My Life Simulator

Chapter 476: The top 4 kings-Professor Lu

Across the Pacific Ocean.

It’s night on the Chinese side, and day on the other side.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Mr. Brown, the CEO of Google, was lying in bed with his **** life assistant and fell asleep.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, a cell phone ringing awakened the tired Mr. Brown.


Mr. Brown roared and got up frighteningly.

It's no wonder Mr. Brown gets up too angry, mainly because... uh... the life assistant next to him is too glamorous. Mr. Brown is getting older and has a hard time playing.

Picking up the phone angrily, Mr. Brown saw that the call was from the administrative assistant, and quickly reached out and connected the phone.

"Falco! What time is it now? If you don't give a proper reason, wait to clean the toilet!"

Mr. Brown yelled at the phone.

"Sir, is Gu Ge's stock plummeting five percent. Is that a good reason?"

The helpless voice of the administrative assistant came on the phone.


Mr. Brown let out a scream of horror, and instantly he woke up, "What did you say? The stock plummeted by five percent? What happened?"

With the size of Google, the stock plummeted by five percentage points, which is a loss of tens of billions of dollars.

Such a huge loss was enough to scare Mr. Brown into a cold sweat.

"Sir, China News Network reported that they are building a new generation of virtual Internet based on virtual reality technology."

"Virtual reality technology? A new generation of virtual Internet? This is impossible!"

Mr. Brown was stunned.

How can this be? This is impossible!

Professor Lu's "human body neural information expression" is only a theoretical result. It will take a long time for theoretical results to be practical.

The theoretical research on nuclear fusion technology was developed as early as 80 years ago. However, controllable nuclear fusion in a practical sense is still impossible to achieve.

No matter how good Lu Li is, it is impossible for him to come up with the practical application of virtual reality technology in such a short period of time. This is not in accordance with the laws of science!

"Fake news! This must be fake news! No one knows virtual reality technology better than me! It is impossible for China to come up with practical virtual reality technology so quickly."

Mr. Brown couldn't help screaming.

"This... Mr. President will agree with you!"


Mr. Brown's face stagnated. Just now... I actually said the famous "Understanding King" famous saying?

"What did the technical department say? When will our own virtual reality technology be practical?"

Settling down, Mr. Brown asked his assistant again.

"Our own virtual reality technology? Are you referring to holographic glasses? According to Professor Lu Li's theory, holographic projection is not yet a true virtual reality technology."

"Valco! We have studied holographic projection technology for decades. How come it is not a real virtual reality technology? We have deep accumulation in virtual reality technology..."

Mr. Brown yelled again.

The administrative assistant curled his lips and did not answer.

Decades of research on holographic projection technology are just scratching outside the gates of virtual reality technology, and never get in!

If it weren't for Professor Lu's "Information Expression of Human Perceptual Nerves" theory, we would not even find the right position of the door!


The new generation of virtual Internet based on virtual reality technology has brought an earthquake to the entire Internet industry.

The stocks of domestic Internet companies have skyrocketed, and everyone is optimistic about the bright prospects brought by the new generation of virtual Internet technology.

In contrast,...for foreign Internet companies, stocks plummeted across the board.

Everyone is clearly aware that it is only a matter of time before the virtual Internet replaces the existing Internet.

Just like the steam engine elimination workshop, this is an inevitable law of development.

However... even if they know this is an inevitable law, those with vested interests will naturally not resign from the stage of history willingly.

Therefore, it is inevitable to discredit virtual Internet technology and slander virtual Internet technology.

"Virtual reality technology is not safe and will bring huge risks to the health of users."

"Connect the plug in the nape of the neck, do you want such virtual reality technology?"

"Last time on the Internet, playing a game, you may cause high paraplegia. Are you willing to accept such a virtual Internet?"

"According to research by authoritative institutions, virtual reality technology is very harmful to human nerves. This unsafe technology must be resolutely resisted."

Suddenly, foreign news media fully sprayed virtual reality technology and belittled it to nothing.

Such remarks inevitably spread to the country.

There have also been various negative comments on the Internet, some are collecting money to do things, some are mindless to follow the trend, and some are deliberately making trouble... it's just like a ghost.

Naturally, Lu Li knew about these remarks.

However, Lu Li didn't pay any attention at all. A discerning person knows at a glance that this is the dying struggle of those with vested interests.

Great leaders have long told us: The more fierce the enemy opposes, the more correct we are!

Lu Li didn't care about these remarks, but the government took it seriously.

If we do not occupy the position of public opinion, the enemy will occupy it. It is also necessary to establish a correct public opinion orientation, announce the facts, and look and listen.

So... China TV station made a news topic for virtual reality technology.

Lu Li also had to accept a news interview to explain to the world the basic principles and safety measures of the civilian version of virtual reality technology.

"Hello viewers, this is the focus of the news."

In the studio, the host smiled and reported to the audience, "Recently, the release of virtual reality technology has caused a huge response worldwide."

"The virtual reality technology developed by Professor Lu Li opened the door to the virtual era and created the virtual era of Internet technology."

"At present, the outside world has various speculations about virtual reality technology, and various opinions are divided. Today, we are fortunate to have invited the creator of virtual reality technology, the world-renowned scientist, Professor Lu Li."

"Please, Professor Lu Li!"

With enthusiastic applause, Lu Li stepped onto the stage in the sparkling lights and walked into the studio.

"Wow! This is Professor Lu? So handsome!"

"In my impression, scientists are all wearing thick glasses, deep hairline, and pale faces. Only after seeing Professor Lu did I know... Scientists also have male gods!"

"Huh? Didn't you pay attention to Professor Lu before? Professor Lu is already super handsome!"

When Lu Li walked into the studio, the audience at the scene, the audience in front of the TV, and the audience watching the live broadcast began to talk.

"Hello Professor Lu!"

"Hello host!"

After exchanging each other, Lu Li sat down on the sofa in the studio.

"Professor Lu, you are less than twenty-five years old this year. It is unbelievable that you can achieve such scientific achievements."

The host began to introduce the topic, and Chao Lu Li said: "Professor Lu, can you achieve such an achievement, do you have any secrets of success to share with you?"

"The secret?"

Lu Li smiled, "If I have to say the secret, my secret of success is...studying hard! I am quite a scientist, how can I not study hard!"


The audience rolled their eyes severely. Do you still want to say this? Who doesn't know to study seriously? The question is... how can you read the book to your level?

Of course, everyone knows. To read to Lu Li's level, it would not be possible to work hard. It all depends on talent.

Reincarnation is a technical job! Some people are born into a rich second generation, while others are born with high IQ. This is fate!

"Professor Lu, it is said that after you developed the virtual reality technology, you adjusted your research direction and recently developed a super high temperature resistant material."

The host changed the subject and talked to Lu Li about the new materials, "Presumably everyone is a little confused, why did you adjust the direction to study materials science?"

"Why study materials science?"

Lu Li sighed slightly, "Oh! Actually, I don't have much talent in scientific research, and I have been unable to solve a problem. I was a little confused for a while, and I couldn't find the direction, so I just got some materials to change my mind and pass the time !"


Hearing this, the host looked dull.

The audience was at a loss. What are you talking about? You have no talent? Get some materials to pass the time?

The audience on the Internet was tumbling.

"Say the most pretending words in the most persuasive tone."

"Professor Lu, you are so pretending that you are not afraid of being beaten?"

"Professor Lu, who is not talented, and Boss Ma who doesn't like money. The world of big brothers is terrifying!"

"New material? I'm sorry, I just played around casually."

"Another world-leading scientific research achievement? Oh, I just use it to pass the time."

In a moment, Lu Li was called by netizens "the head of the four kings in history". Professor Lu, who has no talent, ranks higher than Boss Ma, who doesn’t like money.

However... what Lu Li said was true.

Does he have a talent for scientific research? Before getting the system, Lu Li was completely a scum.

As for "killing the time and having fun", this is nonsense. Lu Li can't always say that this is to study controlled nuclear fusion, right?

"Professor Lu, there are various opinions on the virtual reality technology that you have developed."

The host changed the topic again and directly touched on the core of this news topic, "For these remarks, as the creator of virtual reality technology, do you have anything to say to the audience friends?"

"A new technology, from birth to application, must go through the process of being accepted and recognized by people."

Lu Li smiled and replied: "Because of the ignorance of the new technology, various worries will inevitably arise. This is also a normal phenomenon."

"Here, let me tell you about the basic principles and safety guarantees of virtual reality technology."

"A lot of people are speculating whether the application of virtual reality technology requires a hole in the back of the neck and a plug? In fact, this is all speculation by people with little knowledge."

"Why dig a hole? Why connect a plug? No need at all! The human body's neural network is all over the body, and the skin can transmit nerve signals. Just stick a few patches on the skin to complete the transmission of virtual signals. "

"As for the security issues that have been discussed by the outside world, I think this is also a kind of false worry. The information transmission mechanism of virtual Internet technology is exactly the same as that of human perception systems that normally obtain external information."

"Do you worry about blindness when you watch a movie? Do you worry about being deaf when you listen to music? Would you worry about losing your sense of smell when you smell the fragrance of flowers?"

"At present, the virtual restriction technology has been comprehensively applied and promoted in military training and scientific research. If there are real security problems, will the country abolish its martial arts and harm its own military?"

"Such a simple truth, you only need to think about it for a while to understand."

"As for why foreign media have such a low evaluation of virtual reality technology...I will not answer this question. Those who understand will naturally understand!"

After this news feature report, the domestic Internet public opinion became clear. Some netizens who had been brought about by the rhythm quickly recognized the facts.

This sentence, "If you understand, you will understand." The amount of information is huge, enough for netizens to make up hundreds of thousands of words in the plot.

As for those who collected money and deliberately spread rumors and smeared...hehe, the Internet is not a place outside the law!

After finishing the special news interview, Lu Li returned to the laboratory in Baoshan Base.

The virtual network just established by the Ministry of Information Industry is not difficult to update.

On the basis of the original hardware facilities, it is only necessary to load the "human body perception neural information expression database", convert the network signal, and send it in the form of virtual information at the terminal.

What Lu Li had to do was to design a virtual information terminal that did not require a plug on the back of the neck socket.

In fact, the way the back of the neck is connected to the plug is the most realistic virtual reality technology. This kind of technology will not be used by others if most people want to use it, and it will remain in the military and scientific research institutions.

For civilian products, the authenticity will naturally drop by one level.

Lu Li used an external patch method to design a virtual information terminal with only 60% authenticity.

This is mainly because the external patch method does not directly input the signal into the neural network, but transfers it through the skin, which will inevitably lead to the weakening of the signal.

When a 100% authentic virtual network can be opened to the public in the future, it is only necessary to switch to the way of plugging in the back of the neck and directly upgrade.

After sending the patch-type information terminal design plan to the virtual network group company just established by the Ministry of Information Industry, Lu Li no longer paid attention to this aspect.

Controllable nuclear fusion is the main direction of Lu Li's attack.

After researching high-temperature materials, Lu Li has already solved the controllable nuclear fusion shell and the magnetic fluid generator. The next step is the superconducting coil material that realizes magnetic confinement.

The materials are readily available, and Lu Li only needs to copy them.

But... it was too sudden. Once the room temperature superconducting material was produced, everyone knew that Lu Li had made a major breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion.

It must also be buffered to allow time for the above to respond.

So... take out the cemented carbide armor material first, and get the power armor!