My Life Simulator

Chapter 563: The road to receiving the award is not s

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The Nobel Prize is the most well-known award in the scientific community today.

Since the Nobel Prize was established, very few Chinese have won the Nobel Prize. To some extent, this is not in line with our country’s status as a superpower.

There are many reasons, so I won't go into it here.

This time, Lu Li won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, which is also an improvement in national self-esteem and self-confidence. Although Professor Lu is very awesome and everyone on earth knows it, the Chinese still feel very long-spirited.

After the announcement of the Nobel Prize winners list, domestic media reported, making Lu Li's name once again a hot search keyword.

In the laboratory of Fudan Medical College.

Assistant Tian reported to Lu Li: "Professor Lu, I have already reported to the above. The above also thinks that you should go to receive the award. We have made arrangements for the security work, and there is a special plane to take you to Ruidian."

"Thank you!"

Lu Li smiled and nodded, "It's hard to get an award."

"this is what we are supposed to do."

Assistant Tian looked serious, "Professor Lu, you have made a significant contribution to the country, and we cannot let you make any mistakes."

"Thank you!"

Lu Li nodded, knowing that these security measures are necessary and necessary.

With his academic reputation and scientific research achievements, Lu Li is a pivotal figure in the world. If Lu Li made any mistakes, it would be a great loss to the country, the nation, and even the entire human civilization.

At home, naturally, I don't worry about any problems. Once you go abroad, it is inevitable that some people will be distracted.

In any case, the heart of defense is indispensable.


This year's Nobel Prize ceremony will be held on December 10. The location is Stockholm in Ruidian.

The Nobel Prize award ceremony can be regarded as a major event in the scientific community. Naturally, Lu Li could not "go on the same day and return on the same day", and left after winning the prize. He still needed to participate in some activities and some procedures.

So... on December 4th, Lu Li set out from Shanghai and set off for Ruidian.

On this day, Lu Li and Liu Qin drove all the way to the airport in a bulletproof car driven by Assistant Ueda.

It stands to reason that when Lu Li goes to receive the Nobel Prize, he should bring more relatives and friends. It's just...Considering the safety issue, Lu Li didn't continue to increase work pressure on the special service personnel.

The car drove all the way. After entering the airport, Lu Li and his party entered the apron directly from the special passage.

On the tarmac, a special "flight" was parked.

"Lun 20?"

Lu Li looked at the huge plane, blinked, and turned to look at Assistant Tian, ​​"This is a passenger plane that is modified for Y20? Isn't it specially modified for me?"

"You think too much, it's really not modified for you."

Assistant Tian smiled and shook his head, "This is one of the chief jets. This is a variety of new technologies that you have researched out. Let us update the chief jets."

"The chief's plane? This is an honor!"

Lu Li smiled, "Unexpectedly, I would take the chief's plane one day."


Liu Qin also beamed his eyes, "It's really an honor to be able to sit on the chief's plane."

"Nothing else, the key!"

Assistant Tian smiled and stretched out his hand to Lu Li, "Professor Lu, Professor Liu, please come with me."

Boarded the plane with Assistant Tian.

The space inside such a huge plane is naturally very spacious. There is a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, and even a large warehouse is left at the rear of the plane.

"Professor Lu, Professor Liu, welcome to board the plane."

Entering the cabin, the two flight attendants greeted them with smiles and bowed and saluted the two of Lu Li.

The two girls looked soft, weak and beautiful, but... Lu Li clearly felt that the two girls' seemingly weak bodies contained amazing power.

Obviously, even the cabin crew are professional secret service personnel.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lu Li smiled and nodded towards the stewardess.

These two girls probably used the "human body strengthening technique" that Lu Li had originally researched to strengthen their bodies through "dragon tiger hormone" and electro-acupuncture.

Don't look at them as soft girls, ordinary brawny, easily beat ten.

Following the flight attendant sister, Lu Li walked into the cockpit.

Sitting in the cockpit were twelve tall, muscular men.

Seeing Lu Li coming in, these brawny men hurriedly got up and saluted Lu Li, "Good leader!"

Well, this is a complete special operations team!

Feeling this strong military aura, Lu Li couldn't help standing at attention, and replied, "Thank you, everyone!"

When these special forces soldiers saw Lu Li's standard standing and saluting posture, a slight surprise flashed in his eyes.

Isn't Professor Lu a scientist? Why does it look like a military background?

Of course, the special forces soldiers did not think much. All the materials of Professor Lu are state secrets. Perhaps Professor Lu was originally from the army?

During this period of time, Professor Lu's scientific research results have simply overwhelmed the military. All kinds of high-tech equipment are emerging one after another, one after the other.

Had it not been for Professor Lu's "virtual reality technology", the speed of military training could not keep up with the speed of equipment updates!

After meeting with the "bodyguards", Lu Li went to the lounge of the cabin.

Sitting down on the sofa in the lounge, the two flight attendants served refreshments again.

"Professor Lu, our schedule is arranged like this."

Sitting in the lounge, Assistant Tian hurriedly said to Lu Li: "After half an hour, the plane took off and we flew directly to Stockholm. The hotel has already been arranged over there."

"Ok, thanks for your hard work!"

Lu Li nodded.

"Then... You two have a rest, I'll go out first!"

Assistant Tian would naturally not stay here as a light bulb, and soon left.

"Lu Li, unknowingly... you have become a big man!"

Liu Qin sat down next to Lu Li and looked up at Lu Li, with an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Back then, at the moment of reunion in Yucheng No. 1 Middle School, who would have thought that the man in front of him could be where he is today?

He is so good!

In just over a year, this man has reached a height that no one else can reach in his entire life.

Once, Liu Qin thought he was "high IQ", but...compared to Lu Li, he was really unworthy of shoes.

My boyfriend is indeed the hero of the world!

"Actually, my life... is dead!"

Lu Li stretched out his hand to embrace Liu Qin, with a smile on his face. Life in the open is so chic.

After a while, the plane began to taxi.

Thanks to Lu Li's scientific research achievements in materials science, today's Yun-20 aircraft has been fully updated, and it is simply black technology.

The main control chip is a gene chip, the electronic and electrical circuits are all graphene, the body frame is titanium chromium tantalum carbide alloy, and the inner shell of the outer shell is made of carbon nano-compliant materials. The engine has also been fully updated due to the appearance of high-temperature alloys.

Even the key cabins are equipped with titanium chromium carbide tantalum carbide armor plates. In terms of protection capabilities, this aircraft is simply an aerial tank.

The roar of the engine sounded, and the huge Yun-20 plane skimmed high in the sky lightly and straight to the sky.

After passing through the clouds and entering the stratosphere, through the porthole, Lu Li actually saw the two J-20 fighters escorted outside.

There are even fighter escorts?

Lu Li couldn't help being a little stunned. It seems that the country attaches more importance to me than I thought.

It's just that fighter jets shouldn't fly out of the border, right? Will you not send me all the way to Stockholm?

The next moment... the two F-20 fighters escorted outside, a light flashed slightly on the surface of the fuselage, and they disappeared.

This is...optical invisibility!

Damn it! Optical stealth coupled with radar stealth, are you planning to send me all the way to Stockholm? Isn't the voyage not enough?

Lu Li didn't delve into it much, but he just felt that this time he went abroad to receive the award, and he really thrilled everyone!

Fighters escorted all the way, and Lu Li's special plane flew directly to the west, across the vast territory, and quickly entered Pakistan's airspace.

Then... Lu Li saw two Xiaolong fighters lift into the air, accompanied by escort, until they flew over Pakistan's airspace.

Is this a fighter of the Pakistan Air Force? It seems that the two F-20s have gone back.

After Lu Li's special plane flew over Pakistan's airspace, he continued to head west, but Lu Li did not see the **** fighter again.

However, Lu Li was not worried at all. The security work must be very strict, absolutely foolproof, and there is no need to worry about it.

Then... sleep!


Eastern Europe, Serbia.

In the near end, armed conflict broke out in Serbia. Rebel groups and government forces exchanged fire, each causing some casualties.

This kind of thing is very common. In Blackland, in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe, there are always some inexplicable armed conflicts erupting.

It's just... the situation today is a bit weird.

The city of Konsbar in Serbia, where there is an air defense missile base of the Serbian government.

At this moment, a group of special forces of unknown nationality appeared in the jungle outside the missile base.

"In an hour, the target will pass through the southern airspace."

The commander of the special forces of unknown nationality looked down at the military tablet in his hand and turned to look at the special forces soldiers beside him, "Go! GO! GO! GO!"

With an order, a group of special forces fumbled towards the missile base ahead.

This air defense missile base is not large, just the size of an air defense battalion, with three Sam air defense missile systems inside.

I have to say that the combat effectiveness of this group of special forces is very strong. In less than twenty minutes, they had all killed the air defense battalion of the Serbian government.

I want to talk about it here. Don't look at it as a "battalion". In fact, there are not as many soldiers as the Army's "one battalion", that is, three anti-aircraft missile systems and dozens of soldiers.

"Turn on the air defense radar and scan the southern airspace."

The commander of the special forces took another look at the tablet. "According to the satellite image, the target will enter the southern airspace in 20 minutes and is ready for launch."


A group of special forces hurriedly boarded the Sam missile launch vehicle, turned on the air defense radar, and searched and illuminated the southern airspace.

The missile launcher on the launch vehicle has been erected, ready for ignition and launch.

Twenty minutes later.

"Target found! Fire control radar has been locked!"


With an order, a ball of fire exploded from the missile launcher, and a Sam anti-aircraft missile whizzed into the air.


"Didi di..."

Lu Li was awakened by a sirens.

The siren was very low, it should have only sounded in the cockpit. If it weren't for Lu Li's hearing far beyond ordinary people, the siren would not have been heard.

"Radar locked?"

Lu Li's expression changed, and he got up from the bed.

Lu Li, who used to be an Air Force pilot and a gold helmet, naturally knew that this was the siren that the plane was locked by the fire control radar.

Damn it!

Someone really hit me? Is it an air defense missile? Or was it attacked by a fighter plane?

"Lu Li, what's the matter?"

Liu Qin was awakened by the movement of Lu Li getting up, and asked quickly.


Lu Li gave Liu Qin's comfort, but a faint anger flashed in his eyes.

"Tuk tuk!"

At this time, Assistant Tian knocked at the door, "Professor Lu, the plane is encountering air currents, and there may be some bumps next. You and Professor Liu should pay attention to fasten your seat belts and be careful if you fall!"

airflow? Bumps?

If I hadn't been a fighter pilot, I would almost believe it!

Lu Li secretly muttered The smile on his face was very bright, and he turned to Liu Qin and said, "I have encountered an air current!"


Liu Qin nodded and didn't think much. He pulled up the seat belt at the head of the bed and buckled it on his body, and said to Lu Li, "Lu Li, you should put on the seat belt too!"

"No need to!"

Lu Li smiled at Liu Qin, stood up and got up, "I'll go to the bathroom, you go to bed first!"

Liu Qin nodded, "Oh, you come back soon!"

Lu Li put on a piece of clothing and walked out of the room to the outside living room.

"Lao Tian, ​​this is a radar lock alarm. I can even design a rotor helicopter, so I can naturally understand the alarm sound."

Assistant Lu Li Chaotian took a look and said, "Let's talk! What's the situation? Don't hide it from me."

"Professor Lu, don't worry. We are fully prepared to ensure your safety."

Assistant Tian looked relaxed, "It's just a Sam air defense missile, not a high-end product. Our special plane can easily solve it!"

"Is that so? Okay! Thanks for your hard work!"

Lu Li nodded, not worried, isn't it just a Sam missile? Haha, even if it gets hit, it won't blow through the special plane's titanium chromium carbide armor plate.

The next moment, Lu Li saw through the porthole that the fuselage on both sides of the special plane rushed out of fire.

This is... a decoy bomb!

Like a goddess scattered flowers, dozens of decoy bombs were sprayed out in a fan shape, and bright fireworks burst into the sky.

From the rear, a Sem air defense missile roared.

Then...I was disturbed by the decoy bomb and plunged into the fire, which also exploded into fireworks.

Threat removed!

It's just...who is this black hand?

A coldness flashed in Lu Li's eyes.