: Taming the wolf girl

The next day I was awakened by the movement of the female wolf head leaving my body. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a female wolf head wearing a red shattered dress with long and stray chestnut hair. This is me. It was the first time I saw the head of a female wolf in broad daylight. Under the sun shining into the cave, I clearly saw the appearance of the female wolf head. The face of the female wolf head was very white, a bit like a white-faced wolf, but the skin was a bit rough. , After all, it was an orc living in the wild mountains, so the skin would naturally not be much better.

There are still many wounds on the female wolf’s head, both deep and shallow, one by one like bamboo leaves. The light was dark last night and I could not see clearly, but now in broad daylight, the wounds on the female wolf’s head are obvious. . It seems that when the female wolf head and the female orc rushed into the village of the Bai people last night, she suffered a lot of injuries and shed a lot of blood. I can't believe that the female wolf's head is so good, she can still get up like a okay person after leaving so many wounds.

I looked at the female wolf head dodgingly. I found that the difference between a female wolf head and a human being is that she has a pair of blue-green pupils, ten pointed nails, a small tiger tooth that slightly exposes her lips, and two slightly longer ears.

In addition, the female wolf head is almost indistinguishable from ordinary humans.

At that time, I opened my eyes and saw the female wolf's head, and my groggy brain became sober all at once, as if being poured with cold water.

The female wolf head saw me wake up and stood up, looking at me with blue-green eyes, but she didn't say anything. In fact, she didn't speak human words at all.

The female wolf head looked at me, I also looked at the female wolf’s head, and didn’t dare to move, because I knew that if the female wolf’s head were to attack me, I would have a very small chance of surviving. Even if I could beat the female wolf’s head, but outside the cave There are hundreds of female orcs, I'm afraid it's impossible for me or escape. I can only hold my breath and secretly look for a chance to escape.

I looked at the female wolf’s head and moved a little bit. I wanted to step back a little bit, but after moving, I noticed a burning pain in my stomach, only to realize that the blood from the scars that were caught by the female wolf’s head last night was just a moment ago. The scab is crusted, and the pain is severe after a little movement.

The female wolf head saw me with a painful expression, and her hand was still touching the wound on her stomach. She actually did something that I could not believe, that is, she suddenly crawled over, and then her head was stuffed. In front of my stomach, then stuck out my tongue and licked my wound!

I was taken aback, but the female wolf’s head continued to lick my wound. Suddenly, I felt a crisp tickling on my stomach. I almost wanted to laugh out loud, but I didn’t dare to push away the female wolf’s head. I can let her lick me, the female wolf licked her head and my stomach was wet before stopping.

I don't quite understand why the female wolf's head did this, but when the female wolf's head licked it, I found that the pain on the wound seemed to be reduced a bit, and there was a cool sensation on the wound. Hey, it's amazing. Isn't the saliva of this female wolf's head still anti-inflammatory, sterilizing, and pain-relieving.

After being licked by the female wolf’s head, I felt the pain lessened a lot. The female wolf’s head looked at me, and an unnoticeable smile flashed across her mouth. The smile was strange, it seemed a little ambiguous, I don’t. I could believe that the orc could still laugh, but that smile was fleeting, and the female wolf's head soon became silent again.

After the female wolf head was sure that I was not in pain, she sat back and sat opposite me, and then licked a few wounds on her own arm. I found that her hand also had several openings, but the female wolf head's resilience It’s really amazing. The wound I suffered only last night has a tendency to heal with scabs today. Is the resilience of a female wolf’s head as powerful as that of a wild beast?

After licking the wound, the female wolf's head stood up and staggered out of the cave. There were countless female orcs' calls from outside. I heard the female wolf's head whimpering, wailing, ahhhh, I didn’t know her. What to do outside, after a while, I saw a few leopard girls with money-shaped markings sitting outside the cave. They squatted there and didn't know what to do.

But when they squatted there, they squatted all morning, and the female wolf head did not come in again.

At that time, I felt strange. Why didn't the female wolf come in to see me for the first morning?

If it weren't for a group of leopard girls guarding the entrance of the cave, I couldn't help but want to go out to see the situation.

I was locked in the cave during the day. Until noon, the leopard girls at the door became agitated, and then the leopard girls stepped back, and the female wolf walked in with a bunch of bacon in her hands. Langtou threw the bacon to me, and gave me something like dried fruit. I knew that the female wolftou must have let me eat lunch. At that time, I was hungry, so I grabbed the bacon and ate it.

But what makes me extremely terrifying is that my "non-human" life is just beginning.

Most of the day, the female wolf head will leave the cave, and the leopard girls will stay at the door. Only when I want to urinate, the leopard girls will let me out of the cave for a while, and the cave is empty. On the flat ground, there are many beast girls sitting outside in a circle. In front of the flat ground is a sparse forest. Behind the forest is a huge waterfall. Later I also learned that there is a huge cave behind the waterfall. It is the place where hundreds of beast girls live.

I was kept in captivity by the female wolf head for almost a week, and I could almost write a book about the inhuman life in the female orc tribe.

Later I also learned that the reason why the female wolf head leaves the cave every day is actually to catch prey outside. It turns out that in addition to plundering food from the Bai people, the orcs themselves also hunt and fish, and they also collect fruits, but the weather is cold and there is not enough food. , The orcs attacked the village in desperation.

Because of the attack on the Bai people that day, many orcs were injured or mutilated, and several orcs who didn't know whether it was a sheep girl or a cow girl died because the rescue was ineffective, and those female orcs would dig a hole to remove theirs. The compatriot was buried in a flat ground, and then a bone was inserted into it as a tombstone.

At that time, I realized that the orcs also have feelings, and it seems that they have formed a bit of tribal culture between them. Although they are still very backward, they have already had the most primitive tribal behavior of mankind. It would be very interesting if I saw these as documentaries in the past, but the problem is that I now have the same status as a captive.

Although the other beast girls dare not do anything to me because of the female wolf head covering me, I still feel that my future is bleak.

What should I do in the future?

Over time, I found that the female wolf head’s favor for me has actually increased a lot, especially a week later, the female wolf head discovered that I was obedient and didn’t even think about running away. The female wolf head would also let me out of the cave and occasionally walk around. .

At that time, I thought about escaping from this place, but I found out in despair that I didn’t even know the road around here. I seemed to be trapped in a canyon surrounded by hillsides and cliffs, and I couldn’t find the Bai people at all. In a human village, even if you want to run, you can’t find a direction. And no matter where I go, there will be a group of leopard girls or dog girls following, even if I want to run, I can't run.

I'll go, am I going to be trapped in this orc tribe for the rest of my life?

I was really desperate at the time.

But fortunately, in the second week, I found a secret in the head of the female wolf, and that secret also gave me a chance to escape from the orc tribe.

The day when the secret was discovered, it happened to be the end of the second week. At that time, thinking of this, a strategy gradually emerged in my mind. I think if my strategy succeeds, it might make a female wolf head. Take orders from me.