My Master is a Bug

Chapter 208: vip account

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Just when Guo Xing was looking for the 'people of the same path', he pointed to Fang Mu on the Tianshan Mountains, and he was inquiring about things on earth with his other two apprentices.

After a while, Fang Mu had a general understanding of the changes in the earth.

Today, the spiritual energy on Earth is still slowly recovering.

It's just that this speed is very slow, and it is still very difficult to rely on the meager spiritual energy on the earth to cultivate.

Therefore, the game of Canglang Realm is still very popular on Earth.

And Li Qingzhu, a cultivator who came out of Canglang Realm, has also become the most prosperous star on earth.

However, Li Qingzhu did not encounter the troubles of ordinary stars, because she would change her face.

When she didn't want to cultivate, she often went out to feel the prosperity of the earth.

Now that she has also learned to surf the Internet, she is no different from a native earthling.

This little girl often chats with people on the Internet, and can visit relevant departments from time to time, so she has collected a lot of information, at least more than the native Lin Kaixin.

When chatting with Fang Mu, Li Qingzhu was basically talking, and Lin Kaixin could only nod from the side.

Li Qingzhu's small mouth was not large, but his speech speed was not slow, and he quickly explained what he knew.

After Fang Mu listened to her story, he suddenly discovered a problem—Zao Xuan was gone!

With Zao Xuan's strength, he should have reached Earth long ago.

But until now, no one on earth has found Zao Xuan's figure.

'Could it be that this sword does not recognize its way? ’

Fang Mu pondered for a moment, and felt that the probability of Zao Xuan's accident was not high, and it was more likely that he was lost.

After all, Zao Xuan had been in Canglang Realm since he was born, and no one had ever traveled far.

He just muttered a few words silently, and put the matter in the back of his mind.

Just when he was about to end the chat, Lin Kaixin couldn't help but said, "Master, I have something to say!"

Fang Mu was still quite interested in this troublesome little expert.

He smiled and said, "Tell me."

Lin Kaixin continued: "The cave I entered when I was enchanted before is now beginning to spill out the demonic energy again.

The relevant departments did not dare to send people down, but tried to seal the cave.

But recently, the demonic energy over there seems to have broken through the ban..."

This is the second time Fang Mu has heard him mention that cave.

He still remembered that the devil pulled out from Lin Kaixin's body last time was different from what he had seen before.

Originally, he planned to let Zao Xuan go there to see for him.

But Zao Xuan disappeared, and the matter was delayed.

Unexpectedly, Lin Kaixin brought this up again.

'Would you like to go to Earth for this matter...'

Fang Mu thought about it for a while, but gave up the plan.

Although the devil last time was special, his strength was not that great.

He didn't want to make a trip to Earth because of such a weak devil.

After all, he is very busy now.

Fang Mu said lightly: "Let's put this matter aside for a while, maybe Zaoxuan will be able to find his way after a while."

When Lin Kaixin heard this, he could only helplessly nodded.

Seeing that the two of them had nothing to say, Fang Mu waved them back to Earth.

In the next few days, Fang Mu did not leave Canglang Realm, but played with his own medicine garden.

He always felt that his portable medicine garden was a bit special.

The means of turning the fictitious into the real was quite inspiring to him.

He vaguely felt that this method might come in handy.

It's just that the cultivation of the immortals is quite different from spiritual cultivation, and Fang Mu's research is quite difficult.

For several days, he couldn't figure out how his portable medicine garden converted the space in the storage ring into that special soil.

In the gap of research, he introduced the mental fluctuations sent by Guo Xing into a new resurrection point.

Fang Mu didn't pay much attention to this matter.

After he introduced mental fluctuations into the resurrection point, he continued to study the law of the transformation between virtual and real.

However, there was a frenzy on Earth.

On the homepage of Huancang Technology, a line of eye-catching propaganda appeared - Canglang Realm is about to launch a VIP account!

A simple line of words attracted hundreds of millions of clicks in just one hour.

For a time, the discussion about the VIP account of Canglang Realm instantly occupied the hot search position on major platforms.

That kind of ordinary Canglang Realm game helmets are already very popular, and people are scrambling for it.

Now a safer, easier to practice account has been created, which immediately sparked a frenzied discussion among netizens across the country.

As for the side effect marked in red, it was ignored by most people.

It just needs to adjust the mentality, which is not a problem.

Those wealthy and wealthy people are all gearing up, waiting for the advent of this VIP helmet.

This time, the official efficiency is unusually high.

Just two days later, the first batch of vip1 accounts started the national auction.

The total number of the first batch of accounts is 1,000, and the reserve price of each account is 100 million!

As soon as this price appeared, it immediately caused a wave of abuse on the Internet.

Most of those little rich people who are gearing up for it are dumbfounded.

The price of 100 million has discouraged most of the small rich people in China.

Almost everyone thinks that the reserve price of 100 million will inevitably lead to unsold auctions.

But only half a day later, those little rich people who were waiting for the auction to pass in their hearts, found in a look of astonishment that all the accounts were bidding.

And over time, auction prices have gotten higher and higher.

The most exaggerated account soared to 300 million in just two days!

"This is a level 1 VIP account, which is too exaggerated!"

"Where did those rich people come from! And let no one live!"

"These **** are crazy, I have already paid 130 million, and they have been squeezed out!"


Those little rich people who could only take a picture of an account, shouted and cursed one after another.

And ordinary netizens began to eat melon mode.

The popularity of topics related to VIP accounts has continued to rise as the auction price continues to rise.

It was not until the third day, when the auction ended, that the popularity of this event finally reached its peak.

But the price of the VIP account has not been fixed because of this.

Because from the fourth day, videos of various tests have flowed out one after another.

The cultivation speed of the VIP account far surpassed the ordinary suddenly blinded everyone's eyes.

There was an internet celebrity big V who was not afraid of death, and even used the teleportation array to teleport to other realms, and specially found a monk to test the security of this account.

Just a few hours after the test video was released, the number of views exceeded 100 million.

All the ordinary players who saw these test videos were a little restless.

Amid all kinds of envy and jealousy, the call for VIP accounts to participate in the lottery has also begun to grow louder.

Two days later, the official actually complied with this call and took out a thousand accounts to participate in the lottery.

Although this move still did not suppress the continuously rising price of VIP accounts, the emotions of ordinary people had a vent.

Those netizens who have nowhere to release their enthusiasm have participated in the lottery.