My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 83: I'm going to post

When I saw the emeralds squatting on the ground and playing with cat ladies, I thought I had missed them. I remember my bald geography teacher in high school geography said that Yunnan is one of the top five gemstone producing areas in China.

Are these stones really the legendary emeralds? I only saw emeralds in the exhibition hall when I was visiting the museum with my roommates in the university. It is said that emeralds with a smaller texture are worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, and emeralds with good texture are more valuable. It is a treasure with a price but no market, hundreds of thousands or even millions may not be able to buy it.

The cat ladies watched me take the emeralds they were playing with as a ball, and looked at me unclearly. To them, these emeralds are no different from ordinary stones, at most they are brighter in color and beautiful. a little. But I know that if the emeralds of Catwoman and the others are exchanged for cash, it would be enough for hundreds of pigs.

I was excited to hold Catwoman’s emerald, then pointed at the emerald in my hand with my finger, and asked Catwoman with a trembling voice:

"Where did it come from?"


Catwoman's gray ears trembled, and a pair of big round eyes showed a bit of confusion. She didn't know if she didn't understand me or really didn't know the source of these emeralds.

Seeing that Catwoman could not understand me, I simply held the emeralds in my hand, and then I pulled Catwoman out of the cave with one hand. Catwoman was pulled out of the cave by me, but with a cute face. Still filled with confusion.

"This, stone, where did you find it?" After pulling Catwoman out of the cave, I stared at Catwoman's big green eyes, then patiently pointed to the emerald in my finger, and pointed to the front again. Yuanshan, meaning to ask her where the stone was found.

"Meow~? Meow, meow!"

Catwoman tilted her head and blinked her eyes. She didn't seem to understand what I meant at first, but when I pointed at the distant mountains and tapped a few places with my finger, Catwoman understood what I meant. , She knew I was asking her where the emeralds came from.

"Meow! Meow~!" After understanding what I meant, the catwoman jumped and took my hand, and then ran towards a mountain wall on the north side of the waterfall.

Catwoman and I jumped over the narrow river in front of the waterfall, and then ran forward for a short distance, and finally ran over a large pile of rocky beaches, and finally ran to a mountain a few hundred meters ahead. In front of the wall, the mountain wall is hundreds of meters high and has an oblique angle of 70 degrees. It looks very steep. Under the wall, there is a large messy stone field with a lot of stones piled on it. Gravel, here seems to be an ordinary mountain wall. A fault occurred on the mountain wall due to the landslide. A small piece of the mountain wall slid down, exposing the internal structure of the mountain.

And when I raised my head and looked at the mountain wall above my head, I was completely shocked.

Because I can clearly see that the surface of the fault on the mountain wall is actually a large area of ​​green smooth rock, like a large emerald inlaid on the mountain.

Let me go. There are so many natural gems inside the mountain. Is this mountain a gem mine?

Of course I was really trembling with excitement.

Did I discover the gem mine like this?

Of course, because I am not a professional geologist, I don’t know if this is a pure gem, but from my first glance, these smooth surfaces on the mountain, and the jade-like rocks are the fault of gems. No more...

Damn, if these are really gems, how much is this gem mountain worth?

This whole mountain should be worth several hundred million, or even billions, at least? What's more, who can guarantee that there are no gem mines inside the other hills around here? If there are gems in other mountains, I am afraid that this area is a big gem mine. If you count it like this, this place is simply a gem city, worth at least hundreds of billions.

At that time, I was so excited that I almost didn't call out. Although the times have changed, the surprise of finding the treasure is the same no matter what era.

The geographical location of the Shangri-La Grand Canyon in Yunnan is relatively remote, and it is also a territory of ethnic minorities. It is estimated that there are relatively few people who come to explore, so no gem deposits in this area have been discovered. Now I found it out, it's just a windfall.

If in the 21st century, I'm afraid I will be so excited, this is as excited as the 19th century European colonists who discovered gold mines in the United States. But the problem is that I am no different from primitive people. What use are these gems for me?

I lowered my head and looked at the piles of rocks on the ground, and found that because of the fracture of the mountain wall, a lot of natural gem fragments were also dropped from the piles of rocks on the ground. Although they were mixed with ordinary rocks, they From the exposed part, the texture of these gems is quite pure, and some are even the same as the processed ones.

I really want to post.

I stepped on the pile of rocks and looked at the gems on the ground. I really had the urge to laugh out loud. Catwoman looked at me with joy, and she turned her head to look at me incomprehensibly.

"Meow~~?" Catwoman blinked her eyes and looked confused. As an orc, how did she know the value of these gems?

I was excited for a long time, but after the joy of joy passed, I thought about my situation, and my heart suddenly calmed down again. I rummaged in the rubble for a while, and found that there are a lot of gems here, and the purity of the gems is also very high, but I can’t move much by myself. In the end, I can only move a few randomly. The emerald ore, the size and texture of the grinding disc, was relatively pure and returned to the cave.

I was sitting in front of the bonfire that night, but the dream of gems constantly appeared in my mind. If...these gems can be converted into cash, I am afraid I can really become a gem merchant and then become millions...or even hundreds of millions. Rich man. At that time, I really have an identity and status, but now I am a man, it is impossible to get involved in society, and I am still in the orc tribe, and I can't get out, let alone transfer these gems... What should I do?

In the next few days, I became a thorough geological prospector, constantly inspecting the gem mine near the broken arm, and finally I was pleasantly surprised to find that, just as I expected, some mountains nearby. There seems to be rich gemstone mines, and the mountains here are simply gem mountains.

I have been in the orc tribe for more than two months, and the female orcs have completely regarded me as their person, and they will not stop me if I leave, because they know I will definitely come back.

However, as the weather became colder and colder, the female orcs became more and more restless, that is, the food in the tribe ran out, although the female orcs robbed a lot of bacon and other food from the Bai people last time. I came back, but the quantity was limited after all, so after a period of time, the food was eaten up after all. In addition, there were fewer and fewer prey in the mountains and forests in winter, and the female orcs finally had to face a food crisis.

Of course, in spite of this, the female wolf heads would still give me the little food left, and they would eat some leftover bones or residues. At that time, watching the circle of female orcs around them drooling, their eyes are full. Looking hungry and thirsty, I really feel sorry for it. And as the food is getting less and less, the female wolf head's mood seems to be getting more and more irritable. She often walks restlessly in the big cave with a worried expression on her face.

At that time, I knew what action the female wolf head would take.

It was almost one morning in early January, when the sun just shone from the top of the mountain into the valley. When it fell on the waterfall, the female wolf head made a long howling sound in the open space outside the big cave, which seemed to be a collective call. .

Hearing the cry of the female wolf's head, my heart tightened, and the female orcs in the big cave ran out of the cave one after another and gathered on the open space outside.

I also followed out of the cave. At that time, the female wolf was standing on a raised rock and howling loudly. In front of her, hundreds of female orcs looked at each other with determination.

At that time, I realized that I was afraid that the female wolf head would once again attack the Bai clan.

At that time, my heart was tense, and I reined in it, but that was not okay.

But seeing the hundreds of female orcs hungry in front of the female wolf head, following the response, I really can't bear to watch them hungry.

At that time, there was a flash of light in my mind, and I suddenly thought of a way.

Maybe I can take the female orcs to exchange the gems for food with the Bai people, and then let the Bai people like the one-eyed women resell the gems for cash, go to the county to buy more pigs, cattle and sheep, or even Other life items...may be able to resolve the contradiction between the female orc and the Bai people, and even form a virtuous circle.

Thinking of this method, I was so excited that I almost didn't call it out!

Lao Tzu is simply a genius!