My Master is a Bug

Chapter 253: what is a fairy

Canglang Realm refers to the Tianshan Mountains.

Guo Xing is waiting anxiously.

Beside him is Lu Zhengye with a dignified expression.

In the past two days, relevant departments have collected a lot of information about that fairy light through those VIP players.

And every time a message is sent back, a shadow is shrouded in the heads of the relevant departments.

The prestige of the immortals made everyone gasp for breath.

After the two stood on the top of the mountain for a while, Lu Zhengye took the lead and said:

"There is another news from the depths of the realm, that fairy light has passed through the Nether God Realm.

It won't be long before he reaches the Canglang Realm. "

"So fast?" Guo Xing was slightly taken aback.

"It's not too soon. It's been two days since we got the news."

After Lu Zhengye explained a sentence, he couldn't help but ask: "When will the devil come back?"

'You ask me, I ask who to go. ’

Guo Xing rolled his eyes: "I don't know."

Lu Zhengye also knew that Guo Xing could not give him the answer to this question, but he was still a little unwilling.

After being silent for a while, he asked again: "Demon Lord, can you really compete with that human fairy?"

In fact, Chen Qianjie had sworn that before he left, as long as he could bring his master back, that immortal would definitely not be able to penetrate the Canglang Realm.

However, as the news about the immortal light continued to gather, the balance of strength seemed to be gradually tilting toward the immortals.

Now even the relevant departments feel that even if Fang Mu can come back in time, he may not be able to stop the immortal.

Guo Xing always scoffed at this judgment.

Because Chen Qianjie had secretly told him before he left that Fang Mu had already killed a peak immortal.

However, Guo Xing did not intend to speak out about this matter.

This is not his bad taste, but he does not want the news to reach the fairy's ears.

Guo Xing glanced at Lu Zhengye and said angrily:

"If I say that my master can't beat that immortal, what are you going to do?

Are you going to tie me, the great disciple who pointed to the Tianshan Mountains, and give it to that immortal as a gift? "

Lu Zhengye shook his head without hesitation and said, "How is that possible!

Those immortals are old antiques from the last era. Do you think they will accept a government that suddenly pops up? "

Guo Xing thought for a while and said, "Not necessarily, after all, those immortals might still be our ancestors.

Moreover, according to some myths and legends, gods and mortals are not in the same world and do not interfere with each other.

Maybe the returning immortals will acquiesce to the existence of the Earth Government? "

Lu Zhengye took a deep look at Guo Xing, wanting to see if he was serious or joking.

Unfortunately, with the continuous improvement of Guo Xing's strength, the subtle control of his body has become stronger and stronger.

Lu Zhengye didn't see anything useful after looking at it for a long time.

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Guo Xing asked again: "Why, this question is difficult to answer?

Or, the Earth government has decided to sacrifice us to refer to the Tianshan Mountains at a critical moment? "

Seeing Guo Xing's question getting more and more acute, Lu Zhengye couldn't keep silent any longer.

However, he did not answer this question directly, but instead asked: "What do you think immortals look like?"

This sentence has no beginning or end, making Guo Xing a little confused.

He could only follow Lu Zhengye's words: "Like what?"

Lu Zhengye spit out a word with a solemn expression: "Cancer!"


Guo Xing was completely confused.

Just when he thought that Lu Zhengye was amusing himself, Lu Zhengye continued:

"If you compare the universe to a living being.

Then the immortal is the cancer of heaven and earth.

One of the most obvious things they have in common with cancer cells is that they **** up their hosts in pursuit of individual immortality.

It was not until the dead host was eaten by other beasts that they suddenly realized that they could not survive in other hosts at all!

If those immortals are allowed to re-occupy this piece of heaven and earth, those of us who are not even cells, the outcome can be imagined. "

This is the first time Guo Xing has heard such a statement.

He thought about it for a moment, and felt that this metaphor was quite vivid.

The unrestrained demands of those cultivators have devastated the world enough.

However, according to this statement, these earthlings who are trying to take advantage of the situation seem to be hidden cancer cells.

And his bug master seems to be no different from those immortals.

Thinking of this, Guo Xing couldn't help but ask, "According to your argument, my master also has cancer?"

Lu Zhengye shook his head and said, "Maybe, but I am more inclined to think that he should be a bacteria."


Guo Xing repeated these two words several times, and suddenly grinned:

"If I told my master this metaphor, how would you say he would react?"

The corner of Lu Zhengye's mouth twitched violently.

He pretended not to hear this sentence and continued: "You should know that there are hundreds of thousands of bacteria in the human body.

These different types of bacteria and viruses check and balance each other, but they balance each other, forming a huge ecological circle in the human body.

Some of these bacteria can even help us digest and aid our thinking.

This bacteria is actually good for us.

Because of this, human beings can But once this balance is broken, it will be a disaster for mankind. "

It is nothing new to compare people to heaven and earth.

This theory sounds like there is some truth to it.

But Guo Xing was still not convinced.

He touched his chin and said, "These are all your imaginations..."

Lu Zhengye waved his hand and interrupted Guo Xing's follow-up questioning, explaining:

"Although there is no direct evidence for what I said, it is not my assumption.

There are a group of people in the relevant departments who are specialized in collecting various kinds of information.

Now they have collected a lot of information in this realm.

According to the information we have, before the last universe collapsed, there were countless schools of cultivation.

They are checks and balances against each other.

This balance was not broken until those immortals appeared.

It was also after the extinction of each genre that the world gradually declined.

And all of these are inseparable from the immortals who once ruled the world for an entire era. "

Guo Xing pondered for a while, and held back the follow-up questioning.

Lu Zhengye's remarks are enough to express his position.

And he does know that the relevant departments are trying to restore those ancient genres.

According to Lu Zhengye, they are obviously trying to restore the diversity of genres.

However, the current Earth is still too weak.

Once the immortals return at this time, humans will have no ability to resist.

"I hope Canglang Realm can stop those immortals..."

Similar thoughts appeared in the minds of Guo Xing and Lu Zhengye at the same time.

As if in response to the two of them, a white light suddenly enveloped the entire sky.