My Life Simulator

Chapter 26: Strong learners, terrible

     For Lu Li, today is a harvest season.

   Old Xu praised Lu Li in the first class. Then, in the second class, the Chinese teacher took Lu Li's composition as a model essay and read it aloud in the class.

   The praise of Lu Li by the Chinese teacher was so high, and the series of words that were so beautiful made Lu Li feel a little overwhelmed.

   This is not over yet. In the third class, the English teacher praised Lu Li with great fanfare. The physics teacher in the fourth class also didn't let Lu Li off, and gave another compliment.

   After the morning passed, Lu Li was unanimously praised by the teachers. The students in the class felt a little weird at first, but then they became numb.

   When school was over at noon, Lu Li's reputation reached a new high.

   On the bulletin board, the school announced the ranking of the midterm exam.

   On the high ranking list, Lu Li's name is at the top of the list, and the series of full marks behind are emphasized in bold, which is extremely dazzling!

   "Fuck! Full score in general subjects? Where is this god?"

   In front of the bulletin board, someone pointed to Lu Li's name on the high-ranking first year list, pointed to the series of full marks, and screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

   "Study hegemony, horrible!"

   Someone has a dull face and straight eyes.

   "Full score in general subjects! Full score in general subjects! Is this a human?"

   Someone was stunned.

   "I was shown off by Xueba! I feel I was trampled on the ground. It hurts my self-esteem too much! Flashed! Flashed!"

   There are others who are sad, hiding their faces and fleeing.

   "Huh? Lu Li? This name... seems familiar!"

   Someone remembered the "scandal" that had spread all over the campus some time ago, and then exclaimed: "Isn't it the... Lu Li who is said to be in love with Liu Qin?"

   "The one who fell in love with Liu Qin? It's really him? Fuck! No wonder he can fall in love with Liu Qin. The only one who can fall in love with Xueba is another Xueba!"

   "It's not a family, don't enter a family. As expected, I am a big brother, I can only worship!"

   The popularity of the "scandal" just dropped, and Lu Li broke out another horrific result of the "Grand Slam", which made Lu Li's campus reputation even higher.

   "No wonder Liu Qin would say: IQs are different, how do you fall in love? That's it! That's it!"

   A certain man with glasses stood in front of the sign, looked up at Lu Li's dazzling results, and silently lowered his head.

too strong! Full score in all subjects, such a result is really scary. Strong to this point, people can't even mention the courage to compete, leaving only deep helplessness.

   Grand Slam, this is the strongest result ever in Yucheng No. 1 Middle School! Not to mention that there is no one in the future, at least there is no one before!

   Hanging to the sky! Can't afford it! Can't afford it!

   This kind of achievement that can only be looked up, made countless people in front of the sign feel a kind of unattainable awe in the mountains.

   Generally speaking, people will be jealous of those who are better than themselves, but they will not be jealous of those who are out of reach.

   Just as your colleagues are paid more than you, you may feel uncomfortable. But... Boss Ma has more money than you, so you don't feel uncomfortable.

   The current situation is very similar. Seeing Lu Li's impressive results, no one was jealous anymore. They could only look up and stop the mountain.

   This made Lu Li's name once again spread throughout the school's class group, and even spread to the outside world.

   In some people’s circle of friends, there are even content like "Let you see, what are the trembling grades.", "Is your school bully so awesome?" and the like.

  The people who posted these circles of friends even showed off with a kind of "Rong Yan".

   As a result, Lu Li's reputation became even stronger.

  Wait until the afternoon class, Lu Li received another achievement badge.

   "The player gets an achievement badge: a small celebrity (level E)."

   "You became famous in World War I. Your reputation has spread all over the campus, even outside the school."

   This unexpected achievement made Lu Li a little surprised.

   became famous in the mid-term exams, which made Lu Li experience the glory of being a master. It has been praised, praised, admired and admired by people, this is indeed very beautiful.

   But... Lu Li wasn't overwhelmed.

   A mid-term exam does not mean everything. Lu Li was sober, and was not dazzled by countless praises.

   The "Olympics Competition" mentioned by Liu Qin before made it clear to Lu Li that his accumulation of knowledge is far from enough.

   One victory does not mean permanent victory. Kingship has no eternity. If you don't work hard, you will be driven from the throne.

   What's more, to participate in the qualifiers of the "Olympic Mathematical Olympiad", Lu Li's current level is not enough, he must have a thorough grasp of the mathematics knowledge of the entire high school stage, and he also needs to study specifically for the "Olympic Mathematical".

   In the next few months, until the start of the Olympic Mathematical qualifiers, Lu Li still needs to write many, many books and many, many questions during this period.

   "Lu Li, come to my office."

   At the end of the first class in the afternoon, Old Xu, the head teacher, walked into the classroom and greeted Lu Li.

   "Oh, good."

   Hearing Lao Xu's call, Lu Li quickly got up and followed Lao Xu to the office.

   "Sit down!"

   Old Xu pointed to the stool next to him, motioned to Lu Li, and sat on the office chair.

   Entering old Xu’s office, he actually "gives a seat"? Is this the salary of a student?

   Lu Chengli muttered secretly, and sat down on the stool next to him.

   "You kid, okay! You bet me deliberately, deliberately dug a big hole, waiting for me to jump in, right?"

   Old Xu looked at the ashtray on the table. The ashtray was empty, with no cigarette butts. Old Xu's heart was also somewhat empty.

"No no!"

   Lu Li would naturally not admit to digging a hole for Lao Xu, "I am not concerned about the teacher's body! I bet with the teacher, of course I have to go all Fortunately, I haven't let the teacher down."

   "Pretend! Also pretend to me!"

Old Xu rolled his eyelids and glared at Lu Li, "You kid, you must have been fooling me with no real ability. I have been teaching for so many years, and I have never seen my grades improved to this point in a month. of."

   Lu Li can only haha!

   "Okay! I wish to lose the bet! The teacher quit smoking! I will never smoke again!"

   Old Xu looked helpless. If you don't have a cigarette in your hand, you are not used to preparing homework for class reform!

   "I am calling you over this time because I have something to inform you."

   Old Xu Yan returned to the main story, and Chao Lu Li said: "You did a good job in this exam. After learning about it, the principal appreciates you very much and prepares to let you participate in the school's'Olympics Team'. Do you have any comments?"

   You have all decided, what else can I say?

   Lu Li secretly slandered, and quickly replied: "Thanks to the teacher for his cultivation and the principal for his appreciation. I will definitely study hard and strive to win glory for the school!"

   "Huh? That's right..."

   Old Xu wanted to have a "smooth", but felt it was inappropriate, so he had to replace it with "Speaking of... level and consciousness."

   Lu Li is also very helpless, this is all out of business training.

   "Okay, that's it."

   Old Xu waved his hand towards Lu Li, "You go back to class!"

   "Okay, teacher, I'm leaving now!"

Lu Li stood up to leave, and approached the door, and heard Old Xu say from behind, "Study hegemony is so terrible. This name has passed to me. Remember, don't be dazzled by victory. Keep working hard!"


   Lu Li turned to look at Old Xu, nodding seriously.