My Life Simulator

Chapter 416: In reality, he is also a famous scientis

"Heaven rewards hard work" is a magical skill, also has its limits.

This is an E-level skill, it is not so heavenly, it is impossible for Lu Li's physical fitness to exceed the theoretical limit of human genes.

Otherwise, Lu Li wouldn't have to study scientific cultivation of immortality, and just keep exercising, training his body strength to the point that a nuclear explosion can't kill him, wouldn't it be better to train his strength to beat the planet with one punch?

In fact, this is impossible. Tian Dao Chou Qin didn't have the ability to let Lu Li break the limit of his genes. It won’t work if it breaks through. After the breakthrough, it can still continue to gain experience.

So... I am now cultivating immortals, has it broken the limit of human genes?

Take a few cell samples later and perform a genetic information comparison test!

Turning and walking out of the laboratory, Lu Li returned to Fudan's dormitory and finished dinner with Liu Qin.

During the meal, Lu Li found out again... his appetite was very appetizing, the food was swept away, and he was only half full.

"You are like this... why do you look like you have been hungry for a long time?"

Liu Qin was a little surprised, wondering how Lu Li became so edible.

"I was so busy doing experiments, I forgot to eat at noon."

Lu Li smiled and replied casually, but he was thinking: This should be because of excessive energy consumption when "cultivating immortals".

"Great scientist, even if you want to save the world, you can't tire yourself out!"

Liu Qin glared at Lu Li, "You will have to eat on time in the future, otherwise, I will not allow you to enter the laboratory."

"Yes! My wife!"

Lu Li's attitude of admitting his mistake was very correct.

"You haven't eaten enough yet? I'll cook steak for you."

With that said, Liu Qin got up and went into the kitchen, frying a few more steaks for Lu Li, which filled Lu Li's stomach.

"My experiment has achieved the key link, and I will continue to study it at night."

Saying hello to Liu Qin, Lu Li walked out of the dormitory again and came back to the laboratory.

After entering the laboratory, Lu Li first pierced his arm with a sampling needle, took a little muscle cell sample from his left arm and right arm, and observed them under an electron microscope.

Under the electron microscope, Lu Li clearly saw the difference between the two muscle cells.

The muscle cells of the left arm have become more slender and the spacing between the cells has become tighter. This shows that...Lu Li's left arm muscle density has become greater.

Among creatures whose DNA is close to humans in nature, the muscle density of African gorillas is six times that of humans.

In terms of strength, a gorilla can blow a lion's head with one punch. It's by the fragile hind limbs, the gorilla can't exert the strongest muscle power.

Now, Lu Li's left arm muscles had changed to the muscle density of a gorilla.

This is different from exercise enhancement. Exercise can only be enhanced within the limits of human genes. Now this change in muscle density is essentially a change, which allowed Lu Li to see the dawn of breaking the limit of human genes.

Facts have proved that "cultivating immortals" is feasible.

If you compare the human body to a computer, the body is the computer hardware, and the consciousness is the computer software. Human subjective consciousness is the various application functions of computers.

Human subjective consciousness does not directly control hardware. For example, human subjective consciousness cannot control the division and regeneration of a certain cell, all of which are manipulated by the subconscious mind.

Nowadays, through the method of "cultivating immortals", it is possible to stimulate subjective consciousness (visualization), stimulate human cells, and achieve "optimization" with clear directionality.

If the brain hole is enlarged, the subjective consciousness can control the gene mutation direction of the cell, and the gene can mutate in the direction of "immortality".

"Sure enough, cultivating immortals is very scientific!"

From the genetic analysis, Lu Li felt that Xiuxian should be a kind of genetic mutation evolution of human beings in a clear direction.

Now that the experiment on the left arm has verified the correctness of this research direction, Lu Li is ready to implement "scientific cultivation of immortals."

"In the copy of Daming, I once told the old Taoist priests that to visualize the **** of interior scenery, you must start with the mind, but in fact... it's still wrong."

Lu Chengzhi thought about it, and again overturned the original idea.

The heart mainly plays a role in the transmission of nutrition and energy. It does not produce nutrition or energy.

The first step should start from the intestines and stomach, strengthen the body's digestion and absorption function, and improve the ability of nutrient intake. The second step is the lungs, which improves the absorption and transformation capacity of oxygen, and the third step is the heart, which improves the transmission capacity of nutrients and energy.

This link can solve the material foundation needed for cultivation.

With material security, the next thing to cultivate is the "Marrow God". Bone marrow hematopoiesis, this is the legendary "easy tendons to wash the marrow."

Raise the essence from the root, evolve and sublimate, and then strengthen the branches of various organs and muscle membranes.

Sitting at the desk, Lu Li straightened out the whole idea again, analyzed it carefully, and determined that there was no problem.

So, Lu Li once again sat under the "electric acupuncture" equipment, pierced the silver needles on the stomach-related acupuncture points in Chinese medicine, and officially opened the "Xianxian Mode".

Science cultivation is officially launched!


"Lu Li, are you... okay?"

Liu Qin saw that Lu Li had eaten ten fried steaks by himself, and had another five bowls of rice, which made Liu Qin nervous and worried.

Isn't this because of hyperthyroidism? Or...bulimia?

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Lu Li smiled and pointed his finger at himself, "Master of Basic Medicine, find out. If there is a problem, don't I know it myself?"

"But... your appetite is too abnormal!"

Over the past week, Liu Qin found that Lu Li's appetite was increasing day by day. At first, he only ate a little bit more, but now it is equivalent to the appetite of several people.

"The energy consumed by the brain accounts for more than 30% of the energy consumed by the entire human body."

Lu Li explained nonsensely: "I have used my brain too much during this period, and I have too much energy consumption, so I can only increase my energy intake. I just have a little more appetite, and other people are still taking glucose!"


Liu Qin sighed, "You have to pay attention to your body when you do scientific research! You don't need to save the world, there is no need to fight like this."

"Hmm! I know it in my heart."

Lu Li smiled and nodded.

This week, Lu Li's "cultivation of immortals" has achieved remarkable results.

At present, the first "evolution" of gastrointestinal heart and lung has been completed. Digestion and absorption function, heart and lung function have been further improved on the original basis.

It's just that the human body is a whole, and to improve it also requires an overall improvement. Strengthening a certain part alone can easily cause physical imbalance.

Next, Lu Li planned to "practice" every organ and every part of his body once to rebuild the balance of the body.

"By the way, my dad was discharged today."

Liu Qin said to Lu Li again: "Yesterday, Professor Guo from the Cancer Institute performed another checkup on my dad. No cancer cells were found. My dad has completely recovered."

"This is expected."

Lu Li smiled, "Don't look at it, who has developed this technology? How about your husband, the world's top scientist!"

"Look at you so stinky!"

Liu Qin cursed with a smile, but looked at Lu Li with admiration. Such a good man is really rare in the world.

After eating, Lu Li and Liu Qin came to the Cancer Institute.

As soon as he entered the door, Professor Guo greeted him happily, "Lu Li, it's a success! The clinical trials of a new generation of anti-cancer technology have been successful. You have overcome cancer! Such scientific research results are enough to shine in the annals of history!"

"It just happened to have discovered a new method."

Lu Li smiled and thought: I have even more scary skills! The gene chip technology that can change the current world pattern has not yet come out!

Next, Professor Guo took Lu Li together and checked three patients in clinical trials again, and once again confirmed the success of the anti-cancer technology.

"Lu Li, post a paper! This is a Nobel Prize-level scientific research achievement. You conquered cancer, you are the savior of hundreds of millions of cancer patients around the world! You have saved hundreds of millions of lives!"

Professor Guo was full of excitement and held Lu Li's hand tightly.

Indeed, hundreds of millions of people have been saved. The number of cancer patients in the world accounts for 1.6% of the total population, and...18 million new cancer patients are added every year.

The emergence of this new technology is a light of redemption for those who are tortured by cancer and struggling with death!

God can't save you, but...Lu Li can!


A paper shocked the world.

Lu Li's "New CAR-T Anti-Cancer Technology" thesis published on the academic website was like a depth bomb dropped on calm water, blasting the entire world.

"Cancer...was conquered?"

"God! Today is not April Fool's Day!"

Everyone in the scientific community who saw this paper opened their eyes wide, just unbelievable.

The subsequent China News Network broadcast this huge wave to the sky.

"This station news: Chinese scientist Lu Li has developed a new generation of anti-cancer technology. At present, this technology has passed clinical verification. The cancer cure rate is as high as 100%, and there are no side effects at all."

"The successful research of this technology indicates that my country has been at the forefront of the world in the research of anti-cancer technology and has reached the world's leading level."

After the news was broadcast, the whole world was boiling.

The Internet is "fucking", and the TV is in shock. Patients and their families suffering from cancer cheered and cried.

Just like the story of previous scientists, the successful research of anti-cancer technology has given Lu Li a huge reputation.

The difference from the plot is...Lu Li is also a psychological counselor at Fudan School of Economics and a graduate student at Fudan School of Art.

"Lu Li...when did he become a scientist?"

Colleagues from the School of Economics, as well as Dean Qin of the School of Economics, were somewhat overwhelmed when they saw this news.

"Why did Lu Li do medical research? He is obviously a graduate student in the art department!"

Dean Huang of the Art Department was also a little dumbfounded.

"Why did the medical school rob us?"

Dean Qin looked up at Dean Huang who was playing chess with him, "When did Lu Li go to the medical school?"

"Some time ago, there was a document for Lu Li's application for a dual degree. I didn't even read it carefully."

Dean Huang was full of depression, "I thought his double degree was just a name. He is a master of art, who knew he would do scientific research?"

"The results of scientific research are so scary."

Dean Qin sighed and exclaimed, "This kid Lu Li is really a genius! It's amazing to have made such a great achievement in medicine at a young age."

"He is also a genius in art! Master of calligraphy, painting, carving."

Dean Huang also presented Lu Li's artistic achievements, "Lu Li's artistic talent is no worse than scientific research talent."

"The capable is omnipotent. Maybe...this is a genius!"

Dean Qin smiled, "It's unbelievable to say it. He entered Fudan as a psychological counselor. Haha! Not a psychological counselor of an art master, not a good scientist."


"Lu Li, your graduate student has graduated."

In the office of the medical school, Professor He smiled towards Lu Li: "One month after entering the school, graduate students graduate. You are the fastest graduate student in history."

Can produce the world's leading scientific research results, be able to overcome cancer, and save hundreds of millions of lives. If you can't graduate with such results, no one can graduate.

Besides, Lu Li has produced such scientific research results. If he is still a graduate student, it would not sound good to say, it does not match his scientific research results.

"Is this graduation?"

Lu Li smiled and nodded, "Teacher, I'll continue to study PhD with you!"

"Haha! I was about to tell you this!"

Professor He smiled from ear to ear, "Okay, I'll go through the formalities for you, you can continue to study Ph.D. From now on, you will be a doctor of basic medicine of Fudan University."

Having said that, Professor He said to Lu Li again: "With your scientific research achievements, you can already set up a separate laboratory. What equipment is needed, write a list and I will let the equipment department prepare it for you. As long as the world can buy it Anything you want will do."

With Lu Li's scientific achievements in conquering cancer, such an academic status is enough for Fudan University and even the state to fully support Lu Li's laboratory construction.


Lu Li will come up with more scientific research results in the and continue to carry out "scientific cultivation", of course, he needs enough scientific research equipment.

Setting up a separate laboratory makes it more convenient for Lu Li to conduct research on "scientific cultivation of immortals".

Researching out the technology to overcome cancer has greatly increased Lu Li's popularity and has become the most dazzling celebrity.

This also caused some trouble to Lu Li.

All kinds of interviews and invitations to events are endless.

Except for the irresistible interview with Huaxia TV, Lu Li rejected all interviews and activities and announced that he would conduct new scientific research.

The excuse for scientific research is very useful, and no one dares to disturb Lu Li easily.

So... Lu Li plunged into the laboratory, thinking about "cultivating immortals."

A month later, Lu Li completed the first round of scientific immortality cultivation and "evolved" all over his body.

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL: