My Life Simulator

Chapter 536: Professor Lu is leading the world again

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Robotics is a system engineering.

Including materials technology, computer technology, machining technology, electrical control technology and other technologies.

At present, the main bottlenecks restricting the development of robotics in my country are the three major components of the reducer, servo motor, and control system.

Well, after removing these three pieces, there is nothing left.

For the next period of time, Lu Li focused on the research and development of reducer technology.

The reducer is the key to robotics. To perform a certain action, the robot must precisely control the action to ensure that there is no slightest error.

Here, the reducer is the key.

If the reducer fails, even if the data set by the control system is accurate, the corresponding action requirements cannot be achieved.

From a certain point of view, the reducer of a robot is actually very similar to the gearbox of a car, which is the same principle.

But... the technical requirements are completely the difference between heaven and earth.

The research and development of domestic robot reducer is difficult because of the extremely high precision requirements of the reducer itself, and the machining accuracy of parts has reached the micron level.

This precision is unimaginable, only one unit higher than the nanometer level of silicon-based chip lithography.

To achieve such processing accuracy, it involves processing equipment, operator skills, process arrangements, environmental conditions, and so on.

For example, when performing such precision machining, a cough may affect the machining accuracy.

In addition, the design of the reducer is also the key. In this regard, the lack of advanced design in this area in China has caused the performance of the reducer to not reach the foreign level.

For Lu Li, design is not a problem at all.

The robot technology in the refuge technology certainly includes various high-precision reducer design schemes, just copy it.

But... design alone is not enough, and the problem of machining accuracy must be solved.

Laser processing technology is used for precision machining of the reducer in the shelter. This technique... can be used.

Before controllable nuclear fusion has been developed, the use of laser processing technology will result in huge energy consumption and high production costs, but... this is the solution to the problem.

For some key equipment, the most important thing is whether it is available or not. Energy consumption and cost are completely negligible.

The first step is to come up with high-precision laser processing technology!

This technology belongs to the nature of tools, and can be widely used in the processing of various high-precision parts, not only for processing reducers.

Such as aerospace, such as aviation, such as missiles, such as nuclear submarines, such as aircraft carriers...

An inertial gyroscope, like the use of high-precision laser processing technology, can increase the accuracy of the gyroscope by an order of magnitude. This can greatly improve the accuracy of guidance in aerospace and missile technology.

The high-precision laser processing technology of the refuge can be directly taken out.

Sitting at his desk, Lu Li began to compile a list of materials, a list of equipment, technical theory documents, and plan experimental procedures.

"Lao Tian, ​​I want these equipment and materials!"

Lu Li called Assistant Tian and handed him a list.

This list includes the processing equipment and materials required by Lu Li. Lu Li was going to make a prototype of a high-precision laser processing equipment in the laboratory.

Assistant Tian hurried into the office and took the list from Lu Li.

"Professor Lu, I will report to it immediately. What you want will be delivered in the shortest time."

Seeing this long list, Assistant Tian felt excited again. Obviously, Professor Lu has to come up with a new high-precision technology.

Why am I not surprised at all?

Assistant Tian smiled, hurried out of the office, reported the situation to it, and submitted Lu Li's list.

"Professor Lu is going to do research again?"

The head above received the list and saw a string of equipment and materials on the list with a smile on his face.

equipment? material? It's not a problem!

Professor Lu will give whatever he wants, no matter how much money he spends, he must be ready in the shortest time.

Today, Lu Li is already a national treasure-level scientist.

Which of the technologies Lu Li used to bring out is not one of the best in the world? How significant is the strategic value of the successful research of these technologies? How many technological breakthroughs and technological advancements has it brought to the country?

A day later, a heavy-duty rotary wing transport aircraft slowly landed on the Baoshan base. All kinds of equipment and materials that Lu Li needed were continuously sent to the underground laboratory.

This heavy-duty rotary wing transport aircraft is the Iron Bird rotary wing aircraft that Lu Li previously researched.

After a period of technical verification, the Iron Bird Rotorcraft has begun mass production and large-scale equipment.

Lu Li didn't care about this at all.

When the equipment was installed and the materials were sent to the laboratory, Lu Li started to do it.

For the next week, Lu Li has been working in the laboratory. Under the 3D printer, high-precision CNC machining center and other high-precision equipment, Lu Li slowly assembled the parts for a high-precision laser processing equipment.

The overall structure is made of titanium-chromium-tantalum carbide hard alloy developed by Lu Li himself. The laser emitting port is made of tantalum carbide high temperature resistant material.

The control chip uses a gene chip, the wire uses graphene, and the transmission mechanism uses a carbon nanotube composite material.

Various parts are assembled one by one, and a high-precision laser processing equipment is officially completed.

This is a prototype machine. Naturally, it is not so particular about it. It doesn't even have a shell. It looks a bit rough, but... it's extremely technical.

Turning on the power supply, starting the equipment, Lu Li inputted the reducer drawing he designed into the gene chip computer of the laser processing center, installed the material on the fixture, and reached out and pressed the start button.

Then... the machine runs automatically, the laser hits the material and starts cutting.

The advantage of laser cutting is that it does not need to change tools at all, and can cut to the end with one cut from roughing to finishing.

After waiting for half an hour, the core component of the reducer, the precision component of the pendulum planetary gear, has been processed.

Remove the parts, Lu Li uses high-precision measuring equipment to test the accuracy of the parts.

The test results show that the accuracy of the parts fully meets the requirements, and the error of surface roughness, dimensional tolerance, fit tolerance, coaxiality, etc., does not exceed 1 micron.

This is already the top precision in machining technology.

High-precision laser processing equipment, which fully meets the design requirements, has been successfully studied.

The only downside is... this thing consumes more power.

Before the advent of controlled nuclear fusion, the use of laser processing technology would result in higher production costs.

However... this top-of-the-line high-precision processing technology, for a country, only needs to solve the problems, and does not care about the cost.

Who cares about the cost of this strategic high-precision processing technology?

Without this technology, to achieve ultra-high-precision processing, the cost is more than a hundred times higher.

After successful research, or "plagiarism," Lu Li turned back to the office and began to compile technical materials.

Lu Li wrote down all the theoretical materials, design schemes, production technology, all experimental processes and experimental data of high-precision laser processing technology in detail.

After doing this, Lu Li began to summon Assistant Tian again.

"Old Tian, ​​come here to receive the goods!"

Lu Li turned his head and shouted, Assistant Tian came out quickly.

"Professor Lu, your research... is it successful again?"

Assistant Tian smiled, well, why should I say "again"?

"I have developed a high-precision laser processing technology."

Lu Li took out the technical information and handed it to Assistant Tian, ​​"It also includes a design drawing and processing technology of the reducer. You can hand it in!"


Assistant Tian quickly took the order.

Although it is not clear how important this technology is, there is nothing that Professor Lu has researched that is not high-tech.

Soon, this technical information was submitted to the head of the military.

"High-precision laser processing technology? And reducer design?"

The military chief did not specialize in technology, and for a while he couldn't figure out how valuable Lu Li's research data was.

It doesn't matter if the chief doesn't understand, just the people below understand.

The military chief immediately forwarded the technical information to the General Armament Department for technical experts to conduct technical demonstrations.

"High-precision machining technology with an error of less than one micron?"

After seeing this information, the technical experts of the General Armament Department opened their eyes.

This is the top high-precision processing technology. This is a high-tech with great strategic significance.

In the defense industry, as well as the aerospace industry, the pursuit of precision is simply endless.

High precision represents high performance and high reliability.

This kind of technology is of great strategic significance in the processing of parts and components of space stations, satellite parts, parts of launch vehicles, and even parts of strategic weapons.

The simplest point is how much positioning and navigation accuracy an ultra-high-precision gyroscope can bring?

The placement accuracy of Dongfeng Express can also be improved by an order of magnitude, with an error of no more than ten meters. For strategic weapons, this accuracy is simply appalling and totally excessive.

"Professor Lu is too strong!"

An expert couldn't help sighing, "Professor Lu also has such a high level of accomplishments in precision machining technology. Is there anything he can't do?"

"Huh? Look! Behind this document, there is a design drawing and processing technology of the reducer."

An expert next to him saw the technical information of the reducer listed at the end of the document, and his face was dull. "Everyone, I have a guess. Is it because Professor Lu developed high-precision processing technology to process the reducer?"

"I'm afraid it is so."

Another expert looked helpless, "For example, because I wanted to eat eggs, I made a hen that lays golden eggs. The world of genius is really unimaginable."

"Compared with this ultra-high-precision processing technology, the reducer is a fart! This is just a small application of high-precision processing technology."

"I am afraid that even Professor Lu himself does not know how important this high-precision processing technology is."

"If Professor Lu feels that charging the mobile phone is too troublesome, will he bring out controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

"Haha! Maybe it's really possible!"

This ultra-high-precision laser processing technology was quickly verified.

The Ministry of Aerospace Industry immediately took the technology and produced a batch of high-precision laser processing equipment according to the technical data, which fully confirmed the reliability of this technology.

Suddenly, the various high-tech departments rejoiced.

The production of satellites needs this technology, the production of launch vehicles needs this technology, the production of aircraft needs this technology, the production of missiles needs this technology, the production of nuclear submarines need this technology, and the production of aircraft carriers needs this technology...

Various processing equipment developed based on high-precision laser processing technology have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Of course, Lu Li's reducer design has also been widely used.

Isn't the current high-precision processing equipment all automated? High-performance reducers are also very important.

It's just that... Compared with the high-precision laser processing technology itself, the technology of the reducer is just a component technology.

Domestic high-precision processing equipment has begun to be fully updated.

Because this high-precision processing technology already exists in,...the negotiations with Teutonic countries to introduce technology have completely stopped.

Originally, the Teutonic State also assumed a lofty posture, ready to take a knife and kill it fiercely. The lion opened its mouth wide and shouted astronomical prices.

More importantly, the technology given by the Teutonic State is still backward, and the processing accuracy can only reach 30 microns.

Now... I'm sorry, we don't want it!

The Teutonic country was stunned to learn that China did not want 30-micron precision processing technology. what's going on? Why did the rabbit suddenly not want this technology?

The 30-micron precision processing technology, although we have eliminated it, but... don’t you have it?

You are sharpening the knife, why don't you come here?

At the same time, on the international black market, buyers of high-precision processing technology were everywhere, but all of them disappeared for a while.

Many people who were about to slaughter rabbits severely with the elimination technology were all horrified and completely confused.

"News from this station: Professor Lu Li, a well-known Chinese scientist, has developed a new generation of high-precision processing technology with a processing accuracy of micrometers and an error of less than one micron."

"The successful research and development of this technology indicates that my country has reached the world's leading level in high-precision processing technology!"

As soon as the news came out, the domestic response was mediocre.

Professor Lu is leading the world again. Well, this is the basic operation.

There was an uproar abroad.

Damn it! The flower grower’s high-precision processing technology actually achieves an error of no more than one micron?

We are still struggling in the ten-micron range, why are you at one micron?

And... is that Professor Lu again?

Are you a genetic scientist, what high-precision processing technology do you research? This is not doing business properly, you know?