My Life Simulator

Chapter 448: Nationwide martial arts, thousands of pe

Following the recovery of Qingdao, Lushun also recovered!

The fierce jackal received a heavy blow. The two claws that the Japanese pirates extended towards the country were all severed.

After this power-on was sent out, the whole country cheered for it. The singing of victory reverberated in the land of China, and countless people held bright red flags and waved and cheered.

At this moment, the Japanese pirates lost their voice.

The counterattack that had just been organized disappeared in an instant.

Fifty thousand soldiers, five destroyers, and twenty transport ships, all sank into the ocean.

Also lost is Lushun, the Liaodong bridgehead.

Since the conflict with Lu Li’s headquarters, a total of 130,000 army troops, eight warships, 20 transport ships have been lost, and the two cities of Qingdao and Lushun have been lost. The economic losses are even more countless.

Today, the only place where Japanese pirates can gain a foothold on the East Asian continent is the land of the Three Hans.

Faced with such a heavy loss, the Japanese pirates lost their voices collectively.

Lu Li's subordinate is too strong, so strong!

The 130,000 army was wiped out before the gun was even fired.

Continue to hit like this... completely unsupportable!

Because of the two consecutive defeats of the entire army, the Japanese general took the blame and resigned.

The newly appointed army general immediately ordered the Japanese pirate army stationed in the Three Koreas to enter a state of emergency combat readiness to resist a possible massive attack by the national defense force.

From this moment on, the situation changed, and the Japanese pirates changed from a strategic offensive posture to a strategic defensive posture.

Faced with the deterrence of the National Defense Forces, the Japanese pirates no longer had the arrogance and arrogance they once were.

Under this circumstance, the situation in East Asia has calmed down.

Lu Li knew very well that the little devil was not subdued, he was just accumulating strength.

It just so happened that Lu Li also needed some time to accumulate strength. More than 200,000 new recruits still need months of intensive training!

"Dragon Tiger Hormone" is continuously manufactured. With one shot, the soldiers' physical fitness soared. Professional special forces training has increased the combat skills of soldiers.

The arsenal is also continuously producing all kinds of military supplies, from military uniforms to guns and ammunition, and there is still a big gap. Liu Hezizi is digging out his mind and doing his best to speed up production.

Lu Li didn't pay attention to these.

After taking over Lushun, Lu Li, together with Li Jinglin and others, discussed and formulated a "five-year plan", and then put aside these trivial matters and devoted himself to research.

Lu Li's main research object is still the seal of the Heavenly Master.

After this period of experimentation and research, Lu Li has determined that the lightning in the seal of the Heavenly Master does not exist in material, but in spiritual consciousness.

In other words, this thunder and lightning is something imagined.

So... the essence of magic is illusion? The essence of spellcasting is hypnosis? The essence of Xiuxian is hysteria?

This conclusion left Lu Li speechless for a long time.

Xiuxian is also called Xiuzhen. Cultivating the true, practicing the fake becomes true.

Turning illusory and imagined "spells" into the ability to truly interfere in the material world is this the essence of immortal cultivation?

Buddhism also has a saying: "Everything that works is like a dream bubble, like a dew or electricity, and you should observe it like this!"

Can this sentence be understood as, "spells" and so on are all dream bubbles, all are imagined.

Lu Li laughed blankly.

Spells, talisman, and other things such as gods and gods talk about the essence of them, and it is impossible to figure out the "scientific basis" for them.

The only thing Lu Li could confirm was that the thunder and lightning in this Heavenly Master Seal could have a substantial impact on the outside world. As for the principle, Lu Li hadn't really researched it yet.

Why can mental consciousness interfere with matter?

From the point of view of quantum mechanics, this is caused by the "observer effect".

The observer effect, in simple terms, is the observation of a consciousness, which will affect the state of matter.

The famous "double-slit interference experiment" has proved the existence of the "observer effect". This is a typical example of mental interference with matter.

It's just... In the "spells" and "fulu", how exactly does the spirit interfere with the matter?

Lu Li shook his head, don't understand!

Forget it, spells and talisman, put it in the follow-up research plan first, and study the strengthening of the body first.

For the strengthening of the body, even the evolution, Lu Li's scientific basis is sufficient and his thinking is very clear.

Amplify the human body's bioelectrical signal, make it penetrate into the cell tissue, and make the cell tissue produce corresponding mutations.

In essence, this is still genetics, which is still the scientific category of genetic mutation and evolution.

Currently, Lu Li has completed the second full evolution through "Dragon Tiger Hormone" and "Dragon Tiger Pill Strength".

Lu Li's muscle density, bone density, skin toughness, internal organs and organ functions, and even the speed of nerve reflexes are more than four times that of ordinary people.

The full-strength punch reached 2.2 tons, and the 100-meter sprint was within 3 seconds. In a sense, this is already Superman.

However... this is still far from Lu Li's goal.

The key is not whether the strength is strong or not, the key is... to live long!

Lu Li is actually a "simple" person, and his wishes are very down to earth.

The first wish of course is to have money. The second wish of course is to have beautiful women. Then...we have money again, there are beautiful women, and Lu Li is very "simple" and wants to live long.

It's just that the wish for longevity now seems to be far away.

The two body evolutions have improved Lu Li's physical fitness in an all-round way, even reaching a point far beyond ordinary people.

It's a pity... he still failed to break the limit of life span.

Human life span is related to cell telomeres. Every time a cell divides, cell telomeres are lost. When the cell's telomeres are exhausted, the cell no longer divides. So... the person died.

Now, after Lu Li has evolved twice, his strong body has indeed played a role in prolonging life. Lu Li's life span is at least one hundred and fifty years.

This life span is the limit defined by cell telomeres. Only by breaking this limit can longevity be possible.

Cancer cells are a good direction.

Unfortunately, with gene editing, it is impossible to modify cell genes and achieve unlimited cell division, thus immortality.

In this martial arts plot, Lu Li has achieved the second evolution of his body, but still has not broken the genetic limit of lifespan.

Perhaps...the number or degree of evolution today is not enough to break the life limit?

"Dragon Tiger Hormone" no longer works. To continue to evolve, another way is needed.

Now in this plot, it is impossible for me to get greater gains.

Let it end as soon as possible!

This is a martial arts master plot. To end the plot, you must first become a martial arts master.

Of course, this is not a problem.

Initiating an extraordinary era of "all people practicing martial arts, and the masses cultivating immortals", this is not a master, who is a master?


December 1918.

On the eve of New Year's Day in the Western calendar, Lu Li, Li Jinglin and Sun Lutang jointly energized and invited warlords from the northern and southern provinces of the country to come to Jinan Prefecture to discuss state affairs and achieve national reunification through peaceful talks.

This power-on was issued and all sectors of society supported it. Countless people published articles in newspapers praising Lu Li and others for their feat of achieving the peaceful reunification of the country.

However...there was a great response from the society, but the warlords were lacking in interest.

When the country is unified, it is naturally not good for the warlords.

Once the country is unified and the army is nationalized, how can the warlords occupy the land as kings and dominate them?

If you can't occupy the land to be the king, how can you search for the people's fats? You must know that some warlords have already collected taxes decades later.

Under such circumstances, the selfish warlords are naturally not interested in the "peaceful reunification" proposed by Lu Li and others.

You, Lu Li, are really good at fighting the little devil. good are you? We are not vegetarian either!

The warlords in the north and south provinces, who wants to honestly hand over the army? Who wants to surrender the site honestly?

It provokes us, everyone unites to beat you!

Even... it's not that no one thinks about it like this when you join forces with the little devil.

What national justice? What is the overall national situation? What's wrong with me? I can't let Lao Tzu occupy the mountain as the king, if I can't let Lao Tzu dominate, I won't do it!

Wanting to make the warlord give up the interests in his own hands and make sacrifices for some national justice is simply wishful thinking.

So... still have to use the gun to make them recognize reality.

Times have changed!

"Send special forces to'please' these warlords one by one!"

Lu Li didn't want to fight with these people and just used force to solve the problem.

It is now the end of 1918. The 250,000 National Defense Forces have been strengthened and completed the training of special forces.

The 250,000 people were all martial arts masters, and all of them had undergone strict special forces training.

Such force is simply terrifying.

With an order, in addition to leaving 50,000 troops stationed in Shandong province, the remaining 200,000 troops were all sent out and dispersed into small groups of special forces to march across the country.

Under the beheading tactics of the special forces of the martial arts master level, the warlords are completely vulnerable.

That night, warlords in Anhui and Henan were arrested.

Half a month later, all warlords from across the country and from the north and south provinces were arrested.

In the capital city, the old section of the Beiyang government, after Li Jinglin cut over his desk with a sword, he also quickly expressed his willingness to go to Shandong to discuss state affairs.

In Jinling, bodyguard Du Xinwu was defeated by Sun Lutang. The southern government also stated that "realizing the peaceful reunification of the country is the common aspiration of the people of the whole country."

The red flag swept the world.

Bright five-star red flags are flying over every city in all provinces and cities across the country. The vigorous "Volunteer March" sang in every corner of the land of China.

New Year's Day in 1919.

Lu Li officially announced the plan of "all the people to practice martial arts and all the people to cultivate immortals" to 40,000 people across the country.

In this "national martial arts training and immortal cultivation" plan, all areas above the county level in the country have set up "Chinese martial arts schools" to promote martial arts education.

All military, police, and civil servants across the country have comprehensively popularized "Dragon and Tiger Danjin" and "Dragon Tiger Hormone."

Three months later, tens of millions of "martial arts" emerged across the country.

The extraordinary era of national martial arts training and immortality cultivation has officially begun.

In the beginning, Lu Li's plan of "Practicing Martial Arts by All People and Cultivating Immortals by All the People" was nothing short of a trifling matter for the little devil and the Western powers.

We admit that Chinese Kungfu is very powerful, will take at least ten years or even decades of practice to be effective. Moreover, after training, he was killed in one shot.

Popularize martial arts? Is there a more nonsense national policy than this?

However... Three months later, the appearance of more than ten million martial arts masters directly scared the whole world!

Damn it! More than ten million "supermen" were created in three months?

A year later, don’t you want to make 40,000 Superman out?

All Chinese are kung fu, is this so... too scary?

The little devil shivered even more.

Are you all superhuman? An old lady carrying a broom may be able to kill more than a dozen Japanese pirates with her bare hands.

The Japanese hurriedly expressed their position to China: "The two countries, separated by a strip of water, have been friendly leaders since ancient times. Peaceful development is our common desire."

A spokesperson for the Chinese State said: "The Chinese nation is a peace-loving nation. We promise that will not use martial arts masters without threats to national security."

An era of national martial arts training and immortality cultivation has arrived!

Lu Li, the great man who created the "extraordinary age", also received his due honor.

"The player gets the badge of honor: Grand Master (C) (Honor × 50)."

"You have researched the dragon and tiger hormones and created the dragon and tiger pill strength, which ushered in a new era of martial arts training and immortality cultivation by all the people. You are hailed as a master of the generation."

"The player gets the achievement badge: History Destroyer (B)."

"The wheel of history rolled forward, and then... it was beaten by you and turned into an unknown direction."

"The player gets the achievement badge: The Heroine (B)."

"You created an extraordinary era of martial arts practice by the whole nation and immortality cultivation by all people. You are the forerunner of the era. Your great achievements will surely be admired by future generations."

This foolishness caused Lu Li to accidentally obtain two B-level badges.

"History Destroyer", this badge is not very positive! Fortunately, the badge of "Extraordinary Herald" is good.

As for the C-level badge of "Grandmaster", it is normal receipt.

"It turns out... it can still be played like this in the simulation plot?"

The acquisition of these two B-level badges made Lu Li's eyes shine brightly, opened new brain holes and led to new ideas.

In the future, in the story world, it seems that you can play more waver?

The more chaotic the story world, the better? Is it okay to break the story world?

Lu Li laughed.

Now this story world is obviously broken. rest assured! In the will definitely break even more plot worlds.

This is interesting!

In the world of martial arts, I cultivate immortals, and the world of cultivating immortals speaks science. This is the normal style of painting!