My Life Simulator

Chapter 353: Who said that studying medicine is diffi

After doing a virtual experiment overnight, there was no mental fatigue.

This virtual laboratory is not in vain. I spent 500 D-level badges. It is really worth what you pay for.

After getting up to wash, changing his clothes and going out, Lu Li returned to Fudan Medical College.

Today, Lu Li has set his goal on clinical medicine.

Theoretical research is important, but clinical medicine is more important. To put the results of theoretical research into practical application, clinical medical technology is needed.

So Lu Li checked the curriculum and found a course on human anatomy.

The professor who teaches human anatomy to clinical medical students is also an old professor.

This Professor Zhao Chenglin was once the chief surgeon of neurosurgery. Now, Professor Zhao is old, his hands are unstable, and he can no longer cut other people's minds, so he retreats to the second line and engages in teaching.

According to the time on the timetable, Lu Li came to the lecture hall and started to steal knowledge again.

In this class of human anatomy, the students are more serious than the basic medical course "Bacteriology" given by Professor He.

All students in this course are clinical medical students.

There is a saying called "Persuade people to study medicine, and thunder strikes the sky", which refers to the difficult learning tasks of clinical medicine students.

Those who study clinical medicine are all future doctors who want to treat diseases and save people. Any mistake is a medical accident and a life.

Therefore, students studying clinical medicine are really under great pressure.

Except for a few students who do not plan to become a doctor, everyone else is studying desperately.

Lu Li was much easier.

The mind connector opened, and Lu Li connected to Professor Zhao Chenglin's WIFI again.

"Human Anatomy", "Imagingology", "Pathology", "Surgery"...

There are various knowledge and surgical skills full of screens on the interface.

This time, Lu Li didn't copy all of them, but copied them one by one.

Copy ‘human anatomy’ first.

The mind connector flickers slightly. Professor Zhao Chenglin's understanding of human anatomy during decades of clinical experience has flooded Lu Li's mind continuously.

After a class, Lu Li just copied all kinds of knowledge of "Human Anatomy".

Afterwards, Lu Li didn't catch Professor Zhao Chenglin's wool anymore. He rushed to the next class and copied various knowledge of "Imagingology" from another professor who taught "Imagingology".

Imaging is the medical interpretation of images taken by X-ray filming, ultrasonic testing, MRI, and other modern testing equipment.

After that, Lu Li continued to rush to the scene, class by class, constantly copying various clinical medicine courses.

"Pharmacology", "Pathology", "Clinical Diagnostics", "Internal Medicine", "Surgery", "Obstetrics and Gynecology", "Pediatrics"...

At the end of the day, Lu Li had stored professional knowledge of nearly ten courses in his mind.

It would take at least a few years to master these courses through study, but... Lu Li copied it in just one day.

When he returned home, Lu Li began to digest this knowledge again. The same is to open a virtual laboratory to digest and absorb this knowledge through hands-on methods.

Human anatomy... In the virtual laboratory, Lu Li virtualized countless "human bodies", which were dissected one by one and cut piece by piece.

Men, women, young and old, black, white, yellow and brown, and all kinds of human bodies were completely broken down under Lu Li's knife.

During the dissection, Lu Li was also practicing surgical skills, various incision methods, the use of various tools, and...the technique of stitching and knotting after the cut was completed.

It is worthy of the plot opened with the "Blood Hand Man Tu" badge, it really is the Blood Hand Man Tu!

During the virtual experiment that night, Lu Li cut open countless human bodies and stitched up "them" piece by piece. It was really bloody.

Lu Li spent more time in clinical medicine than expected.

Clinical medicine involves too much knowledge and too many skills.

Even if Lu Li had the "Thinking Connector" as a plug-in for copying knowledge, and the "Virtual Lab" as an infinite virtual hands-on opportunity, it took three full months to empty all the professors of Fudan Medical College. .

"Did you go to clinical medicine in the past few months?"

When Lu Li squeezed the knowledge of the professors of clinical medicine and once again came to the "cytology" expert Professor He, Professor He was puzzled by Lu Li's actions.

"In the future, what you will be engaged in is the research and exploration of gene editing technology. You are not going to the hospital as a doctor to treat people. What are you doing in clinical medicine?"

Professor He's tone seemed a little harsh. In his opinion, Lu Li looked a little unsuccessful when he went to study clinical medicine.

"The research results in gene editing technology will eventually be implemented in clinical medicine. I take advantage of the time I still have, and first go to the clinical medicine side to lay a foundation."

Lu Li smiled and explained.

At this moment, Lu Li has hollowed out all the professors of Fudan's clinical medicine major. In clinical medicine, he is already an expert.

Coupled with the various plug-ins of Shang Lu Li, such as "unforgettable", "ingenuity", "steel will", and "heaven rewards hard work" that makes progress a little after one practice, even if Lu Li becomes a doctor, he is also an expert The doctor is out.

"Lay the foundation?"

Professor He nodded, "Spending three months to lay the foundation is enough. Human energy is limited. If you want to achieve achievements in theoretical research, you can't be too distracted."


Lu Li agreed with this.

There are too many things to learn even if it is opened. Gene editing technology involves countless subjects such as medicine, biology, bacteriology, virology, cytology, genetics, genetics... etc.

Lu Li has only done clinical medicine and bacteriology now, and other aspects are still far behind.

"Also, the unified entrance examination for graduate students will be coming soon."

Professor He glanced at Lu Li and said, "You are fine in professional knowledge, can't relax in basic knowledge, and you can't pass the graduate entrance exam."

"do not worry!"

Lu Li smiled and nodded, "The entrance exam is absolutely no problem."

In reality, Lu Li was ready to take the graduate entrance exam and made all the preparations. What's more, after a few plots, Lu Li's knowledge level further increased.

If this fails the graduate entrance exam, Lu Li bought a piece of tofu and smashed to death, so as not to be embarrassed.

"You just have to be prepared!"

Professor He nodded, "I greeted several professors who study genetics, genetics, and cytology before, but you never went there. Now, go and ask them for advice and study, go!"


Lu Li bid farewell to Professor He, and immediately followed Professor He's instructions to find several other professors...copy knowledge.


"You are Lu Li? How old is in front of me, boasting you to the sky!"

Professor Wang who studies genetics is a thin old man, "I heard that you went to clinical medicine for three months? Why did you suddenly want to study clinical medicine?"

"I was thinking that if theoretical research is to be implemented, it must be combined with clinical medicine, so... I laid a foundation in advance."

Lu Li used this reason to explain to Professor Wang.

"Your idea... is right or wrong."

Professor Wang smiled and shook his head, "We have never done research alone. We need a team to cooperate. In genetic engineering, too much knowledge is involved. You can't understand everything by yourself and master everything. ."

I opened the plug-in, will I tell you?

If I want to bring the research results back to reality, I can only do the world by myself.

If you have achieved results in the plot, only after returning to reality, you discover that there are a few steps that someone else did. I don’t understand, isn’t this all over?

Of course, Professor Wang's remarks are also very reasonable, but they are not suitable for Lu Li.

After chatting for a while, Lu Li began to ask Professor Wang about genetics, and he kept copying what Professor Wang had learned throughout his life.

Time just passed day by day.

A week later, Lu Li squeezed the knowledge of Professor Wang, an expert on genetics.

"No wonder Lao He can't praise you so much, you are really amazing."

Professor Wang was full of admiration, "If it weren't for the old man who accepted you as a student, I really want to take you over. Your thinking is too in line with me."

Can it be out of sync? It's all your knowledge!

After Lu Li bid farewell to Professor Wang, he found Professor Sun, an expert in "cytology", and "stealed" his knowledge again.

Another month later, Lu Li copied all the life lessons of several senior professors of basic medicine at Fudan Medical College.

Every professor was full of praise for Lu Li's level of knowledge, and he was so envious that Professor He received such a good student.

"Old Ho, are you out of **** luck? You hit such a talented student?"

Professor He: "Hehe! Hand is fast, hand is slow, I will come first!"


At the end of the month, the national unified enrollment examination for master's students officially began.

Lu Li had already completed the registration procedures online, just waiting for the formal examination to begin.

On this day, Lu Li once again came to Fudan campus, sat in the examination room, and took part in this year's postgraduate entrance examination.

Lu Li is applying for a master's degree in basic medicine.

This major is to engage in basic medical research, mainly basic research in cytology, bacteriology, and virology.

Generally speaking, few medical students will apply for master's degree in basic medicine.

Because it is difficult to come up with results in basic research, just like research in mathematical physics, Haohou has been exhausted, but there is no hope of success.

For Lu Li, basic medical research is the most suitable for him. To study gene editing technology, to study the technology to overcome cancer, only basic medical research can be done.

This time the postgraduate enrollment examination, the basic medical professional examination subjects are mainly English, politics, mathematics and comprehensive knowledge of basic medicine. (Examination subjects vary from school to school, don’t go into it)

For Lu Li, these examination subjects were a piece of cake.

English? Lu Li already mastered his mother tongue.

political? Lu Li has been an astronaut with extremely strict political assessment!

Needless to say mathematics, Lu Li's housekeeping skills.

Comprehensive knowledge of basic medicine... Lu Li's crazy duplication during this period has reached or even exceeded the level of Professor He and others.

As a result, Lu Li easily completed the master's degree entrance examination.

"How was your test?"

After the exam, Professor He called Lu Li to ask about the result.

"It's okay. It's definitely fine to pass the entrance exam."

Lu Li answered confidently.

"That's good!"

Professor He was full of joy, "After the test results come out, you can report directly to me! You don't need to take the test again. I already know your level."

"Okay, thank you professor."

Lu Li smiled and hung up the phone.


A few days later, the test results came out.

Professor He's eyes widened when he saw Lu Li's entrance examination scores, and he didn't recover for a long time.

English: perfect score!

Politics: Full marks!

Mathematics: Full marks!

Comprehensive Basic Medicine: Full marks!

You told me "okay" with your grades?

I know you are strong, but I didn't expect you to be so perverted!

There are disciples who can pass on the mantle!

Professor He was full of joy and laughed from ear to ear. I really found the treasure!

So, Professor He quickly picked up the phone and dialed Lu Li's number: "Lu Li, your postgraduate entrance exam has passed. Don't wait for the admission notice, come here now."


Lu Li hung up the phone and hurried to Professor He's office.

"Your graduate entrance exam scores are very good."

Professor He nodded towards Lu Li, "However, that is just a stepping stone. Your future learning tasks will be heavier."


Lu Li quickly answered.

"Have you chosen your research direction? Or continue to do research on gene editing technology?"

Professor He glanced at Lu Li and said, “In research on gene editing technology, the possibility of a breakthrough in a short period of time is relatively small. To do this research, you have to concentrate on research for many years, but can’t produce any results. Prepare mentally."

"However, once the results are produced, they will be Nobel Prize-level results."

Lu Li grinned at Professor He, "I am mentally prepared. My goal is the Nobel Prize!"


Professor He Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and it is good to have this energy. Then you start to study the mutation characteristics of bacteria against bacteriophages! I can also guide you on bacteria. "


Lu Li nodded and said, "Professor, I still need to continue to learn about biology, genetics, and virology. Let me study for a while, deepen my accumulation, and then start researching!"

"no problem."

A smile of admiration appeared on Professor He's face, "I didn't do research impetuously at the beginning, but settled down to learn and deepen accumulation. This is very good, very good."

"Thank you for the compliment, the professor."

Lu Qiqi laughed secretly. The reason why I settle down to engage in learning is because... I am very easy to learn!

If I didn't open up and let me learn so much knowledge, I would be crazy!

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