My Life Simulator

Chapter 553: Light up the darkness

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There are not many zombies in the nuclear power plant, they only look like a dozen.

What made Lu Li feel strange was that the behavior patterns of these zombies were different from those of the zombies he had encountered before.

The zombies in front of them looked abnormal.

Although the clothes on their bodies were dirty, they were still neat, and there were no blood stains. More importantly, these zombies are still walking back and forth in the nuclear power plant in groups, seeming to follow a certain pattern of walking.

This feeling...It's like a group of nuclear power plant workers inspecting the instruments and equipment of the nuclear power plant.

Very weird!

Could it be that... even if they became zombies, the responsibilities and perseverance they once allowed these zombies to continue their original work?

Could it be that there are still some hazy memories in their brains eroded by the virus? Or...obsession?

Lu Li sighed secretly, and inexplicably surprised him.

These zombies with special behavior patterns are rare samples. Maybe we can find some ways to help zombies recover their sanity from them?

We will deal with the nuclear power plant problem first, and then do research later.

Settling down, Lu Li walked into the nuclear power plant and walked towards the reactor position at the bottom of the "big chimney".

Lu Li's appearance was also discovered by the zombies walking ahead.

To Lu Li's surprise, the zombies just turned to look at Lu Li, then turned around, without even taking care of Lu Li, and proceeded along the inspection route.

They just ignored me without even shouting?

These zombies are really strange.

Lu Li didn't delay either, and went straight to the control room in front of him.

Walking into the main control room, a strong smell of burnt smell puffed up the nose. The main control room in front of me was scorched, and all kinds of equipment were all burned into a ball of coke.

Lu Li even saw several charred bodies in the main control room.

Walking forward, Lu Li inspected the charred corpses, and suddenly found...These corpses also had two sharp canine fangs on their upper jaws.

This is a zombie!

Perhaps... after being infected with the virus, these zombies still habitually came to the main control room for some unknown reason.

However, they have lost the memories and skills they once had, and they don't know why they came here or what to do.

Until...Because of the lack of operator control, the wire was overloaded and caught fire, and the place was burnt into coke.

Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

The main control room burned out, and Lu Li could not directly shut down the reactor from the main control room.

To shut down the nuclear reactor, Lu Li had to enter the reactor compartment placed underground. must be full of nuclear radiation now.

Lu Li didn't worry much about nuclear radiation.

In the original plot of the radiation wasteland, Lu Li created a radiation-resistant protein for himself, which could protect his DNA molecular chain from being damaged by high-energy rays.

It's just... I hope that the warning message will be more reliable and will not burn through the reactor shell within 24 hours.

Otherwise, no matter how great Lu Li was, he would not be a "man who came out of a nuclear explosion", he would be directly gasified by the high temperature of millions of degrees.

Turning and walking out of the main control room, Lu Li glanced at the "escape route map" posted on the aisle wall, and remembered the structure of the building.

Walking along the aisle, Lu Li came to the elevator entrance.

The main control room is burnt, and the elevator lines are naturally unusable.

It's just... At the moment, there are still a few zombies standing at the elevator entrance. Because there was no elevator, these zombies stood at the elevator entrance, habitually waiting for the elevator that could no longer be opened.

Lu Li shook his head, ignored these zombies, turned and walked towards the stairs.

In addition to the elevator, there are also stairs that lead directly to the underground reactor cabin.

Entering the stairs, there are some protective clothing and Geiger counters in a small room next to it.

At this moment, Lu Li saw that on the Geiger counter placed on the tool rack, red lights flickered and a faint alarm sounded.

The reason why the alarm sound is faint is that the battery is almost dead.

Lu Li walked up quickly, grabbed a Geiger counter, and looked at the number on it...1000 millisieverts!

This is still a ground platform with such strong nuclear radiation?

It appears that there has been a nuclear leak in the reactor compartment. It was only a little bit before burning through the protective shell of the reactor.

To be on the safe side, Lu Li still put on a protective suit for himself.

In the tool room, he found a few new batteries and installed the Geiger counter. Lu Li hung the Geiger counter on his protective clothing and hurried out.

Fast forward along the stairs, Lu Li quickly came to the nuclear reactor compartment at the bottom of the "big chimney" which was fifty meters underground.

Approaching the reactor compartment, a wave of heat rushed toward the face.

The blazing high temperature caused the surrounding air to flash with distorted light and shadow, and the heat wave on his face made Lu Li feel his skin tingling through his protective clothing.

As for the amount of radiation... the Geiger counter hanging around his waist was screaming frantically, and the number displayed on it had reached more than five thousand millisieverts.

With this amount of radiation, ordinary people can invite the whole village to eat as long as they are exposed for one second.

Ok! The reactor hasn't burned through!

Lu Li secretly rejoiced, if he had burned through the protective shell, even if Lu Li was so powerful, he wouldn't be able to recover.

Zhen Qi circulated in his body, resisting the blazing high temperature, Lu Li stepped into the reactor cabin.

Walking into the cabin, Lu Li was surprised to find that there was still a zombie inside.

A zombie wandering blankly in the core compartment.

This is an old man who looks like he is in his fifties. There is a brand on his chest that says "Chief Engineer of Zhuangqiu Nuclear Power Plant, Wang Kebin".

The temperature in the reactor compartment was very high, and the zombie was roasted to the point of greasy, but it was still wandering in the compartment, as if some obsession drove him here.

However...because of the erosion of the virus, he can no longer remember why he came, or what he should do, he just came here instinctively.

At this moment, Lu Chengqi's head was touched inexplicably.

In this world, there are always some things above all else.

In this world, there are always some beliefs that will never die.

Even if he has no memory in his mind, even if he has forgotten everything, that kind of instinctual belief still drives him to stick here!

"Wang Gong, I'm here!"

Lu Li walked up to the zombie, raised his right hand, and saluted the zombie, "Don't worry, I will shut down the nuclear reactor, and nuclear radiation will not spread!"


The zombie raised his eyes to look at Lu Li, a pair of bright red eyes blinked a few times, and a few dry roars appeared in his throat.

The next moment, the zombie's figure shook, and fell to the ground with a "puff".

This reaction...

Lu Li's eyes twitched. Could it be... he still has some vague consciousness?

Turn off the nuclear reactor first!

Ignoring the fallen zombies, Lu Li turned and walked to the nuclear reactor.

The way to shut down the nuclear reactor is very simple, just take out the fuel core rods from the nuclear reactor.

It's just that... now there is no electric control, and automatic operation is not possible. Lu Li can only manually pull out the fuel mandrel.

To be honest, Lu Li really didn't understand how to manually extract the fuel rods from the nuclear reactor.

Even though he has studied fusion reactors and fission reactors in the radiation plot, Lu Li only knows the principles, only knows the automatic control procedures, and has never manually operated them.

However, Lu Li still has a solution!

"Open the virtual laboratory, virtual nuclear reactor in front of you!"

With an order, the nuclear reactor in front of me was virtualized in the virtual laboratory.

Isn't it manual operation? Haven't done it? Not skilled? Play a few more times to become proficient!

Then... Lu Li turned on the virtual death mode!

After trial and error, after being burned into gas by nuclear explosions, and died dozens of times in a row, Lu Li finally found the correct operation procedure.

Closing the virtual laboratory, Lu Li wiped a cold sweat, sighed with lingering fear, turned around and picked up a large wrench from the tool rack in the core compartment, and walked to the front of the reactor.

I have done this job many times, and I have died many times!

Now... I am already very skilled!

Clamp the wrench on the interface bolt, pull it hard, loosen the bolt, rotate it manually, drive the reactor transmission mechanism, and slowly pull out the fuel core rod.

This operation must be accurate, not fast or slow. One turn in one second is the most appropriate, otherwise... there will be a bang, finish playing!

Don't ask how Lu Li knew, he died dozens of times in the virtual laboratory!

The fuel rods were drawn out, and the graphite rods that absorbed neutrons were reinstalled, completely blocking the chain reaction, and the nuclear reactor finally stopped operating.

Get it done!

Lu Li let out a long breath before turning around and walking to the zombie who fell to the ground.

Reaching out for a while, the breathing and heartbeat of the zombie were extremely weak, and it seemed that they were not far from death.

Even if it is a zombie, it is still a creature, still a body of flesh and blood.

Under such strong radiation and high temperature, it can persist until now, this is no longer explained by the zombie virus mutation.

Lu Li quickly picked up the zombie and hurried out of the reactor core compartment.

Rushing all the way to the top floor along the stairs and back to the ground, Lu Li found an open and ventilated place and laid the weird zombie flat on the ground.

After checking it again, the breathing and heartbeat of this zombie were weaker, and the pulse was no longer detectable on the wrist, and only the common carotid artery could feel a slight tremor.

It... No, he is going to die!

Lu Li sighed deeply, lowered his head and said in the ear of the zombie: "Wang Gong, the reactor has been shut down and it is safe!"

The zombie's eyelids trembled, and there was a faint "hoho" sound from his throat, his neck crooked, and there was no sound.

Lu Li was silent for a while, stood up, and raised his hand to salute the zombie!

There is always some persistence that will be admirable!

There are always some beliefs that will move people!

Even...even if he doesn't know what he is doing, he doesn't remember anything!

"Open the virtual laboratory!"

With an order from Lu Li, he opened the virtual laboratory again.

"The dead body of the virtual chief engineer Wang Kebin."

A light flashed, and the dead body of Chief Engineer Wang Kebin appeared in the virtual laboratory.

Lu Li picked up a syringe and took a blood sample from the dead body for testing.

Under the electron microscope, the zombie virus in Wang Kebin's body has undergone some strange changes.

The original zombie virus is a new mutant prion formed by combining the prion with the rabies virus and the haemophilus virus.

Now, the mutant prion in Wang Kebin's body has undergone some mutations. In this virus, the components of rabies virus and hematophilic virus are reduced, and the protein molecular structure of the core part of the prion is also slightly different.

This is a brand-new mutated prion, Lu Li called it "Wang Kebin virus"!

Obviously, this "Wang Kebin virus" is the reason why the zombies in the nuclear power plant have different habits from those outside.

The factor causing this change... is probably nuclear radiation.

In order to verify this, Lu Li quickly created a virtual operating room to dissect the virtual Wang Kebin zombie and observe the brain tissue of the zombie.

After the craniotomy, Lu Li found that in the brain tissue of Wang Kebin's zombie, there were slightly more nerve cells that were not broken by the mutant prion.

Immediately, Lu Li virtualized the other zombies in the nuclear power plant, and performed anatomy one by one carefully compared the brain tissue structure.

Experimental results show that the proportion of normal nerve cells in the brain tissue of these nuclear power plant zombies is 1% higher than that of other zombies.

That's why they will have unique habits, and they will instinctively act according to their original habits.

At this moment, Lu Li seemed to see the dawn, the dawn of the zombie's recovery.

But... this is still only a glimmer of light, and it is too difficult to achieve.

To allow zombies to recover a little bit of normal brain cells under nuclear radiation, they will not grow mushrooms all over the world and spread nuclear radiation all over the world, right?

In order to avoid the biochemical doomsday, the world should be nuclear-leveled? This is too funny!

This line of thinking is definitely wrong.

Lu Li thought for a while, and then fictionalized a normal zombie, and proposed a blood sample from the normal zombie.

Then, Lu Li injected the new virus in Wang Kebin's corpse into the blood of normal zombies and observed under an electron microscope.

This experiment... a huge surprise to Lu Li.

Under the electron microscope, "Wang Kebin virus" suddenly invaded normal zombie viruses.

The transmission mechanism of prions is to convert normal protein molecules into prion protein molecules. At this moment, "Wang Kebin virus" is also transforming normal zombie viruses in this way.

It's just... average efficiency.

Zombie viruses are also prions, which are also highly aggressive. The two prions are constantly fighting and attacking each other, but the "Wang Kebin virus" has the upper hand.

But... this is still a great discovery!

This is the dawn illuminating the darkness!

"I understand! I understand!"

Lu Li laughed, "Only prions can fight prions! I have found a research direction!"