My Life Simulator

Chapter 419: UI

"Brother Lu, let's go to Gaomi Railway Station."

Yan Yunqi greeted Lu Li, and led Lu Li out of the restaurant, heading towards Gaomi Railway Station.

Yes, Gaomi already has a train station in this era.

It's also a shame to say it. Germany occupied Qingdao in 1897, and the Jiaoji Railway was built by the Germans.

"According to the news from friends in the rivers and lakes, the group of Japanese pirates who stole our treasures will take a train to Qingdao."

As he walked, Yan Yunqi introduced the situation to Lu Li.

The reason why the Japanese pirates took the train to Qingdao was because... Qingdao is now occupied by the Japanese nation.

When the First World War broke out, the Japanese nation declared war on Germany on the grounds of the Anglo-Japanese alliance and robbed Qingdao from it. Today Qingdao has become a Japanese colony.

Well, this is a martial arts plot, I am not here to "make revolution".

Lu Li curled his lips, suppressing the intense discomfort in his heart, and suppressed the idea of ​​"a single spark can start a prairie fire".

However... when he walked to the train station, Lu Chengtou's rage couldn't be restrained completely.

The entrance of the train station is divided into two passages.

A spacious, bright, clean and tidy, this is a special passage for Europeans, Americans and Japanese.

Another dirty channel is the Chinese channel.

In the eyes of Europeans, Americans and Japanese, the Chinese are inferior to the "ethnic inferiority".

I'll care about you uncle!

Lu Li's fists squeezed loudly.

"Brother Lu, don't be angry."

Yan Yunqi patted Lu Li on the shoulder and sighed, "Our country is not as strong as theirs, and it is inevitable that we will be bullied. Sooner or later, we will stand up."

"I am very convinced of this!"

Lu Li nodded, "Not only can we stand up, we can also become rich and stronger. In the future, the Chinese nation will surely achieve a great rejuvenation!"

"If there is such a day, that would be great."

A touch of sadness flashed in Yan Yunqi's eyes. Could there be such a day? If there is that day, it will be worth it even if you die!

"Brother Yan, do you have money to buy train tickets?"

Lu Li cleared up his mood and focused on the next action.


Yan Yunqi touched his pocket...well, the pocket is cleaner than his face.

"Neither did I. Both of us were too good for the previous meal. After paying for the meal, I have no money either."

Lu Li spread his hands together, "I can't afford train tickets, let's climb the train!"

Thinking of the movie "Railway Guerrillas" he had seen before, Lu Li knew it well.

For the trains of this age, that is 30 to 40 kilometers per hour, climbing the train is not too easy for the martial arts masters, even the ticket money is saved.

"Ha ha!"

Yan Yunqi smiled honestly, "Actually... I am familiar with climbing a train."

Obviously, this is also a gangster who often squanders his car.

After that, the two sat down in a teahouse opposite the train station, and Lu Li used the last few copper plates to pay for the tea, which was completely worthless.

While drinking tea, he stared at the entrance of the train station, searching for the pirates who stole the treasure.

Soon after, Lu Li saw a car driving into the train station, and four Japanese pirates got off the car.

At present, a Japanese pirate is wearing a suit, and there are three Japanese pirates wearing samurai uniforms with samurai swords on their waists.

One of the Japanese warriors followed the man in the suit, and the two warriors at the back carried a box.

"Brother Yan, look at those... are they the ones we are looking for?"

Lu Li motioned towards Yan Yun.

Yan Yunqi also saw this group of Japanese pirates. After watching carefully for a while, Yan Yunqi nodded, "It looks alike, it should be them."


The two hurriedly got up, walked around the train station, and hid beside the rails outside the train station.

Lu Li stared at the steam train stopping in the train station and saw the Japanese gang boarding the train's first-class carriage.

And... Lu Li also saw that there were Japanese soldiers in the carriage.

"They boarded the third car."

Lu Li informed Yan Yunqi, "There are Japanese soldiers in the carriage, and the number is temporarily unknown."

"A Japanese soldier responds?"

Yan Yun frowned, "This is difficult. No matter how good your skill is, you can't hold the gun."

"It's okay! I have a gun too!"

Lu Li took out the shell gun and raised his head towards Yan Yun, "There are still sixteen bullets, which is enough."

"Do you have a gun?"

Yan Yunqi looked at the gun in Lu Li's hand and frowned slightly, "This thing is really powerful.'s not good for martial arts, so use it sparingly in the future. Using more guns will shake your determination and will to practice martial arts."

This is not false.

Practicing marksmanship is much easier than practicing martial arts. It's easy, convenient, and powerful. If you use a gun too much, you don't want to practice martial arts.

"Relax! My will will not be shaken by guns."

Lu Li did not practice martial arts to kill people. He was here to do "scientific research", and this goal would never be shaken.

"You just have to know it in your heart."

Yan Yunqi nodded, "Be prepared, the train is coming."


The steam train stopped in the railway station sounded its whistle, billowing black smoke from the chimney, and the train slowly started.

Today's steam train is not the high-speed rail of later generations. This kind of train with a speed of about 40 kilometers per hour is really easy to climb.

The ordinary people in the railway guerrillas can crawl, let alone martial arts masters like Lu Li and Yan Yunqi?

When the train passed by, the two rushed out of their hiding place, followed the train a few steps, overturned from the rear of the train, and easily boarded the roof of the train.


Yan Yunqi waved to Lu Li, rushed all the way on the top of the train, hurried to the third car in front of him.

As a martial arts master, he has a solid footstep and a firm footing. It is also fast and easy to run on the top of a train without leaving much footsteps.

Arriving at the end of car three, the two stopped.

Lu Li turned his head to look at Yan Yunqi and said, "Brother Yan, we are divided into two groups. There is a toilet at the front of the carriage. There is a waiter's cabin at the rear. We rushed in from the front and back."

"no problem."

Yan Yunqi nodded, "I'll go ahead."

As he said, Yan Yunqi leaped up like a monkey, light-handed, but quickly rushed towards the front section of the carriage.

Running into the toilet in such a hurry? Are you urinating?

Lu Li rolled his eyes and rolled down from the junction of the carriage.

In the trains of this era, the car connection is open, and the car connection is not closed like later generations.

Tilting down from the roof, Lu Li stepped on the connecting rod of the car, rolled over to the rear of the No. 3 car, climbed the edge of the car roof, and reached the right side of the car.

There is a window here.

Through the car window, he glanced inward. Inside is the waiter's cabin, with various drinks and refreshments, but no one.

Obviously, the waiter brought tea to the guests in the carriage, and the timing was right.

The windows of the car are naturally closed, but... this is hard to come by.

Fingertips buckled the rubber seal on the edge of the car window. The powerful explosive force allowed Lu Li to easily pull the rubber seal off.

Pull off the rubber seal to remove the window glass.

Gently took off the car window glass and put it into the service room. Lu Li clasped the roof of the car with both hands and extended his feet, and got into the service room through the car window.

The window glass was removed, and the wind came in naturally.

In order to avoid excessive movement, Lu Li immediately installed the window glass again and pressed the rubber seal with his fingertips to restore it to its original shape.

The infiltration operation was successfully completed.

Lu Li poked his head out of the door of the service room, observing the situation in the car.

There are not many people in the third car.

In addition to the man in a suit and the three Japanese warriors, there are also a team of twenty Japanese soldiers. In addition, there is only one widow in a kimono, who should be a cabin attendant.

There are not many people, and it is easy to kill. Lu Li smiled, ready to do it.

At this time, there was a sudden scream in front of the carriage.


A panic-stricken scream of a woman came out of the toilet.

This scream shocked everyone in the carriage.

"what happened?"

The man in the suit stood up suddenly, and the three Japanese martial arts around him also held down their long swords.

Twenty Japanese pirate soldiers next to each other pulled out their guns and pointed them in the direction of the toilet.

"Minako, what's wrong with you?"

The widow waitress yelled towards the toilet with a worried face.

There was a loud "bang".

The toilet door burst into pieces, and Yan Yunqi rushed out among the flying sawdust.

The special effects are good.

It's just... Brother Yan, why do you look a little embarrassed on your face? Could it be that you saw something indescribable in the toilet?


The man in a suit pointed to Yan Yunqi who broke through the door, and ordered the soldiers around him.

The next moment, twenty soldiers pointed their guns at Yan Yunqi.


As soon as Yan Yunqi broke out, he faced twenty guns. The muzzle of the black hole makes people feel hairy.

No matter how good the kung fu is, it will fall in one shot!

The invulnerable martial arts is just a myth.

This is over!

The corners of Yan Yunqi's mouth twitched visibly.

"Boom boom..."

A series of gunfire sounded.

Yan Yunqi was pleasantly surprised to see that Lu Li flashed out from the door of the service room, holding a shell gun, and calling the soldiers of the country one by one.

Good marksmanship!

A smile appeared on Yan Yunqi's face.

In the next moment, Yan Yunqi's expression changed. He already remembered that Lu Li had said that he only had 16 bullets. There are twenty soldiers here.

At this moment, Lu Li's surprise attack from behind caused the soldiers to abandon Yan Yunqi's bare hands and turn back with guns.

Good opportunity, hands-on!

Stepping on his feet, Yan Yunqi stood up and rushed to the Japanese soldiers in front.

The iron palm shot out fiercely, and the heavy force slammed on the body of the Japanese soldiers. With a "click", the tendons were broken and their backs collapsed.

It's not easy to get close by a martial artist, even with a gun.

Yan Tieshou deserves to be Yan Tieshou. Patting the palms of both hands, the tendons are broken and fractured next to them.

With the cooperation of the two, in just an instant, all 20 Japanese soldiers were killed. The greatest threat has been extinguished.


As soon as the sound of the long knife being unsheathed sounded, the sharp light of the knife had already reached Yan Yunqi's neck.

Iaido Sword Art!

The sharp slash is as swift as lightning. The icy chill made Yan Yunqi's hair stand on end.


Yan Yunqi reacted very quickly, his back collapsed, his body leaned back, and an iron bridge avoided this fierce beheading.

The cold blade slashed almost close to Yan Yunqi's nose.

"Good skill!"

The Japanese warrior who just drew his sword and slashed is a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

Chao Yan Yun sighed in admiration, the samurai samurai slowly took the sword into the sheath, clasped the scabbard with his left hand, and held the handle with his right hand.

"Chinese, your skill is good. But... you met me."

The shameless warrior had a cold face, "Iaido, Machiiharaichi, I grant you the glory of dying under Iaido's sword drawing technique!"


With a gunshot, a blood hole burst into the head of the warrior, and he fell on his back.

"Give you the glory of dying under the spear. You die in a rhythm."

Lu Li curled his lips, "Pretend to be forced in front of Laozi? Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?"

Well, this stalk... they don't understand.

"Bage! Do you still have the honor of being a samurai?"

The remaining two Japanese warriors turned their heads to look at Lu Li, glaring at him.

Yan Yunqi's gaze towards Lu Li was also strange. I was about to fight him. Your special mother shot him down. What's this?

"A group of Japanese pirates are still talking about honor in front of me? Your ancestors five hundred years ago were all beaten up by Lao Tzu!"

Lu Li sneered, "Are you very confident in your swordsmanship? Okay, I will let you know what is the real Iahe sword drawing technique."

Chao Yan Yun all beckoned, "Come on!"

Uh... It seems that calling "Sword Come" is more compelling?

Lu Li smiled and shrugged.

Yan Yunqi rolled his eyes, took the katana from the Japanese warrior and threw it to Lu Li.

Reaching out to take the samurai sword, Lu Li held the scabbard with his left hand and the handle with his right hand, posing the starting hand style of Iaai sword drawing technique.

"Come on, let's go together!"

Lu Li curled his lips in disdain, "Anyway, it's a one-shot deal."

"Eight frames!"

The two Japanese warriors roared, drew their katana, and rushed towards Lu Li.


The sound of the long knife being unsheathed was melodious and clear.

The sharp blade of light is like a bolt of lightning, fast! Very fast! It was too fast to see clearly, too fast to react at all.

It is said that someone used Iai's sword-drawing technique to cut a BB bullet from a BB gun.

According to legend, there is even the saying that Iahe draw sword technique can cut bullets. As for whether it’s true or not, Lu Li doesn’t At this moment, with his super-strong nerve reflex speed and his "evolved" physical fitness, Lu Li has made a cut that surpasses the limit, so fast. The optic nerve can't respond.

The blade of light flashed away.

I couldn't see Lu Li drawing his sword and swiping it, only Lu Li was returning the sword.

"The world of martial arts, all will not be destroyed, only fast is not broken!"

In Lu Li's pretending words, a blood line appeared on the necks of the two Japanese warriors, and they fell to the ground with a "puff".

"Good knife technique!"

Yan Yunqi couldn't help but cheer loudly.

The widow waitress hugged her head and shrank in the corner, shivering, afraid to lift her head.

The gray-faced man in a suit was shivering in cold sweat.

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