My Life Simulator

Chapter 406: Sweep Annan

Ruan Yuzhang returned to Hue city griefly.

The King Annan of Hue learned that Daming Huating Hou led his army and stationed in Da Nang in the name of protecting the domain.

The news made the King of Hue pale and sat down on the dragon chair in despair.

The Ming army stationed in Da Nang, this nominal vassal state, it will inevitably become a real vassal state. Annan will inevitably become the territory of Daming.

This kind of thing, the king of Hue is naturally unwilling.

Huating Hou's attitude is very firm, and it must not be rejected. But... I'm really unwilling to accept my fate like this!

"Your Majesty, Huatinghou only brought 10,000 troops."

The military commander Zhao Jingchao King of Hue declared: "There are only 10,000 soldiers, and the Lao division has come on an expedition. How effective is it? Annan has a large army of tens of thousands. At the end, the general hopes that the army will go out and defeat the Ming army."

"This one……"

The King of Hue hesitated.

hit? What if you can't beat it? The risk is great!

"Your Majesty, the Ming army came from a long way, the foothold is not stable, the soldiers are tired, and the army is distracted. The final battle will be determined!"

Zhao Jing added some bargaining chips to the king of Hue to strengthen the confidence of the king of Hue.

After pondering for a long time, the King of Hue gritted his teeth, "Okay! Please let General Zhao lead his army. I am here to await General Zhao's return in victory!"

"Long live!"

Zhao Jing was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to the king of Hue and left.

A few days later, Zhao Jing led an army of fifty thousand, with elephant soldiers as the forefront and infantry as the back, marching towards Da Nang.

Lu Li received the report from the scout and shook his head with a smile, "Sure enough, I still have to fight a battle!"

The king of Hue Annan will certainly not be the king of Ming Dynasty honestly.

In addition, Lu Li only brought over 10,000 soldiers. In the eyes of others, this army was not a big threat. Annan sent troops to attack, which was also expected.

It's a pity... they didn't know that Lu Li exploded the Tatar cavalry with 15,000 troops!

The news was too far away to reach Annan and gave them the illusion that Lu Li could deal with it well.

"The prestige is played out, let them open their eyes!"

Lu Li immediately gave the order to assemble the entire army to annihilate the invading enemy.

A day later, in the field outside Da Nang, the two armies lined up and confronted each other.

In front of Annan's army, more than 3,000 elephants lined up.

Thousands of huge behemoths gathered into an army, which is indeed very deterrent and looks very scary.

The infantry lined up behind the elephants, with swords and guns like forests, are murderous, and they seem to be a very effective unit.

It's a pity... Times have changed!

Lu Li put down the binoculars in his hand and yawned, "It's over early, I'm still waiting to go back to sleep!"

"Ha ha!"

The soldiers next to him all laughed, and didn't take Annan's 50,000 army seriously.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the opposite side of the Annan army formation, there was a burst of intensive war drums.

More than three thousand war elephants all howled together, and rushed up towards the army formation that had landed.

The infantry of the Annan battle formation also followed behind the elephant and launched a charge.

It has to be said that the War Elephant Group’s charge is really overwhelming.

Thousands of giants rushed wildly, heavy elephant legs stomping on the ground, and rushed up, even the ground was shaking!

If it is a cold weapon force, it is really not easy to deal with the impact of the war elephant.

However... in front of Lu Li, he just regretted these protected animals.


The artillery arranged at the rear of the army roared fiercely, and one round fell into the formation of the elephants.


There were bursts of violent explosions, fires blazing, gun smoke billowing, and splashing shrapnel and dirt and gravel swept all around.

Facts have proved that even a behemoth like an elephant is still vulnerable to guns.

One minute of artillery coverage, the assault array of the war elephants has collapsed.

Being bombed by artillery fire killed a lot of elephants and frightened the elephants who did not die.

Most of the frightened elephants turned around and ran away.

Then... the Annan infantry following the elephant soldiers, before Lu Li could fight, were severely trampled by these frantic war elephants, and the infantry phalanx was instantly defeated.

"The Annan army has collapsed. Blow the Charge, the whole army makes an assault, and go grab the prisoners!"

Lu Li smiled, "This battle was fought... I actually feel like bullying a child."

A battle ended so dramatic.

The real battle time was only one minute of shelling, and the rest was chasing soldiers and capturing prisoners.

Fifty thousand Annan soldiers collapsed, with tens of thousands of casualties, 30,000 captured, and thousands of soldiers fleeing towards the city of Hue. Lu Li didn't bother to chase them.

"Clean up the battlefield! These captives all go to work as laborers and contribute to the construction of Da Nang."

After this battle, the king of Hue Annan must have realized that he still has a future by kneeling and licking Daming's father.

After the end of the battle, Danang received more than 30,000 workers. It is presumed that the construction of the Da Nang military base can be further accelerated.

Hue city.

Zhao Jing, who fled in embarrassment, returned to the city and met the king of Hue.

"Lost? The fifty thousand army is so gone?"

The king of Hue became stiff, sitting on the dragon chair, his face pale, his eyes straight, and his expression gray.

That's it! That's it! This is all over!

The fifty thousand army attacked Da Nang, which must anger Huating Hou. Once Huating Master Hou Xing asked the crime, how could this be good?

"Majesty, Zhao Jing refused to accept his restraint and set up his army privately against the celestial dynasty. The crime is unforgivable. Please behead Zhao Jing and ask Huatinghou.

Ruan Yuzhang came out and gave an idea to the king of Hue.

As soon as the words came out, the royal court officials all agreed and felt that this was the best way to deal with it.

Only Zhao Jing sat on the ground desperately, his face like ashes.

The King of Hue also knew that using Zhao Jing's head to dispel Huatinghou's anger was the best way.

"The King Jiumu is graceful, and his heart is toward the heaven. Huating Hou led his army to station in Da Nang to protect Annan's heart. This king is grateful to the world."

At this time, the king of Hue looked like a loyal King Daming, "Zhao Jing, you sent troops privately to fight against the army of the celestial dynasty. This is an infidelity and injustice to this king. It is an inexcusable sin."

The next day, the King of Hue sent Ruan Yuzhang out again, with Zhao Jing's head, dozens of cars of gold and silver jewelry, rhino horns and ivory, to Da Nang, and pleaded with Lu Li.

Lu Li naturally accepted these gold and silver jewelry without hesitation.

Because Zhao Jing sent troops privately to fight against the Celestial army, so rebellious, made Lu Li worry about whether Annan's army would still obey the order of the King of Hue.

Therefore, Lu Li suggested that since we are here to wipe out the Japanese pirates and protect the Annan domain, we should simply bear more burdens. We are responsible for the national defense and security of the entire Annan domain.

Since it is necessary to protect the national defense security of the Annan domain, the soldiers’ food and supplies must of course be borne by the Annan domain.

The King of Hue is "grateful"!

From then on, there were only patrol officers in Annan to maintain law and order, all the troops were disbanded, and national defense security was handed over to the army of the Heavenly Dynasty.

The disbanded Annan army was "hired with high salaries" by Lu Li and became the glorious builder of the Da Nang base.

Since he wanted to protect Annan, of course Lu Li couldn't come to fake it.

The transport fleet transported another 20,000 soldiers to Da Nang, and Lu Li's force in Annan reached 30,000.

There were 5,000 soldiers stationed in Hue City, and 10,000 soldiers stationed in Da Nang. Lu Li prepared to take away the remaining 15,000.

Cam Ranh Bay in the north and Champa in the south are all protected by the heavenly army.

Cam Ranh Bay belongs to the territory of the Jiaozhi Li Dynasty.

Of course, the Jiaozhi Li Dynasty was also a vassal of the Ming Dynasty, and it was also the territory of the Ming Dynasty. It also needed the protection of the Ming soldiers.

However, the Li Dynasty sent troops to attack the Ming frontier many years ago and fought many battles with the Ming army.

Such a disobedient vassal must of course teach him to be a new man.

On this day, Lu Li led his army and divided them into two groups.

Ten destroyers, and a transport ship carrying five thousand soldiers, went south to Champa.

The remaining twenty destroyers and ten thousand soldiers headed north to Cam Ranh Bay.

Champa is just a place to slap. If it were not for the possible counterattack against Japanese pirates, Lu Li could even send a transport ship over.

The Li dynasty in the north was much stronger, and also unruly.

The Jiaozhi Li Dynasty, who had fought with the Ming army, was a bit arrogant. It seemed that the Ming army was nothing but the same, and the fighting power was not as good as the Li Dynasty army!

This statement... is actually true.

The guards on the southern Yunnan border and the western Guangxi border are not necessarily more powerful than the soldiers of the Jiaozhi Li Dynasty.

Having fought with the Ming army many times, Li Chao naturally also heard the name of Huating Hou Luli from the Ming army, and also heard of the frightening record of 15,000 infantry in blasting one hundred thousand Tatar cavalry.

It's just...who believes such nonsense!

One hundred thousand? There are only ten, right? There are 15,000 Ming troops, not even a 1,000 Tatar cavalry can win!

Therefore, with this mentality, when Lu Li led his army northward and landed in Jinlan Bay, Li Chao was shocked.

what? The Ming army occupied Cam Ranh Bay?

How dare the Ming army attack Cam Ranh Bay? This is looking for death!

Li Chao's general Wu Yuan immediately slapped his chest to express his position, giving him 30,000 troops, and then these Ming troops can be driven into the sea to feed fish!

Subsequently, the Li Dynasty general Wuyuan and 30,000 Li Dynasty troops led a mighty march towards Jinlan Bay.


The smoke from Cam Ranh Bay port has not yet dissipated.

The capture of Cam Ranh Bay was also a battle. However, under the bombardment of naval artillery, the Li Dynasty garrison in Cam Ranh Bay instantly exploded into slag.

Standing at the port of Jinlan Bay, Lu Li watched the 10,000 army land, with a smile on his face.

"We will not start port construction for the time being, but prepare for battle first.

Lu Lichao gave orders to his subordinates.

The Jiaozhi Li dynasty is still different from the king of Annan Hue in the south. The Li dynasty has fought with the Southwest Frontier of Ming Dynasty for many years, and has little fear of the Ming army.

Knowing that the Ming army occupied Cam Ranh Bay, the Li Dynasty would definitely send troops to attack.

as expected.

Early the next morning, an army that held high the banner of the Li Dynasty slammed over.

"Only 30,000?"

Judging from the banner, Lu Li found that the Lebanese army had only three "generals", that is, only 30,000 people.

It seems that Li Chao really has no fear of the Ming army.

Then... let you improve your memory!

"Let me get closer and take the battle after 500 meters and wipe out this Lebanese army for me."

Lu Lichao ordered the soldier next to him.


Chuan Lingbing shook the flag quickly and conveyed Lu Li's order.

In the wilderness, two armies lined up opposite each other.

Lu Li saw that the 30,000 Li Dynasty troops in front were all cold weapons, spearmen, sword and shield soldiers, and part of the crossbow soldiers, without guns and artillery.

Such a troop is completely scum!

On the other side, Li Chao general Wu Yuan also saw the black army in front.

If it hadn't been for the flag of the sun and moon in the army, Wuyuan would almost doubt that it was the Ming army.

Are all soldiers wearing such neat uniforms? Didn't the Ming army all dress in tatters, like beggars? Such neat clothes are too rare.

And... this army is all firecrackers?

Seeing this, Wu Yuan almost laughed out loud. Isn't this Ming army general a fool?

Let's not explain the quality of the firecrackers of the army, just talk about the Jiaozhi area, which is really not suitable for firecrackers!

Because... it's too humid!

Can your firecrackers still start?

Looking up at the sky, the mocking color on Wu Yuan's face became stronger.

It's going to rain!

There was a thunder in the sky, and heavy rain poured down.

"Hahahaha! This is God who will kill you!"

Takehara laughed, choked and drew his long knife, and pointed it at the black army formation ahead, "It's raining! The enemy's fire can't be heard! The whole army will attack! Give me all the kills!"

A fire that doesn't work is worse than a fire stick.


Shocking! The 30,000 Li Chao army rushed towards the black army formation.

When Lu Li saw this scene, he almost laughed.

Do you think our rifle can't be fired?

The fixed-load bullets wrapped in oil paper, as long as they are not soaked in water for a long time, a little rain is fine.


When the Li Dynasty army rushed into a distance of 500 meters, Lu Li gave an order and guns roared!

A round of shells smashed into the army, and rows of bullets swept past.

In an instant, the 30,000 army of the Li Dynasty fell.

"Impossible! It's already raining, why can the fire blow?"

Wuyuan saw his soldiers dancing in the rain of bullets, his face was horrified.

The guns of the Ming army could still fire in heavy rain, which was completely beyond Wuyuan's understanding.

And... why can the Ming army’s shells explode?

Why did the Ming army fire guns so fast? So powerful?


A shell exploded beside and blasted Wuyuan to pieces on the spot.

He no longer needs to think about these issues!

"The whole army pursues!"

Under the fierce blow of indiscriminate bombing, the 30,000 army of the Li Dynasty quickly collapsed.

Most of the people fell on the way to the charge, and many surviving soldiers scattered and fled in embarrassment.

It's a pity... No matter how fast you run, it's not a bullet.

The chase under the heavy rain lasted only half an hour, and the 30,000 army was completely wiped out, leaving only the broken soldiers who ran into the jungle. Lu Li didn't bother to chase.

Presumably, after this battle, Li Chao should be able to recognize reality, right?

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL: