My Life Simulator

Chapter 462: Get 1 power armor

When Lu Li stabbed the giant mangy wolf, Lao Gao also encountered an attack.

With a "boom", a black shadow rushed out from the rocky back door of the cave, and a huge power hammer smashed against Lao Gao.

The powerful impact of kinetic energy knocked Lao Gao upside down and flew more than ten meters, and slammed into the rock wall of the cave, shaking the rocks everywhere.

Damn it!

Old Gao... was beaten up again.

Turning his head to see the black figure that just rushed out, Lu Cheng's head tightened, what a... it was another power armor.

This power armor is somewhat different from the power armor on Lao Gao.

Lao Gao's power armor is relatively wide, and has a silly, thick and solid feeling. Now this power armor is smaller in width and looks smooth and slender.

In addition, the power hammer held in the hands of this power armor is also somewhat different from the old Gao's.

Lao Gao's power hammer is a square-headed sledgehammer. The power hammer in the hands of this power armor has an octahedral prism shape.

Is this... a new type of power armor?

Lu Li's eyes lit up. Very good, very good. I booked!

"You... are going to die!"

After hitting Lao Gao with a hammer, a roar burst out in the power armor.

The electronic eyes on the helmet's face value flashed with fluorescence, and the power armor turned to look at the location of Lu Li, and raised the power hammer, rushing towards Lu Li Rumble.

"Fuck! Your opponent is not me!"

With a strange cry, Lu Li swung the long knife that plunged into the giant wolf's body with force, and slammed it fiercely.

The giant wolf pierced on the long knife was suddenly thrown out by Lu Li, and smashed it against the power armor.

"Go to hell!"

There was a roar in the power armor, and the power hammer held in his hand violently swung up, hitting the giant wolf with a "boom", splattering the giant wolf's body.

Without stopping, the power armor rushed towards Lu Li again "rumbled".

Lu Li... turned around and ran.

The alloy armor plate of the power armor can't even smash the mutant. Lu Li didn't even hope that the long knife in his hand could be cut.

"Old Gao, are you okay?"

Lu Li yelled at Lao Gao's position while running.

"Steel is eternal!"

Lao Gao roared wildly, and suddenly...threw away the power hammer in his hand.

Two beams of light spurted from his back, and Old Gao rushed with a bang, and slammed into the power armor in front of him.


It was as if two swift cars collided head-on, and there was a loud noise.

This fierce impact suddenly knocked the power armor ahead to the ground.

Lao Gao unexpectedly resorted to wrestling, holding this power armor, rolling and entangled on the ground.

"Lu Li, come and help!"

Lao Gao actually used a judo cross-solid method to press the power armor to the ground, turning his head and shouting at Lu Li.


Lu Li rushed up quickly. Then... he saw Lao Gao's weird posture with wretched and spicy eyes.

Well, now is not the time to talk about this.

Holding a long knife, Lu Li glanced at the power armor that was pressed by Lao Gao, not knowing where to cut.

This thing...the whole body is made of alloy armor, so I can't find the position of the knife!

"Back of the head! At the back of the head, there is an emergency rescue button!"

Lao Gao also knew that Lu Li didn't know much about power armor, so he quickly pointed out the key position to Lu Li.

Emergency button?

Lu Li quickly turned to the back of the power armor locked by Lao Gao.

Under the head of the power armor, I saw a palm-sized cover structure. Lu Li quickly buckled the buckle of the cover plate, and violently pulled the cover plate off the back of the power armor.

Then... there was a key screen like a code lock.

"You need a password! You need a password to open!"

Lu Li looked at the button screen in front of him and hurriedly shouted at Lao Gao.

"Steel is eternal!"

Lao Gao shouted another slogan.

Lu Li hurriedly typed in the words "Steel Eternal" on the button screen.

"Beep! The emergency rescue order is activated!"

"Jaiyi-type power armor begins to unload!"

An electronic reminder sounded, and the power armor locked by Lao Gao in a wretched posture instantly turned off the main engine.

Then there was another sound of mechanical transmission, and the back panel of the power armor began to open, revealing the driver inside.

Lu Li grabbed the long knife and stabbed the driver with a sharp knife.


Lao Gao quickly yelled, "Don't kill him! I still have something to ask!"

Lu Li Sabre stopped quickly, grabbed the driver, dragged it out of the power armor, and fell heavily to the ground.

The driver in front of him...has a big bald head, short and thin, and looks like a monkey with a sharp mouth.

"Where did you get this power armor?"

Lao Gao reached out his hand and grabbed the big bald head and held it in his hand, "Say! How come you have a Jacquard power armor?"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The big bald head gave a weird smile, "What do you think? The power armor is a product of the Brotherhood of Steel. Where do you think I got it?"

"This is impossible!"

Old Gao roared, "Only the Iron Knights can be equipped with power armor. The Brotherhood of Steel will never supply power armor."

"Never supply it? Where did my power armor come from?"

The smile on the big bald head's face was full of mockery.

Lu Li shook his head slightly. No organization can be completely pure. Isn’t it normal for individual scum to appear in the Brotherhood of Steel?

Lao Gao is still there, "impossible, impossible", as if his beliefs have collapsed.

Lu Li didn't bother to pay attention to Lao Gao, stretched out his hand and raised his long sword, and asked the bald man, "Where are the people in Qingquan Town? Where are they?"

"do not know!"

The bald turned his head and glanced at Lu Li, then smiled and shook his head, "I don't know!"


Lu Li slapped his backhand and slapped the bald man with his mouth spurting blood. "Now, do you say it again?"

"I really do not know."

The bald guy grinned, "I'm only responsible for arresting people. When people are caught, they are naturally taken away. As for where they were taken, I really don't know!"

"Who took it? What kind of force made you arrest?"

Lu Li quickly asked the bald guy.

"I have to ask? Of course it is Vault 101!"

The bald guy showed a bitter smile at Lu Li, "Do you think... can I refuse? Since I can't refuse, I can only be a dog. Being a dog also has the advantages of being a dog, at least it will give you some fleshy bones. Power armor, They gave all the instruments to control the mangy wolf."

"Where is the 101 refuge?"

Lu Li didn't bother to evaluate whether the bald guy was right or wrong, and quickly asked about the location of Refuge 101.

"Haha! Do you think... can I know this?"

The bald laughed, "I'm just a dog! I am qualified to know this?"

Lu Li frowned slightly, not saying anything.

At this time, Sister Lan Yan and Doctor Wang had already walked in.

"Lu Li, have you found the person who was arrested?"

Sister Lan Yan dropped a pile of tattered guns and ammunition and asked Lu Li.

"People are not here, they were taken away by the shelter."

Lu Li turned his head to look at Doctor Wang, and asked, "Doctor Wang, you came out of Vault 101. Do you know the location of the Vault?"

"In fact, I do not know."

A wry smile appeared on Dr. Wang’s face, “I was in a coma when I was expelled from the refuge. After I woke up, I was a hundred kilometers northwest. By the way, didn’t you also come out of the refuge? You don’t know this. Happening?"

"The place where I appeared is in the big ruins!"

Lu Li turned his head and glanced at Lan Yan, "I met Lan Yan as soon as I came out and came to Qingquan Town. It seems that we have to find a way to find the location of the refuge."

"It's not easy!"

Doctor Wang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Huh? What happened to Lao Gao?"

Sister Lan Yan turned her head to see Lao Gao who was squatting on the side, still muttering "Impossible, Impossible", and asked in surprise.

"Maybe Sanguan collapsed!"

Lu Li shrugged his shoulders, turned his head to look at the bald man, and raised the long knife in his hand, "Do you have any reason for me to keep you? If you don't have any, then die early and reborn!"

"Yes! There must be!"

The bald quickly said: "To be honest, I also tried to find the location of Refuge 101. Although I didn't succeed,...I thought of a way."

"any solution?"

Lu Li raised his eyebrows, "If this method is feasible, I can spare your life."

"There are people arresting everywhere in the refuge. We are definitely not the only ones arresting people for them."

The bald guy said quickly: "Find other gangs working for the refuge. When the people from the refuge come to pick up the goods, you will make a surprise attack and grab a living. You will definitely be able to torture the location of the refuge."

"I have thought of this way."

Lu Li flicked the blade, "Is there anything else you can add?"

"Yes! There must be!"

The bald shivered all over, "Scorpion Gang! Fifty kilometers to the west, there is a gang called the Scorpion Gang. They are also working for the shelter. I have contacted once."

"Very good! This news is very valuable!"

Lu Li waved his hand to Lan Yan, "This is the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang. It's handed over to you. There is revenge."

Lan Yan's face became cold, she picked up her rifle, clicked, and the bullet was loaded.

"Hey...wait. Didn't you say to spare my life?"

The bald man was panicked, "You don't speak credit."

"I am forgiving you! But... if they forgive you, I don't know."

Lu Li spread his hands together, "After all... many people in Qingquan Town died in the hands of the Wild Wolf Gang!"

Lan Yan pointed the gun at the bald man, "Tweet, Sister Zhang's daughter, she is only 16 years old this year. Once, I took her out on a patrol and was raided by the wolf gang. I couldn't save her."

"I swear at her grave that I will avenge her!"

Lan Yan's finger squeezed the trigger.

"No! No! I didn't do it! I have hundreds of people under my command, and I don't know who it is..."

"It's enough to kill you!"

Lan Yan let out a sneer and squeezed the trigger heavily. With a "bang", the bald guy was shot in his brow and fell on his back.

"Old Gao, this power armor belongs to me, are you okay?"

Lu Li walked up to the power armor that turned over to the ground, and touched the thick faceted armor plate on the power armor with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to wear this power armor?"

Lao Gao, who was immersed in the collapse of faith, suddenly raised his head with a pair of faintly blue electronic eyes, staring at Lu Li closely.

"What? Can't it?"

Lu Li frowned slightly.


Lao Gao was silent for a while and nodded towards Lu Li, "You can wear this power armor. But... you must help me trace the cause of the outflow of power armor."

"no problem!"

Even if Lao Gao didn't mention this, Lu Li wanted to go to the Brotherhood of Steel. He was very interested in the power armor technology of the Brotherhood of Steel.

"A word is settled!"

Old Gao nodded, took off the power armor on his body, got up and walked to the power armor lying on the ground.

"Jaiyi-type power armor has two attack modes: long-range sniper and melee assault. It belongs to the same batch of products as my basalt power armor and is the latest generation of power armor of the Brotherhood of Steel."

Old Gaoshou touched the armor of Jairus in front of him, the expression on his face was very complicated.

"In the hands of the bald guy, the performance of this power armor has not been half of it. This is because he has not obtained all the permissions."

Lao Gao lifted the cover of the power armor and entered a long string of characters on the password panel.

"Beep! The Mtlnovel-type power armor is to obtain the knight privilege to unlock the authorization. Authorized person: Gao Zhengxiong, rank: Captain."

There was an electronic sound, and he fell down on the power armor of Javier on the ground, his electronic eyes flickered, and he stood up automatically from the ground.

The back armor unfolds, the arm armor unfolds, the leg armor unfolds, and the helmet unfolds, exposing the inner inner structure.

Lu Li saw that inside this mecha, there was a bracket similar to a single soldier exoskeleton, with countless wires wrapped around the bracket.

So... this so-called power armor is actually a solid armor plate wrapped around the individual exoskeleton?

The principle is this principle, but it is not easy to realize it.

The first is power, followed by materials, as well as the drive system, control system, detection system, communication system, fire control system... etc. This power armor contains many advanced technologies.


Lao Gao pointed his finger at the power armor and shouted at Lu Li.


Lu Li felt like he had returned to the barracks, and quickly took his command loudly and stepped into the power armor.

Stepping into the exoskeleton structure inside the power armor, the electronic eye on the helmet flashed a light, as if scanning Lu Li's pupil.

"Beep! Identity information has been included!"

There was an electronic sound, the uncovered armor plate slowly closed, and the armor locked with a click.

"The application procedure has been completed!"

"Knight, may your will be as strong as steel!"

"Knight, may your journey never stop!"

An electronic screen appeared in the field of vision in front of him, and various data flashed in front of Lu Li's eyes. Wherever he looked, various data such as distance and bearing would be displayed in front of him.

Haha! it is good! good stuff!

Finally got a power armor!