My Life Simulator

Chapter 281: Raid and surprise


In the dark night, the wind howled.

In an old church in the north of the town, a man with a turban and a beard sits on a soft wool carpet.

A beautifully decorated silver-white revolver with ivory handle, rotating in the right hand of the bearded man.

His left hand grabbed a grape in the silver plate next to it, and threw it into his mouth. It broke it with a "puff", and the bright red slurry flowed out from the corner of the mouth, as if it were a touch of bright blood.

"Master Tucson! News is coming from the Bald Eagle."

At this time, a man in a robe rushed in and reported to Tucson, the bearded man.


The revolver in Tucson's hand stopped, then reached out his hand to grab a grape and threw it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "What did the bald eagle say?"

"The Bald Eagle said: The Chinese people may have taken action."

The robe man raised his eyes to look at the bearded Tucson, "My lord, why are we taking hostages? Huaxia people are not easy to provoke! They will definitely get revenge! Why should we provoke Huaxia people?"

"Ha ha!"

Bearded Tucson smiled, opened his mouth and spit out the grape pits, and said to the man in the robe: "Do you know why I am the leader and you are just a subordinate?"

"Eh? Of course it's because of your wise martial arts!"

Although the man in the robe didn't understand the meaning of these words, he still flattered without hesitation.

"Wise Shenwu... just one aspect!"

The bearded Tucson also got his beard curled up by this flattery. He glanced at the man in the robe and said, "Because I know that as a weak person, to survive in this world, it must be useful."

"If you don't provoke the Chinese people, they will not support me, and even support the Yue family. Polar bears and bald eagles, they will ignore me even more. Because we are too weak."

Having said this, Bearded Tucson grinned, "It's different now. I started with Huaxia, and the Bald Eagle immediately supported me, gave me a lot of funds, and gave me a lot of equipment. This is the value of utilization!"

"But...Huaxia people can't be offended by us either!"

The man in the robe was still a little flustered, "If you anger the Chinese, they will definitely tear us apart!"

"Are you stupid? Who said I really want to fight against Huaxia people?"

Bearded Tucson laughed, "Just put on a posture of confronting the Huaxia people. You can negotiate with the Huaxia people in private, ask them for some money, ask for some political support, and then let them go."

"Between countries, we only talk about interests. As long as I don't infringe on the core interests of the Huaxia people and don't hurt the hostages, they will not react fiercely. We can take the benefits of the bald eagle in the left hand and the benefits of the Huaxia in the right."

"In the future, we will be able to separate one side, and even establish a country that belongs to us!"

Bearded Tucson laughed, reached out his hand, grabbed another grape from the plate and threw it into his mouth.

"High! Really high!"

The man in the robe slapped it again.

After he left, the man in the robe collapsed and frowned tightly!

Tucson, you are looking for death!

Still want to go from side to side? Still want to use hostages to negotiate with Huaxia people? The rabbit is no longer the rabbit of the year. You are not looking for death like this!

You want to die, so I want to live a few more years!

Turning around and ran into the house, the man in the robe had already made up his mind. He must find a chance to leave here, and he must be as soon as possible, otherwise... he is absolutely dead!


In a cave in the west of the town, two figures covered in robes are holding infrared telescopes, observing the town.

"Kevin, you said, will the Chinese people come?"

A man in a gray robe put down his binoculars and turned to his companion next to him.

"Based on intelligence analysis, Huaxia people are likely to take action."

A black-robed man next to him smiled and said, "Wait first! If you don't come, forget it. Once they come, when they start their actions to save the hostages..."

The black-robed man patted an individual missile next to him, "We will give them a gift!"

"Really attack?"

A flash of horror flashed in the gray-robed man's eyes, "Once an attack is launched, the Chinese people will be provoked, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Who said we launched the attack? Isn't it done by the rebels? What does it have to do with us?"

The black-robed man spread his hands, "We haven't done anything, we don't know anything!"


"Call the first wolf, team A is in place!"

The Black Wolf, Lu Li and others are already on the hill outside the town, ready to sneak into the raid.

"Roger that!"

Gao Zhigang's voice rang through the communicator, "At three o'clock in the morning, the early warning aircraft is in place and will electronically interfere with the town. Be prepared for an attack!"


The black wolf turned off the communicator, turned his head and said to everyone, "At three o'clock in the morning, launch an attack and get ready for battle!"


Everyone took their orders and quickly counted the equipment once again, ready to sneak into the assault.

Time passed slowly while waiting.

At three o'clock in the morning, the whole town had fallen into silence.

At this time, the high-altitude early warning aircraft had launched electronic shielding interference to the town and surrounding areas.

In the communicator of Lu Li and others, Gao Zhigang's command sound has sounded: "Action!"

Hearing this command, Lu Li and the others hurriedly turned out from the hiding spot and fumbled towards the town.

At the same time, the B and C teams ambushing in other positions have already had snipers to clear out the sentries.

The sound of the gun with the muffler installed was very low. In this silent early morning in the four wilds, Lu Li's "ears and eyes" still heard a slight gunshot.

"The sentry has been cleared!"

The announcement of the support team sounded in the communicator.

"Roger that!"

The black wolf replied in a low voice, and led everyone to sneak into the town.

After groping and sneaking to the side of the town, the coyote took out a drone from his backpack, launched it into the air, and flew towards the town.

The small drone flew into the town almost silently, and reconfirmed the hostage detention location determined by the reconnaissance satellite.

An infrared scanner swept across the building where the hostages were held, and the display in the hands of the coyote showed a dense group of infrared portraits.

"Confirm the location of the hostages!"

The coyote retracted the drone while reporting to the black wolf.

At the same time, team b and team c are also groping and sneaking towards the town from their respective directions.

In the distance tens of kilometers away, the flying helicopter gunship, escorting five large transport helicopters, is flying towards the town.

High in the sky, an early warning aircraft hovered slowly, and there were two J-10 fighter jets escorting around.

In this rescue operation, the Chinese military showed a strong iron fist!


In a dark cave in the northwest of the town, two dark shadows are taking turns guarding.

At this time, the black-robed man who was observing the situation while holding the infrared telescope, discovered to his horror that three teams of groping and sneaking appeared in the southeast of the town.

"They are here!"

The black-robed man was startled, and he quickly awakened the gray-robed man who was sleeping, "Huaxia people are here!"


The grey-robed man hurriedly got up, ran out in a hurry, picked up the infrared binoculars and took a look, and he saw the three teams of men and horses groping towards the town.

The Huaxia people really came!

The two quickly set up individual missiles and aimed them at the location of the hostages.


"Team B is in place!"

"Team c is in place!"

The two special forces responsible for supporting the blocking of the enemy have laid ambush in the predetermined position.

Lu Li and others are still sneaking in the dark town.

A wrist computer on the wrist indicates the route and goal. Everyone followed the route carefully and quickly moved towards the target location.

When the hostage was about to be held, the coyote once again released the drone to conduct a full-scale investigation near the building where the hostage was located.

"There are no guards around. The hostages are guarded by armed men!"

The coyote operated a few times and simultaneously sent the infrared surveillance pictures taken by the drone to the command center and the commando's computers.

Lu Li clicked on the detection image and looked at it, and everyone in the surrounding houses had already fallen asleep. Only in the building where the hostages are, there are still a few guards patrolling.

The black wolf gestured towards Lu Li and motioned to Lu Li to shoot down the guard post at the entrance of the building with a sniper gun.

Lu Li nodded, took the sniper rifle from his back, aimed at a sentry at the door of the building, and instantly pulled the trigger.

The gunshots covered by the muffler were very low, and the sentry at the door instantly fell to the ground with a headshot.


With a wave of the black wolf, Lu Li and the others rushed towards the entrance of the building.

When they rushed into the building, everyone in an assault formation marched towards the second floor where the hostages were.

Lu Li had also replaced his sniper rifle with a submachine gun, forming an assault formation with the black wolf, covering each other assaulting forward.

At the top of the stairs on the second floor, there are two guard posts.

Lu Li's muzzle flickered, and two consecutive shots were fired. The bullets that flew out of the muffler instantly killed the two guards.

The black wolf rushed up the stairs and approached the door on the second floor in a half-squatting position.

The hostages were held behind the door.

However, in the room opposite the hostage holding hall, there are still a few bandits who are resting.

The hostages must not be alarmed, they must be passed carefully, and the culprits must be killed first.

Gently pushing the door open, Lu Li walked in lightly.

Through the night vision goggles, Lu Li saw that there were hundreds of hostages sleeping on the floor of the hall. Among them, besides adult men and women, there were a few children.

These women and children are probably the family members of factory employees.

Lu Li didn't pay much attention either, and still walked lightly through the hall.

Because there were too many people lying in the hall, Lu Li had to be careful not to touch these hostages.

Otherwise, these hostages who are already very scared and panicked will definitely scream at the moment they wake up.

Slowly stepping across a hostage, Lu Li came to the room where the culprit was.

The door was closed tightly, and it was still an iron door.

However, this is still not difficult for Lu Li. Pulling out a thin iron wire from the small pocket of the armed belt, gently stretched it into the keyhole, stirred it a few times, and Lu Li quickly opened the door.

Uh... In addition to bombing doors, lock picking is also an essential skill for special forces.

Gently push the door open. In the room, four culprits were sleeping against the wall with rifles in their arms.

Since you are asleep, you don't need to wake up!

The muzzle flicked, "Puffpuffpuff", four consecutive shots went down, and the four culprits instantly headshot and died.


Lu Li reported to the Black Wolf in a low voice, then turned and walked out of the room, squatting at the window of the building, holding a gun as a guard.

In the hall, the black wolf and others hurriedly walked to the hostage and patted the hostage gently.

A hostage woke up, saw the black shadow in front of him, and was about to scream, he was covered by the black wolf, "We are the Chinese army! Don't panic, let's take you home!"

Hearing this, the tears in the hostage's eyes rolled down, choked and nodded again and again.

Hundreds of hostages were quickly awakened, and they all made no sound when they told each other. Even the few children did not speak, let alone cry.

"Call the wolf, the hostage has been rescued, ready to evacuate!"

The black wolf quickly reported to Gao Zhigang.

"Plan No. 1, retreat as scheduled!"


Hanging up the communication, the black wolf and other special forces soldiers, covering the hostages, prepared to withdraw from the building.

At this moment……

In a cave in the northwest of the town, a figure wearing a black robe carried a single-soldier missile: "Huaxia, the present is here! Feel the greetings from across the Pacific Ocean!"

Reaching out and pressing the launch button, flames rose into the sky, and a missile roared through the air and blasted down at the location of the hostage.

As soon as the missile was launched, an early warning aircraft in the sky had already discovered it.

"Beep! Beep!"

The stern alarm sounded instantly, and the early warning personnel hurriedly announced: "Javelin missiles were found in the northwest, attacking the target...hostage!"

There is no need to alert!

Gao Zhigang, who commanded the battle at the top of the mountain, had already seen the missile rising into the air.


At this moment, Gao Zhigang's face was pale, he squeezed his fist tightly, and his nails were deeply embedded in the flesh!

The mission failed!

Under the attack of this missile, the hostages and the special forces who went to rescue the hostages will inevitably suffer heavy casualties!


"A brilliant firework is about to bloom!"

After pressing the launch button and launching the missile, the black-robed man threw away the launcher and looked at the missile landing point with a smile on his face.

"Fake! Move quickly! What are you still looking at here?"

The gray-robed man next to him quickly snarled The missile went down, just like stabbing a hornet's nest. If you don't run quickly, you will be torn to pieces by the angry Chinese people!

"It's okay! Huaxia people didn't react so quickly..."

Before the words were finished, the black-robed man discovered in horror that a fire dragon burst out in the distant sky, and a missile roared out, blasting down at the location of the two!


There was horror on their faces!

Air-to-surface missiles! Huaxia people dispatched a fighter!

In the face of such an air-to-ground bombing missile, running is meaningless, and hiding is even more meaningless.

An air-to-surface missile blasted down, and this hill would no longer exist!

Huaxia's revenge came too soon!