My Life Simulator

Chapter 605: What monster did we catch back?

Starting directly from the interrogation room is too much!

Facing the roar of the middle-aged man in black uniform, Lu Li was completely confused.

I just crossed over! Let me look at the background information first.

With a thought, Lu Li opened the system panel and found the background information on the panel.

Here is the earth.

The current time is April 2019, and the place where I am now is the Jinshan Police Station of Huating City, Songjiang Prefecture, Daxia Empire.

Obviously, this is an overhead world. An overhead world of modern society. It's just...except that the country's name has become the Great Xia Empire, it seems to be no different from the real society.

Lu Li is still Lu Li.

Similar to the real world, in this overhead world, Lu Li still runs business in a restaurant, or the poor hanging silk struggling on the poverty line with a little salary every month. Web author.

As for the murderer, there is no description of being a murderer in the background information.

In the background information, Lu Li contacted Zhao Zhongyu, a small supermarket owner, about the birthday banquet business. After discussing the business, Lu Li returned to the rental house to sleep.

Woke up...a ​​team of special police officers in front of him pointed at him with a black gun. Then he went to the interrogation room.

After reading the background information, Lu Lida breathed a sigh of relief. He was not a perverted murderer, it was really great!

"Say! Tell me honestly!"

The man in black uniform slapped on the table again and yelled at Lu Li.

"I didn't kill anyone!"

With a calm face, Lu Li looked up at the man in black uniform, and said seriously, "I really didn't kill anyone!"

"Do you dare to quibble?"

The man in black uniform roared again, reached out his hand and took out a bunch of photos, and threw them in front of Lu Li, "Look for yourself! The surveillance has been taken, how can you quibble?"

Lu Li looked down at the photo on the table, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

In these photos that must be mosaicked to ensure harmony, the figure holding a sharp knife with blood on his face and a grinning figure suddenly... is himself.

Although his vicious temperament was a bit different from him, his appearance was exactly the same, and even Lu Li himself couldn't find any difference.

Lu Li frowned tightly.

The background information is trustworthy. It is not stated that the plot is a murderer, so it must not be a murderer.

As for why the surveillance took these photos...

Lu Li raised his eyes to look at the black uniformed policeman, and said seriously: "Police officer, is it possible that it is a disguise or a similar disguise? Someone must have pretended to be me to commit the crime. I did not kill."

"Are you still arguing?"

The black uniformed man was full of anger, and took out a pile of documents and threw it in front of Lu Li, "This is the DNA test report! The hair found at the murder scene has the same DNA as you."

"I have indeed been to Zhao Zhongyu's house. I run business in a restaurant. I went to their house in the evening to contact the birthday banquet business. It's normal to lose some hair there!"

Lu Li looked helpless, "I have no grievances or grudges against Lao Zhao's family, how could I kill people for no reason?"

"For no reason?"

A cold stern flashed in the eyes of the black uniformed man, "We found a'sacrifice ritual' in your rental house. You are a cult lunatic, a beast who should go to hell!"

"I'm an Internet writer! Although I'm a street writer, I also need material for writing!"

Lu Li immediately thought that this "sacrifice ritual" must have been brought by the identity of "net writer".

To write, you must accumulate writing materials. It's normal to read a book that is babbling.

"Your sophistry is meaningless!"

The black uniformed man stared at Lu Li coldly, "We have always dealt with you beasts hard and fast. We found one and executed one. An hour later, I personally send you to hell!"

Putting away the information on the table, the man in black uniform stared at Lu Li a fiercely, and gritted his teeth: "Don't worry! I will let you die miserably!"

After speaking, the man in black uniform turned and walked out of the door.

The iron door slammed shut, leaving only Lu Li locked by the table in the closed room.

After an hour, why am I going to be executed?

Damn it! The process is wrong! Didn't go to the court, did not go through the trial procedures?

The corners of Lu Li's mouth twitched fiercely.

The shackles and handcuffs naturally couldn't lock Lu Li, and even this closed detention room couldn't hold Lu Li.

But... if I escape, I will definitely be wanted, right?

While being wanted by the state machinery, you have to find out the real culprit. Isn't this the usual plot of a US blockbuster?

Lu Li sighed again.

In one hour, I couldn't find any evidence to get rid of the crime, and I couldn't come up with anything to prove my innocence.

So... can we only escape in the end?

The start is a jailbreak plot, a bit pitted!

Lu Li sighed, his thoughts swelled, his wrists and ankles shook slightly, the shackles and handcuffs broke instantly, and they fell to the ground with a clang.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The alarm light in the room flashed red, and the stern alarm sounded.

So advanced? The alarm sounded as soon as the shackles were broken?

With a helpless expression on his face, Lu Li reached out his hand and grabbed the steel table in the room, and pulled the thick steel table out with a strong pull.

With keen hearing, Lu Li heard a series of footsteps outside.

It is conceivable that at the moment outside the door of the detention room, a team of special police with live ammunition is already blocking the door.

It's just...Who said I must go to the front door?

He dragged up the heavy and thick iron table, and blocked the door one by one, blocking the door tightly.

Lu Li turned to look at the camera installed in the corner of the detention room, grinning, "again, I didn't kill anyone!"

After speaking, Lu Li shook his body and flew up, kicking heavily on the wall on the left side of the detention room, infuriating, and huge power exploded violently.

With a loud "bang", the wall shook sharply.

The thick reinforced concrete wall was suddenly shattered by Lu Li, opening a big hole.

"This...Is this a human being?"

In the monitoring room outside the detention room, the policemen who saw this picture opened their eyes and mouths wide, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

It's just the basic use of infuriating energy, don't make a fuss!

Lu Li smiled, and casually tore off the bent steel bars at the opening of the hole, shaking the dust on his clothes, and stepping out of the opening.

Next to the detention room is a printing room.

At this moment, a young girl wearing a black police uniform skirt is holding a stack of printed documents and getting up to send it out.

Then... there was a bang, and the wall collapsed!

The girl in police uniform is already shocked! Is the construction quality of the police station so poor? Even the police station is a tofu project? Oh my god! How much money did the construction department hack?

In the next moment, a handsome man in a dark blue suit came out with a smile on his face after playing the dust on his elastic shirt.


Lu Li smiled and said hello, "Sorry, did you scare you?"


The girl in the police uniform was still a little confused, and habitually answered with Lu Li's smiling greeting.

"Just don't be scared!"

Lu Li smiled, waved to the police uniform girl, "Goodbye!"

With that, Lu Li straightened his clothes and walked out of the printing room.

"Attention to all units! Attention to all units! The suspect in the detention room escapes and intercepts immediately. Warning! The target is extremely dangerous! Once discovered, shoot immediately and kill it!"

The radio installed on the wall of the printing room rang.

The girl in the police uniform, who was holding the documents, looked at the big hole in the wall, and then at Lu Li who walked to the door. Her face turned pale, and the documents in her hand fell to the ground with a crash.

I... I'm a clerk! I don't have a gun!

The girl in the police uniform turned pale in shock. Is it so dangerous to be a clerk in a police station?

At this time, Lu Li, who had reached the door, stopped suddenly, turned and walked towards the clerk girl.


The clerk girl took a step back in fright, and she held on again, and said to Lu Li: "You can't escape, even if you take me hostage, it's useless."

"you misunderstood!"

Lu Li smiled and shook his head, and asked the clerk girl: "What floor is this?"

"Sixth floor!"

The clerk girl answered, and said to Lu Li: "Now the entire police station is sealed off. If you can't escape, surrender!"

"The sixth floor? It's just over ten meters high, right? Then it's okay!"

Lu Li nodded slightly, walked to the window of the printing room, reached out and opened the window.

" want to jump off the building?"

The clerk girl widened her eyes, "This is the sixth floor! You will die if you fall!"

"It's okay! I can't fall to death!"

Lu Li smiled at the clerk sister and waved his hand, "Goodbye this time!"

With that, Lu Li stepped on his feet, leaped up and rushed out of the window.


The clerk girl screamed, rushed to the window and stretched her head to look.

I saw Lu Lifei fall down and stepped on the air conditioner on the third floor. His figure jumped up and landed on a big camphor tree below. Then he jumped down from the camphor tree and landed firmly on the ground. .

"My God!"

The clerk girl's eyes widened, just unbelievable.

Lu Li patted his clothes, turned to look at the clerk girl at the window, waved, turned and rushed to the outside of the police station, and disappeared.

In the printing room, a group of police officers with guns rushed in.

"What about people?"

A police officer asked the clerk girl.


The clerk girl pointed to the window, "I jumped off the building and ran away!"

Everyone looked dull!

Kicked the concrete wall and jumped off the sixth floor and ran. What kind of monster did we catch?

When he was arrested, he didn't kill him. He was really lucky!

Afterwards, the middle-aged man with the face of Guozi who had interrogated Lu Li before also hurried to the printing room.

Looking at the big hole in the wall and the open window, the face of the middle-aged man with the Chinese character face was serious.

"Reiterate the confidentiality regulations! What I saw today is absolutely not allowed to be shared with anyone, understand?"

The man with the national character face looked at everyone with a serious face.

"Yes, Chief!"

Everyone quickly took orders.

Afterwards, the man with Guozilian hurriedly returned to the office, picked up a red phone, and dialed: "This is Jinshan Police Chief Xing Zhengkang, requesting to communicate with Shentu Army! Authorization code Jiashen 5043."

"The authorization code has been confirmed and is being transferred to the Shentu Army. Please wait."

After a while, the communication was connected, and a cold voice rang out from the other side: "The Huating Branch of the Shentu Army has been connected. Director Xing Zhengkang, what's the matter with you?"

"An extraordinary incident occurred in Jinshan Police Station!"

Director Xing Zhengkang said quickly: "A suspect escaped from the detention room at 9:35 this morning. The suspect broke his shackles, broke the walls of the detention room, and escaped from the sixth floor. We suspect that the suspect has extraordinary powers. "

"Roger that!"

The cold voice on the phone rang again, "We will send an agent to take over the case!"


Director Xing Zhengkang hung up the communication, took a long sigh, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

This guy named Lu Li is indeed a cult lunatic, and he is also a cult leader.

Otherwise, how could he, an ordinary salesman, suddenly possess such extraordinary power?

It must be a sacrifice! Killing Zhao Zhongyu's family is his sacrifice ceremony!

These cult beasts are all damned!


Lu Li was walking leisurely on the street.

After escaping from the police station, Lu Li immediately gave himself a disguise technique.

With Lu Li's current skills, he doesn't use cosmetics anymore. With a thought, he can control muscle changes, adjust his body shape, adjust his face, and easily change his appearance.

At this moment, Lu Li looked thin and pale, just like 996 blessings tortured excessive social animals.

At the beginning of the game, he was caught as a murderer, which made Lu Chengtou very unhappy.

This is obviously framed!

Someone stood against me and sneaked in and killed Zhao Zhongyu's family when I left Zhao Zhongyu's house.

So...who did it?

Who is this deliberately framed me?

As Lu Li walked, he watched the background information and analyzed the interpersonal relationship before crossing over.

The previous interpersonal relationship... seems normal, it is the ordinary life of ordinary Although there have been conflicts with colleagues and company leaders, how can they not make such a big disturbance? There is no such motive!

This is an A-level plot. There is extraordinary power in this world, and it is likely to be a terrifying and weird world similar to Mystery.

So... the murder of Zhao Zhongyu's family is probably related to extraordinary power?

If it is caused by extraordinary power, it is very troublesome.

Extraordinary killers don't need motives at all, and it is very likely that they will be killed just by encountering them.

Moreover, the police officer who interrogated me before also said about "cult lunatics." If it was done by a cult, the motive would be even simpler. The cult is completely anti-human. Does it need a reason to kill?

"Let’s go to Zhao Zhongyu’s house and see the scene first!"

Lu Li sighed, it was necessary to get rid of the murder suspect.

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